Hysterectomy menopause after

Common Questions and Answers about Hysterectomy menopause after


Avatar n tn So, what never should have happened again, affective illness (postpartum psychosis after the birth of B____) has happened again as a more severe case of affective illness because of the combination nontargeted embolization of the ovaries from the UAE and induced menopause (hysterectomy). The only reason she had the hysterectomy was to eliminate the fibroid, because the UAE did not work.
Avatar n tn Lindyy, I have many friends who have had a hysterectomy and wanted to throw a party afterwards! They lived with painful fibroids for many years, and became so much happier after the hysterectomy. It's not an uncommon result when fibroids cannot be controlled. I would listen to your GYN, or consult another if that makes you feel better. But, is sounds like you may be heading that direction.
Avatar f tn Thanks alot for that information I really appreciate it!!!
Avatar f tn i am past menopause. the dr is going to do a complete hysterectomy on me. will i go through menopause again. how will i feel emotionally and physically. i have adhesions so they have to open me up. please help me. i have an ovarian cyst and a thickened endometrium.
Avatar m tn I had my ovaries removed...as well as my uterus....biggest regret! I also have had both a vaginal pop repair sutures only...as well as a Robotic-assisted laparoscopic mesh sacrocolpopexy...not all at once...first the hysterectomy with ovaries removed...for endometriosis...which it DID NOT cure! then I had the other surgeries...thanks to endo and taking out my organs...my pelvic floor structure is so weak...and I am now 8 abdominal/pelvic floor surgeries in...
Avatar n tn Menopause is usually diagnosed "after the fact," when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 months. However, since you had a hysterectomy 20 years ago, this is not an option. Instead, a blood test known as a follicle stimulating hormone (or FSH) test may be used in conjunction with your symptoms to better assess whether you are transitioning into menopause.
Avatar m tn For one, you were not told the truth about ovarian function after hysterectomy. There is a good chance (about 40%) that the ovaries will fail after hysterectomy due to the loss of blood flow. But even women who appear to have "normal" ovarian function after hysterectomy suffer with they same symptoms as you. It is a myth that the uterus is disposable after childbearing. It has hormonal, anatomical, skeletal, and sexual functions.
Avatar f tn Can you still have menopause 7 years after Hysterectomy. I have a list of symptoms as long as my arm, the main ones being really bad fatigue, vaginal dryness/itching, aching joints, mood swings, sudden tears, hot sweats, headaches, and no energy to name a few - I feel like i´m going mad. I did not really have any symptoms after my operation but as the years have gone on there is definately something happening and it´not nice. Any advice would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn Weight gain is common after hysterectomy. Of course, your thyroid could also be a culprit. And your symptoms of hair loss, foggy head, inattentiveness, and memory loss could be signs that your ovary is "sputtering out" as a result of the hysterectomy. Post-hysterectomy ovarian failure happens about 40% of the time (sounds like your OB may not know this or may not want to admit it).
Avatar f tn After my complete hysterectomy a few years ago, I took Soy Menopause from Vitamin World because I couldn't (and didn't want to anyhow) take estrogen. I'm not sure if it is still available or not since I haven't needed it for the last year or so. If you can find it, I would definitely recommend it.
1353379 tn?1278826800 My hysterectomy was 8 yrs ago and I sailed through it, i was back at work after 2 weeks, I have had many surgeries and I always recover well. the point is, I know my body. Estrogen will probable help with the headaches and hot flushes, but these things dont bother me like the loss off sexual sensation.
Avatar f tn YES, you need to have your levels checked and you should be treated by a menopause/hysterectomy specialist. Can I ask, is your doctor a regular gynocologist? I ask because most gynocologist's have no clue when it comes to menopause and hysterectomy's. Most will claim they do have a clue but unless they have the couple extra years of training/education, they are not trained to deal with these issue's.
Avatar n tn I have always heard that weight gain is inevitable after a hysterectomy, but does that also apply if you are having one AFTER menopause ? Will bio identical hormones help with this ?
Avatar n tn 7 cm fibroids as well as several small ones. Will the fibroids shrink significantly after menopause? Should I consider an hysterectomy? I feel constantly full, am constipated, there is pressure on my bladder and do have very heavy and irregular periods.
1969625 tn?1536531717 Yes, hysterectomy can cause an earlier menopause which can also be more severe. For some, their ovaries stop functioning completely which can happen immediately or years later. (The ovaries of women who have all their parts produce hormones their whole lives for optimal health.) One study showed that 40% of women experience impaired ovarian function after hysterectomy.
Avatar f tn s also a possibility that you would need hormones because you will be put in to surgical menopause. Are you having any problems now with menopause, like night sweats and mood swings? With you high HPV risk you should be getting paps done on a very regular basis. Are you taking any thyroid meds? Sorry about all of the questions but the more we know the better we can help you.
Avatar f tn How long do you have to deal with the effects of Prednisone? I had a hysterectomy on 12/14 but kept my ovaries(they had to give me a dose of steroids then too so that my adrenal glands would kick in) Im very frustrated, any advice is greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn Unless you go onto hormones, you will have instant menopause symptoms. You can google "menopause" for the list.
Avatar n tn You can go in to surgical menopause after a hysterectomy. Are you taking hormones? What kind of symptoms are you having, what feels different?
Avatar f tn I had partial hysterectomy May 2013, Im 47yr. Now tired, low libido and starting to but on weight. Sr checked my thyroid and watching every 3 months, still normal at this point. Friend recommended Progesterone cream. Taking it a week but woke yesterday nausea, and headache? Is that from maybe to much Progesterone??
Avatar n tn I know this is responding to an old post, but I noticed someone said no PMS symptoms after hysterectomy. That is not true at all. Although the symptoms are very different. If one still has two functioning ovaries you will still face the (EMOTIONS, CRAVINGS, HEADACHES, SORE BOOBS ETC). I had a hysterectomy a bit over 6 months ago. For the first 3 months after the hysterectomy I was fine (but I didn't realize my ovaries had been asleep I guess). Oh did they wake up!!
Avatar f tn I am just wondering what other women have experienced with having a complete hysterectomy and the symptoms of menopause. I read that the menopause systems are worse for women with having surgical menopause then entering it as a normal menopause. Thanks.
Avatar n tn I was reading another womens story about itching after her hysterectomy i also have that same problem and i also dont take harmones. I believe it does have to do with the hysterectomy, does any one else have this problem?
Avatar n tn It will put you into a false menopause, but once you discontinue the injections the menopause symptoms will disappear after awhile. I will warn you, the shots were miserable for me because of the side effects such as nausea, headaches, fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, etc. You should way the benefits to the side effects with this drug.