Januvia and insulin resistance

Common Questions and Answers about Januvia and insulin resistance


Avatar n tn I am currently on Invokana and Januvia. I've never been overweight. I have a meter and check my sugar 3 times a day. The highest it's been in the last month is 246. I live in a VERY rural area of Georgia and we don't have many health options at all. I'm lucky to be doing as well as I am.
Avatar n tn I take (2) 500mg of metformin at breakfast and supper. I also take powder welchol at supper. I would like to take my 1000mg of Januvia at bedtime to help lower my morning blood sugar readings that usually run in the 150's to 160, Any cons to taking the Januvia without food at bedtime?
Icecream So here is the thing been diabetic for you a few months now and i have been through alot of pills and my doctor hasn't keeps upping them i seen him today and he gave me insulin to take.. but he still wants me to take all the pills is it to much it would be 1000mg metformin 2x a day 100mg januvia a day 4mg glilmapride 2x a day 20units of lantus this seems like so much what do you all think?
Avatar f tn But if she has been Type 2 for many years, been tried on different meds and still has high blood sugars there is a possibility she is no longer producing enough of her own insulin and may have to be put on insulin. A test called a c-peptide could determine how much insulin she is still making, but her doctor would know her history as I described above and have a good idea if insulin is now called for.
Avatar n tn 1. Why he is treating insulin resistance without diabetes so aggressively and 2. If you were that insulin resistant you wouldn't have been able to lose weight so easily that the doctor commented it was too fast. I would make sure the doctor explains to you what he is treating and why. I would absolutely want clarification (by A1C test) as to whether you have diabetes.
1287446 tn?1313947638 I’ve done a lot of research online and when I read about insulin resistance, it seems to pinpoint nearly everything I’m experiencing. I’m not overweight, and I think that doctors tend to think you have to be overweight to have an issue (at least my current doctor does). I’m paranoid about becoming overweight and have always monitored calories, macronutrients, etc.
Avatar f tn If you are type 2, insulin resistance is considered key part of the problem (though insulin resistance can also happening in Type 1). To address insulin resistance you can:- 1. Lose excess weight if you are overweight 2. Adopt a low carb or even a ketogenic diet (be sure to get enough protein and don't overdo the fats) 3. Regular vigorous physical exercise 4. Insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin.
Avatar f tn You need to have both your fasting insulin and fasting glucose (sugar) tested. Once you have both blood tests you can calculate your HOMA. Your HOMA will tell you whether you are insulin resistant or not. The formula is on the website I've provided. IR is a PREDICTOR of SVR. Being insulin resistant impairs your ability to achieve a sustained response to Chemotherapy drugs peginterferon and ribavirin... HCV slowly damages the mitochondria through a process of oxidative stress.
1033523 tn?1258035082 Normally there are no antibodies to insulin. If you have IgG and IgM antibodies against insulin, your body reacts as if the insulin is foreign. This may make insulin less effective, or neutralize it. Normal values are 5-20 mcU/mL while fasting; values may differ per laboratory. Check your lab results paperwork for the exact ranges. As far as daily testing, it's to early to tell until the doctor exams your test results. Good luck and let us know everything goes.
Avatar f tn IR or insulin resistance is a sign of type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. I am assuming you are referring to either the A1C or fasting blood glucose levels. The first thing of course is a change in life style. This does not mean you have to stop eating everything but to be more judicious in your eating habits. In addition, regular exercise is paramount in reducing those :numbers". Talk this over with your physician and get started on these changes.
878328 tn?1244346031 yes, Insulin resistance means there ends up being too much sugr in yur blood and ergo too much uinsulin, and the insulin cancels out the efficacy of the Interferon causing less than optimal VL responses. People with high IR clear later, and SVR far less frequently. "CoWriter" has also compiled a list along with commentary here: http://www.medhelp.org/user_journals/index/568322?
Avatar f tn I have been on Metformin, Januvia and Glimeperide for a few years. They are not controlling my diabetes. She wanted me to try Victoza and give up the Januvia. I got over fear of giving myself the shot, but on the 3rd day I began to get sick. On the 4th and 5th days I couldn't even go to work. Changed shot to before bed instead of morning and it made no difference. After a little over a week I stopped it. Lost 5 lbs cause I couldn't eat anything.
Avatar n tn t lose weight when I was hyperthyroid due to insulin resistance. I already had insulin resistance and this condition worsened to pre diabetes once I was hyperthyroid. I only started to lose weight since reversing my insulin resistance.
Avatar m tn Although insulin levels were never extraordinarily high, the increase between the 2nd and 3rd hours seems to be abnormal and indicative of delayed insulin response, a pattern associated with insulin resistance. Several years ago I had elevated cortisol throughout the day. Last year, is was below range for most of the day. It seems to have flip flopped, while DHEA has stayed consistently borderline high (but still in range) and testosterone is elevated.
Avatar f tn m so glad you are trying to clean yourself up, but do see a doctor on being insulin resistant. I almost died because of this. Insulin resistance is nothing to take for granted. Please seek medical advice, and keep up the great work for trying to clean up.
315318 tn?1353251800 I read somewhere that fenofibrates reduce insulin resistance or increase insulin sensitivity. Is that what I am seeing ? Does anyone else have a similar experience ? Thanks.
Avatar f tn 81 yr. old Mom taking Glip/metform 5-500 1 1/2 pills breakfast/lunch/dinner and Januvia 5omg breakfast and dinner. Blood sugar still not under control. Can these be increased or is insulin next step?
26471 tn?1211936521 SOCS-3 elevation causes insulin resistance in the liver. And insulin resistance causes hyperinsulinemia....and high levels of insulin make interferon ineffective Lack of SOCS3 in the liver promotes systemic insulin resistance by mimicking chronic inflammation. We knew all that.
Avatar f tn In summary, hepatitis C promotes insulin resistance and INSULIN RESISTANCE INDUCES INTERFERON RESISTANCE, steatosis and fibrosis progression. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17131467?ordinalpos=14&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum "Other measures can be taken to enhance svr probabilities in the the face of negative predictors." Like what?
865758 tn?1285952904 That is totally within the normal range! Even if your doctor anticipates you having insulin resistance and proceeding to develop diabetes you aren't there yet. It would be much more appropriate to recommend a combination of diet for weight loss, cutting carbs and exercise. I'm going to research Insulin Resistance to see if I'm missing something, but that is what I'm seeing now. You need to ask your doctor to explain his treatment and what he is seeing in your medical picture.
1111143 tn?1259092353 I am still taking 1000mg of Metformin each morning, but she removed me from Januvia and Amaryl when she gave me the insulin. She did not give me a maximum dose for the insulin. Just one shot a day, just before bed. Start with 20 units and increase gradually until my morning BG is below 120. I've already got a call into her nurse letting her know it doesn't seem to be helping much and that I'm already up to 45 units before bed.