Green discharge herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Green discharge herpes


Avatar f tn is it normal to have a foul smelling discharge down there,when you have herpes...i shower everyday and it just stinks down there.
Avatar m tn I am 26 years old myself and I have discharge too. We guys do have some fluid that comes out. Especially when stressed. I noticed I got that alot when I got more and more stressed I would feel "wet" every now and then. I agree with petal as well.
Avatar f tn Hi if your having a green discharge from your penis then test for Trichanomas as thats a common symptom but also check for e-coli as its in feces material.
Avatar n tn Herpes does not have a yellow discharge it sounds very like the type of symptoms associated with Gonorrea she needs to see a Doctor aain or go to an STD/GUM Clinic for further evaluation of this discharge ..... yellow/green discharge suggests infection of some sort going on....
Avatar n tn Did not have any issues for three years. 3 weeks ago, my foreskin got really swollen and tender. No blister but a discharge of green color coming from the foreskin ( I used vaseline to keep the skin moist and painless ). This healed in about 9 days. Yesterday, I got the swelling again, not as profound as three week ago. I do osuffer from protatitis and i am on antibiotics. Questions: 1.) Is this really herpes ? 2.) Why a breakout after 3 years ? 3.
Avatar m tn Ive been having white, green, and now yellow discharge from my penis for about a week, with painful urination and tenderness. I have a small redish, skin colored bump on the top of my shaft, and its not going away. My girlfriend has hsv on her lip and she had an outbreak about a month ago or so. Ive got an hsv igg test, and im waiting for results. But does this even seem like a herpes infection?
Avatar n tn The type specific herpes igg blood tests look for a specific reaction by our immune systems that shows that we have herpes and have developed igg antibodies against it. has terrific info on herpes testing under the how do I get tested for herpes section if you want more reading. Herpes usually is not accompanied by a yellowish/green discharge. If you do have herpes - it's more likely that you have more than just herpes going on.
Avatar f tn I have had unprotected anal sex with anther male and went and got tested and came back negative for gonorrhea chlamydia trichanomasis and hiv. I have had burning urination and green discharge. But have had the discharge around twice. I haven't noticed any bumps or sores and it doesn't hurt near my genitals. I am going to get a herpes test tomorrow by what could this be?
Avatar f tn Hi, a green discharge indicates Trich which is a parasite and could surely cause the pimple like things. I would rule out herpes s you would not have an outbreak a few days after exposure and if it was a new herpes infection you would also have flu like symptoms after the pimples appeared. Test for Trich as well.
Avatar f tn You cannot have herpes if you are not sexually active - genital herpes is an STD which means you have to have sexual contact for transmission (genital sex or oral sex performed on you by someone who has genital or oral herpes). Having pimples in your pubic hair is very normal - it can be in irritated or infected hair follicle. Clear or even milky discharge can be very normal too - it's when it's yellow/green or foul smelling that you'd want to be checked out.
606638 tn?1299565361 Usally the discharge is green or yellow or white. Usally green discharge is indicative of gonorrhea. If the discharge is yellow or white rit might be indicative of an NGU or chlamydia; sometimes the discharge can be only urine. None of these are iron clad, meaning that if you see a white discharge it could mean chlamydia it could not. It could mean gonorrhea it could not. Untreated gonorrhea, chlamydia, can lead to PID in women and Epididymitis in men.
Avatar f tn No, STDs, including HIV, need a human host in order to transmit. You need to have either direct genital skin to skin contact (or oral to genital) to transmit, or mouth to genital, genital to genital, or genital to anal penetration. You might get a yeast infection, or staph or MRSA though. Those live longer outside a human host. None of those would cause a green discharge, though. I wouldn't overly worry about this. I can't think of a vaginal infection that causes a green discharge.
Avatar n tn No, I was tested before all of this, but have been in a monagamous relationship. I worry about herpes, you know this grace. And I know sometimes herpe's causes a discharge...does this sound like a herpes discharge? I've discharged or leaked before, but this had a different feeling, more of a gulping or splurging feeling. What would cause it to crust up and get thick and crystalized and chalky? I've compared it side by side to a semen stain, and they're nothing alike.
Avatar m tn your wife needs to be seen and get a proper work up done. Green discharge is often a sign of a std so she needs a full work up done. Sounds too late for her to get tested for herpes with a lesion culture of her symptoms but it's certainly worth follow up for you both. almost all of your symptoms you listed sound like the common cold combined with a heck of a lot of anxiety. certainly since you had unprotected sex you should follow up with a full std screening yourself.
Avatar f tn I've done so much research since I have been freaking out and do these symptoms not line up with herpes?
Avatar n tn Common std symptoms from vaginal sex would be white/green vaginal/urethra discharge and burning while urinating. Couldy pee is not a std symptom and getting hand herpes (whitlow) is not common at all.
Avatar f tn green discharge is not normal. You need to go and be seen today or tomorrow and get this checked out. This isn't a herpes issue. definitely get more info on your herpes so that you can learn more about it for you and your partner :) has hubby been tested for herpes too?
Avatar f tn she cultured my discharge to send it away and also did a test in the room where she rubbed the swab on a piece of orange paper(she said if it turned yellow yeast was the problem or if it turned bluish/green bacteria was the problem). it turned a green color so she prescribed me a gel to insert once a night for 5 days.
Avatar f tn The pain was very minimal and the sores only hurt if I touched them. I was also having white and sometimes green discharge which I thought was just another symptom of herpes. I decided to wait it out and was emotionally trying to get over having it. (The pain and itchiness really weren't a problem) but a month went by and the itching and blisters still hadn't gone away which I thought was odd so I finally went to my gyno.
Avatar f tn so lastnight i went to the restroom and i noticed a light green discharge when i wiped? it was a little bit and very light green...... what can it be? I've never had this before ?
Avatar f tn Green discharge may be an infection.
Avatar n tn im 13 weeks pregnent but i have noticed that i have green coloured discharge
Avatar n tn I have had a dark green to light green discharge from both breasts when squeezed for many years. I asked a Dr about it years ago. He told me to stop playing with myself. I was furious! Later, I had breast cancer (not related, I think) and after surgery had a pocket of a copious amount of dark green fluid in my surgical breast. Doctors did not seem to know what it was. Eventually, a slide as done and it turned out to be a protein (not infection).