Kidney stones causes green tea

Common Questions and Answers about Kidney stones causes green tea


Avatar f tn Factors that can cause urinary blood, known medically as hematuria, range from strenuous exercise, urinary tract infections and an enlarged prostate to kidney or bladder stones, kidney disease, and, occasionally, kidney cancer or bladder cancer. * Foods. Beets, blackberries and mom's rhubarb pie can turn urine red or pink. * Medications. Certain laxatives — Ex-lax is an example — can cause red urine.
Avatar m tn A recent article in our local paper has a dietician recommending a diet for minimizing the formation of kidney stones that is the exact opposite of what the diet my urologist has me on. His diet is based on what seemed logical: low calcium and low oxalates to prevent the combination of the two to form a stone in the kidney.
Avatar m tn I heard that both juices were supposed to be good, but that orange juice was actually the better of the two. But lemonaid was what the dr. recommended. After a year on the kidney stone anti-diet, I had more kidney stones. Told the dr. I had not had any tea, chocolate, collard greens, salad, almonds, beets, etc, etc, drank a gallon of water a day along with the lemonaid. What else could I do, doc.? He said, "We really don't know what causes kidney stones to form.
Avatar f tn i am used to the pain and can deal with it, what scares me is the kidney pain. normally i dont get kidney pain with the stones. i had to have only one stone removed surgically, it was stuck in the lining of my urethra, total pain on that episode before and after! Does anyone have any knowledge on preventing calcium oxalate stones that i havent tried already? i cant take diuretics because of a sulfa allergy, the potassium citrate does nothing, and i have slowed down on tea and cheese.
1226479 tn?1267205690 In your case as kidney stones are present, so these definitely need evaluation as nephrolithiasis or kidney stones are known to cause hematuria. Moreover it can cause further complications. My sincere advice would be to consult a urologist. I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.
82861 tn?1333453911 They can become elevated if there is a urinary tract infection, a kidney infection or a prostate infection, or the elevations can be caused by damage to the kidney (either kidney disease or kidney failure). A urinalysis with a microalbuminuria test will determine if it is an infection or kidney failute. Lyme disease can commonly effect the kidneys also causing kidney failure. So if it has not been performed yet I would have your dog's urine tested and perform a lyme disease test.
Avatar f tn The doctor prescribed my mom to much calcium when she was pregnant with me and it gave her kidney stones and pretty much killed my left kidney. Well I know your not suppose to have caffeine that it effects the one kidney I have. And I also found out recently I'm 7 weeks pregnant and doctor said I really need to watch my sugar and caffeine intake. But my problem is.. I'm addicted to caffeine. Its so hard for me to get away from it. I need help and I need ADVICE on how to stop.
Avatar n tn What would the probable main cause of Kidney stones in a 50 Year old female, considered to be in general good health? What treatment should be considered once the stones are gone?
Avatar n tn Change your diet around no black tea black coffee soda or too much bread.. these contain oxylates which is what forms stones in your body I switched to green tea m( more caffeine than coffee and hydrated you and is safe!) up your water too. If pain gets too bad rotate ice and heat 20 min at a Rome each and keep rotating I’m also a massage therapist and this is he best way to relax your muscles around that area or soak in a epsom salt bath too.. hope this helps anyone still reading the thread!
11020738 tn?1414617945 Sorrrryy probably TMI. But I'm 26 weeks today, I stopped getting morning sickness on a regular basis about a month ago and only throw up randomly now. Which I'm convinced has to do with my kidneys (I thought I had a stone that wasn't passing) I went to the urgent care and they wouldn't check or do an ultrasound or anything to check for stones because it was "unsafe" so instead they just gave me hydro's for the pain (wtf, is that safer?!
Avatar n tn green tea is very healthy, but you cannot over do it. maybe a cup every other morning. drinking green tea every single day causes headaches, and what you've been experiencing. cut down to maybe half a cup a day.
Avatar f tn How unusual is it for the stones to be in this meaty part of my kidney and since they are still in my kidney aren’t they just going to continue to grow larger? Are these stones causing damage to my kidneys? They don’t seem to be causing any blockages based on the ultrasounds that have been done, but I still have had frequent flank pain and blood visible in my urine prior to the surgery. Is there any hope that I will be able to be stone free and prevent more stones?
Avatar n tn Ive read that longterm use (6 months or more) can cause conditions such as poor kidney function, kidney stones, inflamed intestines, poor functioning intestines. Now im worried that this is my problem with the ache i have. So my question is, if i stop using the senna tea for good, will these conditons go away? Or have I caused an irreversable problem with my kidneys and intestines? And if this problem will dissipate over time from not using the tea anyomore how long will it take?
Avatar f tn My father has kidney stones in both kidneys. He has undergone both laser surgery as well as actual removal surgery to take care of the bulk of them. As of his last ultrasounds/x-rays, there are still stones present, but they have not been causing any problems. As of yesterday, he has been presenting with blood in the urine. Is it likely that the stones could be causing this blood, even without pain?
Avatar f tn Teas like that are generally not good for you anyways. Tea is actually worse then pop for causing kidney stones. My husband had 2 kidney stones and the hospital stressed more about the tea then the pop to him. Also, tea that isn't either chamomile or peppermint are irritants to the bladder.
Avatar m tn If you are referring to Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) , a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, this is used to treat enlarged prostate BPH that is causing obstruction. Kidney and bladder stones are usually removed through lithotrpsy or litholaplaxy, It is best that you discuss this with your attending physician also for proper management. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn I have had kidney stones since 2001. Currently (as of May 1) I have had a 15 mm and a 10 mm (as well as several of their babies) in my kidney. I have been scheduled for a systoscopy but when I went for my pre-op, I had extremely (dangerous) high blood pressure. I have never had this high blood pressure in my life (even when I went to the emergency room for kidney stone attacks).
Avatar f tn Urologist know what really causes calcium stones but if they told you they would lose 85 % of their business. So i am going to tell you. I've had stones for years and changed my diet and changed lifestyle to no success. I Started documenting when the bouts would begin. After 2 laser surgeries to break stones up (which is straight agony) I have finally found that your drinking water, REPEAT your drinking water is the cause of Calcium stones.
Avatar m tn I was born with a condition that causes my body to create kidney stones. I have been to the emergency room 4 or 5 times in the past 18 years for the large stones, small ones pass ok. My first stone caused bleeding and severe back pain also with pain in the lower abdomen area along with hot/cold flashes and vomiting. It may feel like someone is squeezing your kidney while at the same time stabbing it with an ice pick. I first though it was my appendix. I was wrong. Water, water, water.
Avatar n tn has anyone else experienced a kidney infection/ stones during pregnancy ... what did u do for the pain .... all my doc told me was heat but my god is this miserable .. last time I passed a stone they dopped me up on pain meds which is obviously not an option this time ... please help me !! ...
Avatar n tn I wonder if you have a propensity to make oxalate containing kidney stones as tea has a high concentration of oxalate. If you were passing small stones (some use the term, "gravel') you might have symptoms similar to a urinary tract infection and even blood in your urine. The urine culture would be negative. There is oxalate in leafy vegetables, chocolate, and cranberry juice to name a few. An internet search will give you a more complete list. S.A.Liroff, M.D.
Avatar n tn calcium oxalate stones, struvite stones, uric acid stones or cystine stones. Potassium citrate is used for the treatment of stones. Treatment modes include oral medicines, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithrotripsy (ESWL), uteroscopic stone removal and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Please discuss these treatment options with your urologist. Also take less calcium and oxalate rich foods and supplements like dairy products, colas, chocolate, peanuts, leafy vegetables, and tea. I hope it helps.
Avatar f tn Hi all, I'm hoping some of you may have some advice or insight for me. Im a 32 yo otherwise healthy woman with a history of kidney stones, kidney infections and uti's. Ive had stones since the age of 18 and up until about 4 years ago i would only get them once or twice a year and they were always small enough to pass. At 28 i had my first stone that needed lithotripsy. Since then they've become much more frequent. This last 10 mos it has been at its absolute worst though.
18533109 tn?1465640552 t say that urine infection can be cause of kidney stone however it may be possible that urine can be causes of kidney disease bt not kidney stones
Avatar m tn First off, many of the herbs and supplements suggested for kidney stones, at best, may aid in urine flow to some degree, but there is no plant or vitamin that can MELT kidney stones, because all stones are made with varying amounts of CALCIUM, which cannot be dissolved without risking losing other things made of calcium such as bones and teeth! Only Uric acid stones have the least amount of calcium content and therefore CAN be reduced in size through medication.
Avatar n tn The character ,location and timing of the pain is necessary to give us an idea of the cause. Problems concerning the urinary tract like kidney stones, stones in the ureters ( tubes where the urine flows),bladder stones and infections may cause referred pain to nearby structures.Nerve related causes such as nerve compression may cause a burning shooting pain and may be associated with tingling sensation or numbness.