Itchy skin blisters

Common Questions and Answers about Itchy skin blisters


Avatar f tn I am 20 wks and the last couple days I have been really itchy even though my skin is not dry. It's not on my belly either, just my arms and legs. Is this normal during pregnancy or do I need to see my dr? I have an apt on friday and I plan on talking to him about it but I just read some stuff saying it could be something wrong with your liver and it kind of freaked me out... Should I wait until Friday or call my doctor tomorrow?
Avatar n tn I'm having small very itchy blisters on my arms, chest and shoulders. I scratch them until they bleed. What is this??
Avatar m tn I have very itchy blisters on my hand. My children (2 and 5) also suffer from itchy rash which sometimes appears on their backs, legs, faces, hands, etc. A Dermatologist diagnosed the rash as fungus and prescribed a cream. However, the itchy keeps appearing at different parts of their body. This morning I noticed clear painless and non-itchy blisters on the shaft of my penis. I have been diagnosed with HSV-2 and I know the tingling sensation during a breakout.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have some itchy clear blisters on my fingers arm and toes .When they blisters are scraped out pops a little black spec like hair ? What is odd is these blisters are not near hair follicles. On the fingers they are on the knuckles closest to the nail. On the arm they are on the inside middle of the arm. On the toes they are on the skin closet to the nail. What could this be ?
Avatar n tn Blisters are most common on the hands and feet, as these extremities are susceptible while walking, running, or performing repetitive motions. Blisters form more easily on moist skin than on dry or soaked skin, and are more common in warm conditions. Sometimes, the skin can blister when it comes into contact with a cosmetic, detergent, solvent or other chemical; this is known as contact dermatitis. Blisters can also develop as a result of an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting.
Avatar m tn what can cause blisters to appear on my skin. mostly lower leg and fee . I am diabetic and had horrible itchy skin all over but dry and red on my legs .I had a appointment where they took a biopiosy with no conclusive results. I have the itch under control with steroid cream but can not stop the blisters.
Avatar f tn Patch of skin starts as rash turns into blisters ask my doctor he gave a list of issues but now it is coming back we thought spider bite but now that it is returning that is not the problem. Haven't had chicken pox ever, sexually active but married cheating not an issue, did take antibiotics keflex, just had ear surgery. It is itchy in the beginning but once it blisters it is tender any clues?
Avatar m tn My 9 year old son has been getting itchy round blisters a few hours after soccer practice. For the hour before his practice he plays on a playground with recycled tire mulch. They started showing up the third week of practice. The first time it happened, he just had a few - the second time was last night and he had a lot. They covered his arms and trunk. These blisters show up 2-3 hours after practice ends and he is still in the process of settling down for the night.
Avatar m tn Before these blisters appear, there is increased skin sensitivity, tingling, burning, itching, or pain at the site where the blisters will appear. When the blisters break, they leave shallow ulcers that are very painful. These ulcers eventually crust over and slowly heal over 7 - 14 days. With your description of the rash, this may not be the case. It is more of an infection. Proper clinical diagnosis is important. Again, try to avoid scratching to prevent secondary infection.
Avatar n tn Have you ever seen herpes sores where there are only a few tiny blisters (similar to ingrown hairs), spread out individually with no red backgrounds? The blisters are a bit itchy, but not painful. Also does dry, red, itchy scrotum skin ever accompany herpes (I have reason to believe this was caused by anxiety).
Avatar n tn This may be a bacterial infection or a viral infection. Impetigo is contagious and may form blisters over the skin. The blisters may present as clear vesicles that contain clear fluid. However, these vesicles may pop and form yellowish crusts and blisters. HSV type 1 infections also may present as clear vesicles on reddish bumps on the skin. It is best to have this assessed early on as we are considering infectious skin conditions as differentials here.
Avatar m tn During the summer months, I get small itchy blisters on the arches of both feet. The blisters come in groups of 2-5 and they are very itchy. When I burst them, a clear liquid is released and the itchy desists. The burst skin then dries and peels. I have been getting these for many years and would like to find a permannent cure.
Avatar f tn Now, it has started itching and is covered in blisters! The blisters are around and on the healed wound area. they seem to be getting worse. They don't seem to be spreading just on the wound area. Please help!
Avatar f tn They merged together to form .5cm large, painful, itchy blisters. At first, the blisters remained in their clusters, but this time there's a cluster on each part of the left side of the middle finger. Also, unlike before, the formation of the blisters was quicker than normal. Every time before the skin would be intensely itchy starting with no blisters. The blisters initially looked like deep-seated ant bites that were flush with the skin that eventually raised.
Avatar m tn I then developed another cluster of blisters on the bottom of my left thumb. The blisters were raised and extremely itchy. Fortunately, I had an appointment with my Doctor for annual checkup when I had the blisters. I showed it to her and her colleague. They told me that they haven’t seen such raised and itchy blisters. They took pictures and sent it to a Dermatologist and I am still waiting to hear either from my Doc or the Dermatologist.
Avatar f tn Hello, The most important possibility that can present with such symptoms is hands,foot and mouth disease. It is a viral disease which causes itchy blisters on the hands,foot,mouth and legs. It is an infection that is usually caused by a virus called the coxsackie A virus. It usually affects children under 10 years of age and often starts with a feeling of being unwell for a day or so.Then there is fever and typical blisters like rash on hands,foot and inside mouth.
Avatar n tn Have circle like blisters under my skin, not fuild filed. Only on fingers. Both sides. No itching just pain to touch and fingers seem stiff.
Avatar n tn It could also be due to overuse of AC and heaters. If you have blisters at tip of fingers and dry skin then you need to rule out certain conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and malnutrition. Generalized itching can be due to allergy. Common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, synthetic fiber, food, cosmetics (powders, soaps, shampoos—see if anything was recently changed) or drugs.
Avatar f tn Genital herpes blisters usually turn into sores, then crusts and back into healthy skin within a few days. Blisters and crusts are not usually associated with candida albicans infections. During a herpes infection, flu like symptoms may appear 24 to 48 hours before any itchiness is perceived especially during the first episode. This is not the case with vaginal yeast infections." <---- found this on difference between yeast infection and herpes. hope this helps!
Avatar m tn for some months now i have had small fluid filled blisters on my scalp im bald) about the size of a five pence piece they get very itchy and either burst or i scratch them during sleep.Iam then left with pink and raw skin till they start to heal up but then the blisters start again.
Avatar f tn I have these yellow blisters on both my brows and nose. They're small and itchy. It started off as itchy skin but now it's blister and my skin is red. I searched about it and what I got was herpes/cold sores but doesn't make sense on how I got it. I have these small cluster of blisters on the back of my hand for a while and I tried using polysporin but doesn't work.
Avatar f tn Hi, At first I thought it was shingles, but the rash has no fluid-filled blisters, and no independent dots are noticeable. It is just red and itchy. I've been putting anti-itch cream, taking showers with oatmeal bath, and keep the water at high levels of heat. Unfortunately, the rash has expanded. now it has gone up my back and on the core of my stomach. Also for some reason, I have an itchy rash on my hands and thighs.
Avatar f tn are they really blisters that ooze? or do they resemble blisters? is it very itchy?
Avatar n tn I have repeatedly gotten small extremely itchy blisters on one finger of my right hand. These blisters have never appeared or spread to any other part of my hand, only that one finger. The blisters will ooze and are extremely itchy until they break at which point the finger gets very painful and more so when exposed to water, soap,etc. I could stand some relief, any ideas?