How coffee affects your body

Common Questions and Answers about How coffee affects your body


Avatar f tn t think it does too much but it may depend on how much your body is use to having, whether it affects the baby or how it does so. You should probably discuss this matter with your Dr and see what he thinks you can have and not affect your baby.
7649706 tn?1396014742 Caffeine in small amounts is okay but you know how when you have too much coffee your heart starts to race a little and you get all jumpy? It doesn't take nearly as much for that to happen to a fetus. It can overtax and stress out the body especially the heart and not allow as much weight gain as is normal meaning baby can be born smaller and weaker compared to other babies of the same gestational age.
Avatar f tn intrested in how the suboxen is working for you, and how long do you have to take it, and is it addictive?
Avatar f tn I was just curious how many other women still drink coffee and/or soda. I hate soda right now as it causes hrart burn but i feel like if i don't intake even a small amount of caffine i get headaches. Anyone else feel the same way about caffine?
Avatar f tn 200-300mg is the recommend max of caffeine in a day which is about one to two cups depending on how strong you make your coffee. Caffeine isn't really proven to cause anything. Possible side affects is a small head at birth and behavior issues later in life like ADD and ADHD but it's not been proven. They have just recently proven that caffeine consumption does not cause miscarriages.
Avatar f tn t really be able to know the affects of the caffeine on your baby until its born. You are allowed 150-300 mg of caffiene a day which equals about 1 or 2 cups of coffee or on pop a day. Just keep in mind though if you're addicted and suffer from headaches when you don't have it there's a good chance your baby will go through the same withdrawal after birth and its better to wean yourself off it now (Tylenol is safe during pregnancy and can help with the headaches).
1001199 tn?1288135453 Stay away from Diet sodas of any type. The phenalatronics (spelling?) in them affects brain function in ADD'rs. I get all weird after drinking them too... Caffine is a stimulant and if you are taking a stimulant, adding more stimulant will put you to sleep. Like taking too much of the Adderall. At least that's what happens to me...
Avatar f tn I was told to only drink water. Let your doctor office know because you may have to reschedule. Just to avoid failing the test.
Avatar f tn Hello question, I take my Entecavir medication in the morning when I wake up and don’t eat for 2 hours. Anyways can I drink coffee after 1 hour with creamer ? My doctor said no but the pharmacist said it okay it’s usually the food that affects the medicine. Anyways just wondering what other people think about it. Thank you.
Avatar m tn t keep you from being awakened, but it can make you a bit sedated while in your system, so keep that in mind if you have to operate machinery or be very focused on anything until you know how it affects you. the restriction of caffiene as well as getting on a regular sleep routine are usually helpful as well. sometimes i just have to stay up one night or become a bit sleep deprived in order to get a good nights rest.
Avatar f tn There are a lot of mixed medical opinions out there regarding this so you should do what you feel comfortable with both physically and emotionally...caffeine is tough to kick so if you decide to cut it out of your diet do it slowly by switching to a mix of decaf and regular...I personally gave it up while I was prego but I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks...however I quickly went back to my old habit and it is a b**** to kick it again!
Avatar n tn If you take it with food one day and no food the next, then your body is not getting the same level of med every day and your levels will fluctuate. If you do take it with food daily then you will probably just require a little higher dosage daily than if you take it without food. Just be consistent with whatever way you choose. I am one month post thyroidectomy and trying to follow this advice...I get my first labs drawn soon so we'll see how things are going.
Avatar f tn I am about 5 weeks pregnant. How do all of u feel about drinking one cup of coffee a day in the morning?
7878456 tn?1395003341 Its better to drink it and minimize the amount if wanting to quit. It stresses your body and not good for the baby. Same thing with me I drink cup of coffee every morning it makes my day.
Avatar n tn Not having felt the baby for a couple days is cause for concern. They can address your back issue as well. And coffee is dehydrating to your body.
Avatar f tn I'm a huge coffee lover and the time I had my first I actually worked as a Batista.... So it it made it even worse I actually love the taste of coffee so much I just did half caff then did the switch all the way over to decaf... And let me tell you if you do switch over Noe its going to make it easier on you when and if you decided to breast feed...caffeine stays in a baby's body for 14 hours can you image how crankie.... Yikes...
8960138 tn?1407673893 How does caffeine affects my baby,and how much is a averege to drink..i usually drink 1 or 2 cups of sweet tea then i feel soo guilty but i just lovw drinking sweet tea,and thats one of my drinks that would helps me eat =/???
Avatar m tn So, I just had a cup of coffee in the morning, and the caffeine in that took care of the headaches through the opiate w/d, and when I got out of rehab, I would occasionally skip my cup of coffee to get my body less dependent on it. Now, I have the luxury of taking one aspirin and it actually helping with whatever pain I feel, because my body was no longer used to it.
Avatar f tn Are you sure the symptoms your getting are not from discontinuation of the Prozac?
Avatar m tn There's a book called "Tired of Being Tired." I'm reading it now. It's about adrenal fatigue, how to gauge which stage of fatigue you're experiencing and how to heal your adrenals so they can support your energy demands. Being the queen of one-meal-a-day, it appears I've been overstressing the adrenals on top of all of our daily stresses around here, just by skipping meals. I've done it for years. Now it's time to stop.
579258 tn?1250649343 Just curious as to what you think about artificial sweeteners. Do you use them? What is your favorite choice? Have you found something more natural you feel is better?
Avatar m tn Eventually you are going to break and not be able to be fixed. You are creating chaos in your body. It is affecting your nervous system, depleting your adrenals, messing with your brain, every part of your is being affected. If you need medications, use them and don't add stimulants and bad diet to the mix. You are going to have to take good care of yourself for quite a while to give your body time to heal itself.