Heartburn vs heart attack symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn vs heart attack symptoms


Avatar n tn Does this sound like heart attack symptoms? I have been put on a prescription for beta blocker and given nitro spray, had an ecg, chest xray and blood tests but still waiting for results.
Avatar n tn If you are a lady, sometimes a heart attack can present like heartburn amongst other things and from your listed family history, it sounds like you have a concern about your heart- I recommend you go to your doctor today and if you start having the symptoms again, make it the emergency room. Higher blood pressure an a faster heart rate can also come with pain.
198627 tn?1203054007 The very LAST thing I want is for this thread to turn into a nasty disagreement about what information should or should not be "revealed" to a poster. But I disagree with Mike saying "we should not put the word heart attack and things like that in these posts." I DO realize Mike that many people on this forum have health phobias and most particularly, heart anxiety. But I feel VERY strongly that the "head in the sand" approach is not very responsible.
Avatar n tn A heart attack is an event that destroys heart muscle due to lack of blood/oxygen supply to heart cells. The lack of oxygen causes cell necrosis, but sometimes when treated appropriately within 72 hours the cells may be revived (heart cells were dormant). A heart attack can be without symptoms, or have symptoms chest pain, etc. About 5 years ago my first symptoms of having had a "silent" heart attack were symptoms of congested heart failure.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I've had horrible heart Burn I've tried tums and maylox but neither seem to really work is there anything else I can take?
Avatar m tn t have anxiety when having a heart attack. Also, many of us can have different symptoms. I did not have the common symptoms of chest pain, sweating, arm pain, none of that, not even anxiety when it was happening. What I recommend to anyone is listening to your body. If you feel like anything strange is going on, get to the hospital. If you're a woman like I am, research symptoms. Women, and some men do not always have the common symptoms.
1547952 tn?1293907781 hi everyone first time on this forum and looking for help. suffered heart attack 3 weeks ago and had clot removed and stent fitted .artery was 100% blocked and has damaged left side of heart.over past week I have noticed alot of throat discomfort and pain can anyone relate to this feeling and could medication cause some of this. any advice would be welcome thanks .
Avatar f tn Winnie, under the circumstances I would call a cardiologist (or at least your family doctor) immediately. The increasingly bad symptoms, especially the heartburn, can mean an approaching heart attack. My father was 44 when he had "stomach" problems, and soon died of a heart attack. I am 52, have normal blood pressure, pulse, ECG, etc., but have been having the classic symptoms of stable angina over the last few weeks (and less frequent symptoms for much longer).
Avatar f tn Determining the sex of a baby by the symptoms you're having is the same as dangling a string over your belly to give you an answer.
Avatar f tn s so bad that I get a new, completely different ache in my chest, shoulder and jaw, which feels more like what I imagine a heart attack would feel like than heartburn. Feels a bit like a lump moving too, and the pressure is bad but it goes away with heartburn treatment so I assume it's heartburn related...
Avatar f tn I got into the bathroom and I did throw up. Is this acid reflux or possible heart attack. This is the first time this happened, the heartburn went away right after.
Avatar f tn Now, I do have acid reflux but it was not heartburn I really panicked there and started to think this is it I am having a heart attack..Ι got a coca cola and started burping. But I have never felt tight chest before so worried. Didn't have any other symptoms with the tightness and pulse / oxygen etcc was very normal. should I go to the cardiologist again?? (Was ok 3 months ago).
Avatar n tn It could be. I was talking to one of my friends who is only 15. He describes that he gets the exact same thing on occasion. We seem to agree that when we breathe in it hurts so we have to breathe in slightly and breathe out more until the sharp pain subsides, which is usually after about a minute. Honestly, I'm pretty convinced now that it's heartburn since my friend described that he gets it too.
Avatar f tn I then recalled an article I read about common heart attack symptoms in women that are often overlooked (jaw, neck, shoulder, arm, and back pain). After recalling this information I started feeling jittery and short of breath, but I couldn't be sure if it was a symptom or an anxiety reaction to the possiblity that I could be having a heart attack. I had my husband take me straight to the hospital just in case.
Avatar f tn Prior to the heart attack Unusual fatigue Changes in sleep patterns Shortness of breath Indigestion Anxiety During the heart attack Shortness of breath Pain in the upper back, shoulder, jaw, or chest Lightheadedness Weakness or fatigue Cold sweat Dizziness   What to do if you think you're having a heart attack If you experience the symptoms above for 5 minutes or longer, take action immediately. Call 911 first, not a friend or family member.
Avatar m tn I'm a 14 year old guy. I've been having heart attack symptoms for days. A dull pain in the front of my left shoulder and dull squeezing pain in my left bicep (happens separately most of the time). I also have a lighter dull pain on the left side of my neck. I have some chest pain a little to the left of the center, more caused by squeezing my arms together and flexing my pecs. The left side of my body (including face and ear muscles) have a "weak" sensation.
Avatar f tn This leads to difficulty in breathing and tightening of chest wall, which eventually results in the pain in chest. If the symptoms of heart attack such as palpitations, rapid heart rate, sweating, pale skin are not experienced with a left chest pain, it is often an indication that the person is suffering from acidity or gas or heartburn. Left side chest pain, often generates the ripples of panic in the individual and his relatives.
Avatar f tn I'm the type of person that eats anything and everything I have heart burn every day thou and ok I'll check with my doctor and see if she can give me something
Avatar f tn I would always see a Dr for sharp chest pains, just to be safe. But it's true that heart "burn" doesn't always feel the same. I had never had it before and honestly I thought I was having a heart attack! It was so sharp and painful and lasted 6 hours. Tums and stuff didn't help at all and I just had to wait it out. I really hope you feel better!
Avatar f tn Thought it might help every1 out if we listed our symptoms, that way we know who has what and how we can relate and help each other out! Perhaps this is a dumb idea but I thought I'd give it a shot. Mine is muscle tension, jaw and ear pain and dizzness.
1315722 tn?1274044476 Its hard to describe, but I have been feeling this for quite some time now, and my doctor says its not a heart attack or heart issues and says its anxiety. He says if it was a heart attack I would have already had it by now. The heartburn really *****. Sometimes my neck muscles feel really tight and like something is stuck in there. I get a burning feeling in the middle of my chest and sometimes burp up something that taste sour.
Avatar n tn i was put on nexium over a year ago for very severe heartburn. currently still on it. but if it is heartburn, it obviosly is not doing the job. ive also been told that maybe its severe stress. whats your take on this. i would love to have the tests done just to know, but funds are tight right now.( theyve also mentioned having a endoscoppy) lastly i had a docter prescribe nito spray to me months ago. i never used it.
Avatar m tn Heartburn pain can be mistaken for the pain associated with heart disease or a heart attack. Physical activity may aggravate pain due to heart disease while heartburn pain is less likely to do so. Just to add, acid reflux is rarely due to high stomach acid. My mother is free of severe GERD and severe LPR taking betaine HCL with pepsin supplements (increases stomach acid) and digestive enzyme supplements (helps with digestion as well).
1180004 tn?1264466754 THERE IS NOT (unless you have taken cocaine recently) you are too young for it to be your heart. it may be a pic attack of gastro-reflux which is cause by stress. Try drinking some pepto bismol or tking heart burn medication that you can buy in most stores and pharmacists. Try that first of all before getting too worked up, im pretty certain it will help!