Losing weight tips for men

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Avatar f tn Eat well ( organic helps-- look for healthy recipes, they don't have to taste bad to be healthy!) Exercise often (at least 3 times a week) Drink lots of water Treat yourself occasionally Research (I recommend the documentaries Clean, Sugar and Food INc as they provide insight into the food industry) Find a community ( this helps encourage/ support and motivate) Don't think of it as weight loss, think of it as a lifestyle change (this will help you get healthy and maintain any changes!
Avatar m tn When I was going to college, I took a workout class that was actually ROTCs pt class. The group encouragement was amazing!! Try looking into group classes offered by your gym or get a friend with similar goals. The buddy system is such a motivatior. Good luck!
Avatar f tn They should be able to set and appropriate goal weight for you, and give you some tips on losing some weight. Never try starving yourself or making yourself throw up. You are wonderfully made. Keep going. You can do it.
Avatar n tn A good dietary regime and exercises all will be helpful in losing weight. Losing weight in a healthy way is important for maintaining the glow of your skin. Eat lots of fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, fruits and consume less of potato, sweetened and processed foods. Start your day by drinking lemon juice in warm water. Have fruits with lots of vitamin C in breakfast that will help you cut fats as vitamin C is a fat burner. Exercise daily for 30-40 minutes like walking or aerobic exercise.
1149046 tn?1264361586 Can you please tell us your height, current weight, activity level, etc are? Do you really need to lose weight or do you just need to tone muscles? I've read that it IS harder for women to lose weight than it is for men, but I'm sure that's not an "across the board" determination. I did try Mega-T Green Tea with Hoodia --- it did nothing for me......
Avatar f tn There is a woman on here, Barb135, she started a weight loss challenge for 2015. We are challenging ourselves to lose at least 1lb a week, she is super helpful and gives so many tips. I need to lose 50lbs still but overall have lost 10. What is working for me is keeping a food diary and tracking my calorie intake on here. My calorie limit is 1200 a day or 1300 max. With that, I walk if in outside just around my house.
Avatar f tn I am over wight and shouldnt be gaining much weight. I gain 17 kg in few month for 3 years ago and still havent lost that. I am planning to lose wight after the baby(in a healty way)..but thats why I dont want to gain much now. Any tips of what kind of food I should stay away from now? Or another healty alteretiv? And I am soon 19 weeks.
Avatar f tn Lots of kissing and holding can get both of you in the mood,There are plenty of tips on the internet for you to try.All the best.
Avatar f tn I cannot exercise a whole lot do to a medical condition where I suffer from daily headaches and pressure in my head. Losing weight will actually help this condition. Besides my overall health, this is why it is so important that I lose weight. I have lost weight in the past, but always seem to gain it back. I think that I was not eating enough calories. i was staying at about 1000 a day. I lost 70 pounds, but gained it all back plus a lot more.
10286987 tn?1410261849 how do i loose weight. im 14, 5'3" and i weigh 200 lbs. i've been on birth control for almost 2 years and my family's weight is right around 110-130 lbs. what is a good diet or exercise plan or what may be the problem?
Avatar f tn After my mom passed i went from a decent weight for my height 180 to 240lbs. I am very weight proportioned but let myself go after her passing. I really want to get back down to that weight! Hopefully breastfeeding will knock me a little closer to my weight goal.
Avatar f tn d have gained most of my weight after back surgery and then retiring ,7 years ago. But I have been trying but have had problems losing the weight,I had gained about 28 lbs, my height is 5in. I recently got really determined and lost 10 lbs and needing to lose another 20 lbs! I workout 3-5 times a week,usually dvds ,Rocking Body by Shaun T,turbo jam or biggest losers walk .if the weather permits I also walk outside. My body frame is pear shaped,my weight goes directly to my hips and rump !
1519805 tn?1291058650 I'm 18 yrs old & I've always been a chubby chick but my weight is increasing ridicioulsly. I'm really up for losing weight but its just so hard for me I've tried so many things & don't really see results so I give up. I want to go to a dietician or a fat camp I don't care I jus want to loose weight. Please help me!
Avatar f tn The best, healthy way to lose weight is to eat about 4 or 5 small meals a day and to exercise daily, switching between cardio and resistance training. Also try to cut out soda and drink lots of water instead. Healthy weight loss should only consist of losing a couple pounds or less a week in order to keep it off long term.
Avatar f tn s a bit excessive amount to lose in just one month. You should only be losing up to 10 lbs a month to stay healthy. Figuring out a target weight and date, and a moderate excericise program is what will help you shed punds without killing yourself. Try the DietDiary app!
Avatar f tn Anyone have any good tips and or experiences for losing the pregnancy weight after giving birth?
5147790 tn?1364304489 t that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance or PCOS, all of which can cause weight gain and/or make losing next to impossible. Good luck and keep posting.