Hormone used to induce labor

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Avatar f tn How far are yu
Avatar f tn Ive not used that and understand being intimate can be harder it can help. There is s hormone/ chemical in male sperm that can sometimes help bring on labor. Also if u have an orgasm it can help bring on contractions. .
Avatar f tn 37wks I really don't think you should be trying to induce labor yet.
Avatar n tn I learned this in my lamaze class- a way to stimulate labor is literally by having sex. to induce labor they put oxitocin (a hormone that a woman releases via oragism) that in the IV and insert a tablet into the vagina (I forgot what it was called but it starts with a p, and its the same hormone that is found in semen) also they are exercises that you can do to lower the baby deeper into the pelvis.. mainly dancing and rocking/swaying your pelvis.
Avatar f tn I had this discussion with my consultant today, she told me that the best way of encouraging labor is walking and sex (something in the sperm apparently helps thin the membranes?). Also nipple stimulation releases a hormone into your body called oxytocin, which is the natural form of the drug that they use to start labour in hospitals.
1661682 tn?1313135396 walk walk walk, have sex, you could also try nipple stimulation or look into accupressure to induce labor, but with me it would start VERY painful contractions that never went anywhere. Truthfully though...you're not even 38wks. I'd just try to be patient! But walking is ALWAYS good during pregnancy and unless you're at risk for something it can't hurt, and it can help position baby and spread your pelvis so that labor is a little easier when it DOES decide to start....
Avatar m tn Oxytocin is a hormone used almost exclusively to aid women during labor to stimulate contractions, to induce labor in cases of maternal diabetes, preeclampsia, eclampsia and erythroblastosts fetalis. Did someone tell you this drug would help with wrinkles? Perhaps you should speak with a plastic surgeon?
Avatar f tn Also, the nipple stimulation and sex are both good ways to induce labor. You can also try bouncing lightly while sitting on an exercise ball! (These were all shared at the labor class!
Avatar f tn Found this online about natural ways to induce labor... Interesting to see how things work! I'm personally just going to wait and see! My obstetrician said she will induce me a wk past my due date so the end is in sight!
Avatar f tn They kept telling me the same they want to induce ON DD like with my daughter but I just told them no I want to go into labor on my own if at all possible. The dr checked out my charts & everything has been absolutely fine with this pregnancy so he told the midwife to scheduled my induction for 41 weeks like they do with non high risk.
Avatar f tn I was told to mimic the sucking of the baby because it releases a hormone that can induce labor
Avatar f tn Raspberry leaf tea is not used to start labor. It is used to tone and strengthen your uterus. It has nothing to do with induce get labor.
Avatar f tn Nooo. Do not ever pump before birth unless a doctor tells you to do so.
Avatar n tn Ways to induce labor.. Before anyone say not to my doctor told me to try inducing myself. She also told me about evening primrose oil. So far no luck with that. I have tried running walking sex and no luck. Is there anything else to try?
Avatar f tn At wht point in pregnancy do ppl use sex to try n induce labor.?? I'm 35 w 4d n I been in the mood bt I'm high risk n dnt wanna have sex n then go into labor early.
Avatar f tn Fresh pineapple/kiwi/mango (must be fresh, not canned.
Avatar f tn Anyone know how to induce labor at home? Or when do they induce you at the hospital?
Avatar f tn Ive never heard of pineapple to induce labor but my mom told me to drink chamomile tea when I was pregnant with my first baby and it would also help me sleep
Avatar f tn Ive heard of the blue them not really using but black cohosh haves no known bad side affects its been used by midwives ive heard the blue cohosh being dangerous due to it dropping babies heart rate. I used the black like Isaid 4 yrs ago and wwent into labor the same day I was looking for someone who had the same results I did back then.
Avatar f tn My sister told me that when she got induced with pitocin it hurt more than going into labor naturally because her body was being forced to go into labor as in if you wait for your body to do it it will do it on its own time.
9650087 tn?1409135110 nipple stimulation is scientifically proven to start labor or contractions. But you have to stimulate for, sometimes, up to 3 hours. I don't know about you, but I do not have 3 hours to sit around and play with my nips. LOL!! If you find something else that works, let us know.