Heartburn symptoms signs

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn symptoms signs


Avatar f tn What are the very first signs of pregnancy within the first month? I'm a little queasy when I eat, I have slight tension headaches, I feel bloated as soon as I eat (even if it a small amount of food), I am tired all the time. I can't take a hpt until this weekend.
Avatar f tn I am 26 weeks and the only symptoms I have had this far are heartburn and going to the bathroom more often! Every pregnancy is different and you might not have any symptoms until you're further along.
Avatar f tn I've heard you can get them as early a 2 Weeks after unprotected sex.
Avatar f tn How did you all know when your baby dropped? What were the symptoms you experienced?
Avatar m tn Everyone is different u culd start having signs
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced heartburn during their 2ww...Its not really that bad but of course I am noticing even the slightest changes within my body....Also, I don't have cramps, but I feel a slight discomfort in my lower bell at times....HELP!!
1181036 tn?1367368640 doesnt sound like ovulation symptoms.... I know people usually have cramping with ovulation... even if you were pregnant the symptoms that you describe dont sound right for how far along you would be.... my first symptoms all three times were fatiuge and boob pain before missed period... take a test if you misss your period since the condom broke so close to ovulation it is possible wish you luck!
Avatar f tn re just lucky not to have symptoms a lot of moms worry about this but its normal for some. Just remember symptoms can start at anytime.
Avatar f tn AM I PREGNANT? My cycles have been pretty normal my whole life. In October my period came on the 1st. It was normal. In November, my period didn't come until the 15th, last only about 3 days and was pretty light. In December, my period didn't come until the 22nd and lasted only about 6 hours and was basically just spotting. For January's period, it was very light on the 9th, lasted for 36 hours.
Avatar m tn ve been taking an anti heartburn medication and it seems to have helped a bit but the heartburn more often than not comes back. Is this something I should look in to? Could it be signs of something bigger?
Avatar f tn As of May 20, 2015 my monthly menstrual cycle ended. As of the 23rd of May until the 29th I ovulated. In between those days I may have had unprotected sex twice. Around June 2, 2015 I began experiencing weird "sensations".
Avatar f tn Okay so June 4th i started my period lasted for about 4 days,which is normal. That following week i forgot to take my bc pills,had unprotected sex w/ my boyfriend.Was suppose to start around the first of July but didn't...around the 20th i started spotting dark brownish and its now the 27th and it's still going on...very light.
Avatar f tn Hi im 33 weeks & 1day. I haven't had any signs of heartburn my whole pregancy so far. Just wondering if its true that if u never experience any heartburn is it likely that u will have a bold baby. or is that a oldwives tale??
Avatar f tn What are the symptoms most of you mommies get at 21weeks?
Avatar f tn Have you looked at the signs and symptoms of GERD or GORD. This is chronic reflux which causes heatburn and gas. Increased stomach acid after eating exacerbates symptoms as does the sleeping position. Usually the GP will prescribe PPI's like Omeprazole. If you aint happy taking meds, try some lifestyle changes. Google GERD and GORD though and you'll get some good info.
Avatar f tn So I am 21 I am Not sure if I am pregnant but I'm having a lot of pregnancy like symptoms. I'm about 4 weeks. I have heartburn ever day for a week. My breast are sore and I'm experiencing cramping. I've been pregnant before and miscarried but didn't find out until I was 7 weeks but I do remember the heartburn.. any ideas ?
759780 tn?1234148638 Well, yes they can...but they also can be signs of a million other things completely unrelated to pregnancy. When should your period be due? Did you have unprotected sex?
Avatar m tn I have the craziest symptoms going on now. For the past month or 2 I have been waking up in the middle of the night usually between 2-5AM and I start to wheeze about 15 minutes later. I have to sit up or walk around and it goes away in almost exactly an hour later,then I fall back asleep and i'm totally fine. I have no symptoms during the day. I have none at night nor have no symptoms when I lay down to go to bed I fall asleep just fine.
3461872 tn?1348168004 I had no symptoms except the occasional heartburn when I was way into the pregnancy.
9163191 tn?1405181980 My mums got my heartburn and leg cramps.
Avatar m tn With laryngopharyngeal reflux, you may not have the classic symptoms of GERD, such as a burning sensation in your lower chest (heartburn). That's why it can be hard to diagnose and is sometimes called silent reflux.
Avatar f tn Hi lovey, congratulations to begin with, dont worry about all the symptoms. I was like that with my first, constantly reading signs and symptoms on the net and in books, then worrying myself to death if something didnt add up, every pregnancy is different. Im 6 weeks now with my 2nd and at the moment the only symptom I have is my boobs have gone massive and there very tender, other than that I dont even feel pregnant.
Avatar f tn I'll be 37 weeks Tuesday. I feel pain in my vag bones bad. Hurts to walk or lift my legs. Constant heartburn and just overall uncomfortable. Can't wait for my little guy to be ready cause I sure am!
Avatar f tn Those specific signs besides nest I no are not signs indicating early labor. Those are normal 3rd trimaster symptoms. However, He will definitely be here soon. With my 1st I went 5 days pass due date with no induction.
Avatar f tn Could it be heartburn? Just guessing here. I never had it before, so the first time I had it, literally felt like a knife in my chest for hours. I thought I was having like a heart attack.
Avatar n tn The CT interpretation calls for further investigation and describes the mass as having undefined borders and the fat tissue around it as having elevated density (not sure about the terminology, this is my poor attempt to translate from German, since the test was done in Austria). He is 65, has no other relevant symptoms as far as we can tell, but we are all very scared it might be cancer. Can you please tell me how likely that is. Thank you.