Jaw pain after a root canal

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain after a root canal


Avatar f tn Hi, three weeks ago I had an onlay put on a molar. I was not having any trouble with my tooth but the new dentist that I went to said that my amalgam filling had leaking margins and decay under the filling so we needed to do an onlay to prevent a root canal and crown later. She did the onlay and since that time I have had toothaches (throbbing) unless I take Ibuprofin 800mg every 6-8 hours. I have avoided eating on that side of my mouth.
Avatar f tn I failed to mention that when I touch the tooth accidently with my fork or spoon.. it feels like im chewing on tinfoil.. like that sharp pain on your fillings. As for the pain: it always hurts.. its a throbbing pain.
Avatar n tn ~~~why does my lower jaw still hurt after a root canal on my wisdom tooth. do you think it from the shots or just normal swelling from root canal it only hurts when i yawn or when i touch the outside of my lower left side of my jaw.its been 5 days after the root canal.~~~~~pls help This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/421712'>jaw pain</a>.
Avatar n tn Then had root canal done, stopped my antibiotics for a couple days after the root canal because the pain went away. Now I have a dull ache in my jawbone and my ear that comes and goes. It doesn't hurt, I just feel something there. I know I don't have an infection. Is it safe to put the crown on now?
Avatar n tn I had a root canal a few months ago. now i have pain above the tooth which radiates to my ear and lower jaw. I tried antibiotics but the pain is still there. Do you recommend extraction now?
Avatar f tn Knowing what to expect while having a root canal can help ease a lot of anxiety.
Avatar f tn I told the dentist about my pain and he said I might need a root canal so he prescribed me some pain meds and antibiotics if the pain continues. After my crown replacement appointment I was very numb and hours later once it wore off I was again in serious achy pains so I took the medications. It has now been almost a week and I have been in this same pain every day (constantly on the medicines). This may or may not be related but I was given a different type of shot than I am used to.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/1056951'>root canal</a> was started.
Avatar n tn ve reduced the height of the tooth to prevent pain after the initial therapy of a root canal. Its the most common reason for pain after the start of a root canal. The needles you refer to are endodontic files and are used to remove tissue in the canal and to shape it for a filling material. These files remove the infected tissue so if he's using them, it should be doing the job of removing the badly infected tissue.
Avatar n tn I had pain radiating back to my jaw, and a headache. This all came about AFTER the root canal, because I had been feeling pretty good. I'm on my second round of antibiotics, and my dentist tried to tell me my pain was coming from the adjacent tooth, which also had a filling that had fallen out. I went to an endodontist for a second opinion.
Avatar n tn I've had a root canal and the pain from that procedure has subsided. However, since the surgery I have had pain in my lower jaw, when I swallow, and it is painfull to open my mouth while attempting to eat. This pain hasn't gotten better or worse. It is subdued with a steady dose of Advil every 8 hours I have been to the doctors, and precribed anitbiotics, and after 3 days nothing seems to be working. Not even a slight improvment in my pain. Should I be concerned.
Avatar n tn t seem like long enough time for the pain to subside before the decision to do an apicoectomy is made, in my opinion. I had severe pain after a root canal on a lower back molar that lasted for two full weeks then subsided SLOWLY after that. One year follow up x-ray shows perfect healing since then. But then, I've also had root canals that had almost no pain afterward. Every tooth responds differently. Have you had the tooth filled and crowned yet?
Avatar n tn weeks after the root canal i still experienced pain in the jaw line around the tooth. went back for a second root canal. weeks later still pain. they though it might possible be a crack in the root. so I had the tooth extracted. week later, STILL pain in the jaw line around the extracted tooth and now in my jaw joint. I now think it must be an infection in my jaw bone from the original root canal.
Avatar n tn The other two possibilities is that the crown is loose or in fact you do need a root canal. I would give it some more time, but if the pain persists or gets worse I would pay a visit to the dentist. There has to be a point that you can bite on this tooth in normal function.
Avatar f tn In December of 2009, I went for a cleaning and the dentist suggested getting a crown on a tooth with a large filling. He stated that there was no need for a Root Canal. After the procedure, I continued having pain and ended up having to have a root canal. One month later, I was back in the office with severe pain. After many visits with no resolution. My jaw swelled up and I had to have the tooth removed. This required me to get a bridge.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/499720'>Jaw pain and pain when opening my mouth</a> was started.
Avatar n tn Unfortunately, my dentist was unable to determine whether the root canal was actually needed.... she said it might work, might not. So when the endodontists in my area weren't taking new patients, I went back and asked if any other options existed - that was the decision to replace the old filling. Because it still wasn't clear whether I actually needed a root canal, I didn't want to be a hysterical patient and get one "just because.
Avatar n tn I do know that when he was doing the root canal that my jaw would pop everytime I would close my mouth. The other pain (other than the root area) seems to be located in my jaw joint and radiates to my head, ear, and neck on the left side. I don't know what else to do.
Avatar n tn And one more thing, a retreatment of a root canal does take longer to heal than a first time root canal. Also, if there was a perforation when doing the root canal, you will experience more pain simply for that reason. It is your general dentist's job, however, to fix any crown issues. The endodontist does not perform restorative work and it is the dentist's job to fix the crown if it is seated too high. Sounds to me like the general is just bouncing you around.
Avatar f tn One week after a root canal and a dose of antibotics, it's 2 days before Christmas and everytime I bite down I get a sharp shooting pain in my ear and up my jaw. But only if I chew on that side. Several months ago my dentist put on a crown and it continued to hurt so last week he drilled thru the crown. The bite does not feel off. Could there be an infection in the bone that is causing this pain because I waited so long for the root canal? Thanks so much!
Avatar n tn I had a root canal done almost a month back and at that time there was pain but not too bad and within a week the pain was gone. But now after almost a month the entire jaw where the root canal was done is hurting and it seems to be accompanied with some pain in the temple on that side of the head and pain in the ear too. So I was wondering is this is normal? Another question that I had was how long can I go before I I absolutely need to cap the tooth with a crown?
Avatar m tn He adjusted it again and yet again, but the pain was throbbing and terrible. Finally I opted for the dreaded root canal. He did that. The pain did not go away! He told me he would repeat the root canal, IF I WANTED HIM TO (now, how would I know what was best ??). I should have known then that I was in for more trouble, but well,..he was the dentist. The upshot of it all is that the second root canal also failed. The pain was unrelenting and had been going on for nearly a year.
Avatar n tn I had the same symptoms after my root canal. I was in SEVER pain. I was given a pain reliever and was told to put a heating pad on my jaw joint. The pain was unbearable. I missed three days of work, but the pain finally subsided.
Avatar f tn I just had a root canal a week ago and it doesn't hurt nearly that much. In a couple of weeks I am going to get a post and a temporary crown then a few weeks after that I will get a permanent crown. Maybe you should call him and ask for a stronger painkiller.
Avatar f tn Two saturdays ago, I had three filling on the upper right side of my mouth. I was supposed to have one old silver filling replaced with white. When I was done my dentist told me he had done three fillings right next to each other. A short time are the Novocain wore off I started to feel the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. The pain was so strong I cried several times. By Monday I hadn't slept since Saturday. Over the counter pain medication had on effort.