
Letrozole during cycle

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1190279 tn?1324936257 In my case I opted for clomid/iui because of the costs of letrozole. This last cycle I was successful with a combo of clomid/injectibles/iui. Hang in there and good luck!!
6889053 tn?1386025503 So, I took birth control for a month and a half to allow it to shrink. I then started Letrozole this cycle. I would go with what your doctor says. From my understanding, the Letrozole will help you to produce follicles, where Metformin helps to regulate insulin, which in turn helps you to ovulate. Taking the Letrozole may be good, because you need follicles.
Avatar f tn Anyone get pregnant using femara/letrozole after being given unexplained infertility diagnosis? How many months did you take it before you got your positive? Me: 28 Hubby: 30 Sperms analysis perfect, laparoscopy perfect, all tests for ovulation and ultrasounds looked perfect. Trying since 2012 no pregnancy yet This is my 2nd cycle on femara, next ovulation expected on 1/14. If 3rd cycle not successful, will do iui with femara anyone else done this and got pregnant? ?
1204794 tn?1300704113 Doc says to test fromday 12 to day 14 but I had tested as soon as I stopped menstruating and tested till I got a positive LH surge. The 1st cycle of letrozole I surged on day 16 and the second I surged on day 13. It take a couple of cycles for it to regulate yourself. I also track my BBT and I had a drop of 1.1* on day 12. Which also indicates that I should ovulate. Since I haven't gotten PG yet I am having a sonogram to check my folicle size on Day 12.
Avatar f tn I have been on letrozole for 5 months now and nothing.I had a miscarriage in march and have been taking this since march.The only side effects I have had are hot flashes in the beginning but I do get stabbing headaches occasionally.Has anyone else had to go from letrozole to something else that helped get them pregnant.
Avatar n tn I finally broke down after 26 mo of TTC, 8 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs and trigger shots and went to the RE for advice. After AF shows in 2 weeks or so - we will start on letrozole with CD3 blood work and U/S and then do another IUI. If that is unsuccessful - we will do IVF. Has anyone done letrozole vs clomid? side affects? BFPs?
Avatar f tn I am 31 and on my first IUI cycle, after TTC for 3 years. My Dr. did not want to put me on clomid so instead I was on Ferma/Letrozole plus FSH injections. Maybe ask your DR. about going on this instead. I have had no side effects so far from the drugs, and the lining and follicles were all great, so I was told. I am now just on the 2ww now hoping this could be the month. Good Luck and LOTS of Baby Dust!!
6889053 tn?1386025503 I am not over weight at all, but I could exercise more than I already am. I've used Comid a few times about 7 yrs ago, and it overstimulated my ovaries so I had to stop. My Dr. said she said like to start me on Letrozole in the middle of this month if my cycle doesn't start before then. Do you know of any women with my condition who became pregnant on this medication? I also take multivitamins and changed my diet, and juice fresh fruits and veggies when I can.
Avatar f tn I only had one mature follicle, but I got pregnant my second cycle on it. But I also did IUI that cycle. But we had been trying for 6 years, and had tried injectibles, clomid, and several other things. SO I really believe that the letrozole was a major contributing factor in us conceiving.
Avatar f tn On my day 2 here. Starting Letrozole tomorrow. Hopefully this will work after 10 cycles of failed aclomid plus one iui.
Avatar m tn Up until this month during my Follicle check, I was told that the cycle was not as successful as the others. My RE prescribed me Menopur and took 2 vials the following day = 150ml. After taking the Menopur, I was asked to get labs done a day later. My FSH 6.2, my LH 11.3, and Progesterone 0.5. I'm waiting on my Estradiol results. Can someone please tell me these mean and what they should be during each cycle?
519935 tn?1216151210 I took Letrozole and I went in for an ultra sound (in May, this month) on cycle day 12. Doctor found 4 big follicles and gave me ovidrel shot to time ovulation and intercourse. Would this be sufficient to assume I am indeed ovulating? I got my period this past weekend. This month/cycle, my husband suggested to try naturally without Letrozole and ovidrel as he thinks my body has endured lot of medications along with one surgery in the past year. It did help reading about your case.
Avatar f tn I also suffer from PCOS. I am on second cycle now and had my Menstrual Cycle was on CD27 with pre-menstrual discharge on CD26. It lasted for 4days only , so how do i get to know if I actually ovulated or not ? I had used OPKs on CD 10 and CD11 both in the evenings but got very faint line so cant even depend on that to know what happening in my body?
Avatar n tn Last week, I had Laparoscopy surgery for my endometriosis (which resulted in stage 1). My doctor is prescribing Letrozole, everyday for 2 months, to clean up any endometriosis that may have been missed during surgery. After the 2 months, I would take 1 Letrozole for 5 days to promote ovulation. Any suggestions? Right path? Or is the only option I have is another IVF? Thank you...
Avatar f tn I'm having around 31 day cycle and I'm of age 30 . I have been on letrozole 2.5mg in my last cycle( first time) CD 3-7 . My OB suggested to have intercourse on CD 13-17, but when I checked with OPK , it showed negative from CD 13-20 . could anyone tell me if I could have ovulated earlier than CD 13 or is there any chance that I could ovulate anyday from CD 21-24 or so . Could anyone please help me with this.
1626928 tn?1378850167 I recently switched doctors and am getting ready to start my first cycle of femara. I am taking 2.5mg two times a day of femara/letrozole and 1500mg a day metformin. I am curious about side effects, advice, success stories, etc. I am anxious and have been TTC for 3 years total, 2 with a doctors assistance. THANK YOU in advance.
Avatar f tn The REs know these drugs well and can tailor your treatment even during the course of the cycle. The clomid and letrozole just kick start the follies into action but the injectibles really keep them growing. Best of luck!!
Avatar f tn What is a good way to thicken the uterine lining. My lining my last two cycles have been 7mm then 5mm. I was on clomid both times, and my RE has switched me to Letrozole. I'm going on vacation this month so won't start a cycle till October. I heard baby aspirin will help, but not sure if this is safe.
Avatar n tn Heyy ladies, anyone that took clomid before can help me, its my first cycle and i am hoping to get pregnant
Avatar f tn My period started Thursday 7/23 and I took Letrozole days 3-7. I have now finished Letrozole and am still bleeding on day 8 and I have a baseline ultrasound on Monday 8/3 to check my follicles to see if I am good to take ovidrel. So my questing is, is it pointless to go to the appointment if I'm still bleeding. Is this cycle going to be pointless???
691236 tn?1311199974 I did 2 rounds of Clomid and this cycle I switched over to Femara (exact same thing as letrozole). I didn't have the mood swings this cycle. Also it doesn't have the side effects that Clomid does of drying up CM and thining your lining. So far I am just as pleased with it as Clomid. I'm 10DPO, so we'll be finding out soon enough if it did the trick.
1773487 tn?1331540488 Has anyone ever used Letrozole? Was it beneficial? Did you get a BFP? Any side effects?
1057389 tn?1325465587 I am on my third treatment cycle of letrozole and the last cycle I mistook the break through bleeding as implantation bleeding, which occurred on 6 nonconsecutive days after I ovulated. This is so hard on the heart?!! I hope that this is your month to get pregnant! If any of you are wanting to use letrozole they have a free 30-day trial This saved me about $330 of infertility treatment.