
Hernia surgery in alberta

Common Questions and Answers about Hernia surgery in alberta


Avatar f tn I had pterygium surgery 3 months ago with a well known, very experienced, expert DR in this field in CA. The day after surgery, i took off my eye patch & the graft was very raised up. A week later i saw dr for post op & he said it would flatten out. Just saw him a week ago because the graft started feeling dry,sore, uncomfortable. Dr was puzzled...when he looked at my eye he said there is a white raised area next to the incision that is fibrous scar tissue...
Avatar f tn Yes, I think a hernia can go into the scrotum. Hernia pain can also come and go. https://www.urologyhealth.
Avatar m tn Hello and hope you are doing well. The common causes for testicular pain are injury, infection and torsion. Injury can cause a tear of the testicular layers or it can cause a hematoma (blood collection). Infection can affect and cause epididymitis or orchitis resulting in pain. Testicular torsion is an emergency as the blood supply may be compromised and needs to be relieved. Sometimes a tumor of the testis can cause pain. Consult your primary care physician for therapy.
Avatar f tn My Gynecologist thinks I have a hernia. I have a CT scheduled for Friday and a follow up on Tuesday to discuss results and the plan. It's looking like, either way, I'm having another surgery. If it's not a hernia and nothing else alarming shows up, they will assume it's scar tissue and likely to a laparscopy to look for and break up scar tissue/adhesions. Anyone out there have a hernia after surgery?
Avatar m tn The CABG area should be located in the area of your sternum. In my opinion, this hernia has nothing to do with the surgery or your car accident.
Avatar n tn ve been told their is little point in having surgery again yet - as Im still carrying my child a lot. What exercises can I do to help maybe close the gap? I am fairly active and have recently started a bit of yoga again, but Im conscious of maybe doing more harm than good.
1974283 tn?1425609124 I think I had that from another Canadian near in Alberta or another location trying to get in there. I think if your specialist said there is nothing further that can be done by them then you can apply for out of country surgery or surgery to BC. However I got denied twice as my surgeon would not sign off on it. It is quite the joke with the treatment that is done for anyone with Endo in canada.
Avatar n tn Anyway my question is has anyone had a surgery other than the nissen fundo to repair the hernia. I am interested in having mine fixed but do NOT want my stomach wrapped around my esophagus. I'd like for a surgeon to just go in and pull the stomach to its proper position and sew up the hole in the diaphram essentially returning everything to its natural order.
Avatar n tn HI, I had a ct and MRI and it showed the bowel is in the hernia. I have had diarrhea after meals at different times and question if this is the cause of the diarrhea. I have no pain and no vomiting and appetite very good. ALso would surgery stop this diarrhea.
Avatar n tn My husband had the surgery many years ago and he did just fine. You will have to take it easy for awhile though. Depending on how extensive the hernia is, I would'nt be too surprised if they do the surgery out patient. Of course you'll receive pains meds and the Dr will send you home with a script for pain meds.
Avatar m tn I had laparoscopic surgery to repair an inguinal hernia. After 4 months, the hernia returned, and so I had a second repair surgery by incision. Now, 10 months after the second operation, I'm having some odd "tearing" pains and tenderness under the incision site, and down toward my groin. I'm trying to understand the geometry of the two repairs.
Avatar f tn Has anyone gotten the bubbly gurgling feeling in their stomach after eating or drinking anything? I'm wondering what is causing this. I already have plans to have my gb removed due to stones, but I am asking because the surgeon and other docs feel there is something more going on, as my labs and symptoms/location of pain seem to indicate. Pancreas is likely involved and I do have a hiatal hernia. White blood cells & pancreatic enzymes are elevated.
Avatar m tn Have been on Plavix for 13 months and find I need Hernia surgery now as I am having having many problems due to the Hernia. What is the possibility of having surgery? If I have surgery is the Plavix stopped for a number of days and then resumed?
1103592 tn?1274753561 Any every have a hernia while pregnant? I was complaining the baby's head was so low it was hurting - saw my dr today & it turns out it's a hernia! Grrr- at least baby sounds great (got to hear her hiccups on doplar!). Guess I'll goggle hernias until my surgery consult in 2 weeks.
Avatar n tn Hi Jenny, I have a hiatal hernia, but do not require surgery...I have known about my hernia since I was in my teens. I had a few flares that required meds...but, with proper diet and lifestyle I am able to keep it under control without meds. I just got my self off meds after being on them 2 yrs....I had flares from 3 diff surgeries....the meds they use to put u under alone can upset a balanced system.
1580703 tn?1651904887 The doctor examined me and found a groin hernia and I'm scheduled for surgery in sept. I think I want laproscopic but am I going to end up with permanent pain? will the mesh or non-tension method fail to stop the hernia from progressing? I think it's from the gym or coughing from this tracheotomy I'm getting this crippling nausea sometimes and sometimes protonix helps. is it from the hernia or diabetes or GERD? thanks!
341655 tn?1240368839 Yes. The surgery for a hiatal hernia is the Nissen Fundaplication, where a portion of the fundus is wrapped around the esophagus in the area of the lower esophageal sphincter. As for the type, 90% of all hiatal hernias are sliding hernias, not paraesophageal, so it's probably a sliding hiatal hernia that you have.
Avatar m tn I have already planned the surgery to fix the hernia for next week . 2 days ago I had an ultrasound which showed that I have gallbladder sludge and maybe some very small stones . I never had any pains in the stomach and the only thing that might be a symptoms is some digestive problems . The doctor advised that since I am going to surgery for the hernia I should proceed with the removal of the gallbladder .
Avatar f tn My doctor suspects I have a hernia, a complication from having a large cyst, ovary and tube removed in May. I will need surgery to repair. Anyone else experience this? I'd appreciate your experiences and thoughts on recovery time, when I can return to work (I'm a preschool teacher), length of surgery, etc. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I need gallbladder surgery in the near future. I have abdominal meshing and want to know if they can do laproscopic surgery on me or not. ANYONE have my issue?
Avatar m tn ve had a hydrocele surgery at the age of six, left side inguinal hernia surgery at the age of 10, and a right side inguinal hernia surgery at the age of 24. My right testicle have been attached closer to my body since my hydrocele surgery and I can clearly remember how uncomfortable it felt to have such an abnormal position of your testicle. After 20 years, I still feel some discomforting pains (on my right testicle) when exercising.
Avatar m tn I had prior scans 2006 showing inguinal hernia. I also had sigmoidectomy surgery in 2007. Next thing up is the gallbladder surgery in Nov 2011. Should the surgeon have used Laprascopic procedure versus Open surgery? Gallbladder removal went ok, I think, but I woke up the next day and after walking a little discovered huge swelling to left groin area. Bottom line I went into get gallbladder removed now I need OPEN Hernia surgery to repair inguinal hernia.