Gastroenteritis and encephalopathy

Common Questions and Answers about Gastroenteritis and encephalopathy


Avatar f tn Profound fatigue, itching, plunging platelets, weight loss (65 pounds), depression, and multiple infections. Flu,gastroenteritis,urinary tract. Anybody else experience the same or similar? I have not started treatment yet. Hepatologist is reluctant to treat because of side effects. I have been unable to work for over a year. Anybody know anything about whether or not I should file for disability?
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn My daughter is 14 months old and she has has watery diarrhea and vomitting. When she was born she was perfectly healthy, but once I had to return to work I began to give her formula and that's when she began to have these complications. She began to have watery diarrhea and vomit. I took her to the doctor and they said she had gastroenteritis, but it's been a while now and she is still the same? Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Thank you.
Avatar n tn Hello! I seem to have unfortunately caught gastroenteritis. I was given Ondansentron and it helped immensely. However, I can't sleep. I'm so wired and my stomach still hurts but luckily, no side effects. Is this normal? Is it the gastroenteritis or the drug?
Avatar f tn (The hollow right under your ribs, in your upper stomach) Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise and general aches and pains. For most people symptoms subside within 1-3 days but you're contagious much longer. You can still pass the virus through your stool for 2 weeks or so and it can survive on surfaces for a long time too. Just take it easy, eat bland foods and rest a lot.
Avatar m tn Fecal transplantation of bacteria from one healthy donor into patients that suffer from hepatic encephalopathy, is safe and improves cognitive function compared with standard of care treatment for the condition, new research concludes. The study results also demonstrated that the number of hospitalizations following fecal transplantation plus antibiotics was two, compared to the standard of care arm, which was 11.
Avatar m tn Hi, it is rare a post is simply left with no response however this one is fairly complicated and perhaps outside the experience of most of us with Hepatitis C. Fear not though as there are a few very knowledgeable members who might be able to somehow find a way to respond. I figured I would help this along by providing a few links. I am certain you have done much research already but I found reading about the TIPS procedure quite interesting. http://health.nytimes.
Avatar f tn Every day since I went to the hospital to get checked out I was found out with gastroenteritis and 1 week later taking pills it went away. Now ever since then I've been going to the bathroom and what I've. Noticed is that my poop is yellow and floats. I think I may have malabsorption but I'm not to sure. I'd go to the doctor but my parents wouldn't wanna take me as I had gone to the doctor 4 weeks ago. I'm 14 and I'm overweight for my age. I'm 210 Pounds.
Avatar m tn Low serum sodium (hyponatremia) and potassium (hypokalemia) are common in cirrhotic patients treated with diuretics and both can worsen hepatic encephalopathy. Hypokalemia appears to exacerbate encephalopathy in part by stimulating ammonia production from the kidneys. • Constipation: Slow transit of stool through the gut appears to increase the time for bacteria digest foodstuffs and make ammonia and other toxins, potentially triggering hepatic encephalopathy.
Avatar f tn Viral gastroenteritis symptoms may appear 1-3 days after you are infected and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually last just a day or two, but occasionally they may persist as long as 10 days. Because the symptoms are similar, it is easy to confuse diarrhea caused by viruses with diarrhea caused by bacteria (e.g., Clostridium difficile, salmonella, and E. coli) or parasites (e.g., giardia). If your symptoms persist, see your doctor for further workup and management.
Avatar n tn Rifaximin 400 mg 3 times daily is a newer nonabsorbable antibiotic that, according to 2 meta-analyses, is at least as effective as nonabsorbable disaccharides for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy but with a lower incidence of abdominal pain (P = .04) and fewer hospitalizations. A third meta-analysis found rifaximin to be more effective than lactulose in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy.
Avatar f tn I went to the doc after 5 days. He said its just viral gastroenteritis. I looked up the condition and it says you have vomiting and/or diarrhea, but i have neither. I am worried it is appendicitis, but the appendix is on the right side, not left. I am really in pain but i am taking my meds as described. Does this sound like viral gastroenteritis to you? I am in such severe pain just laying here typing this and barely moving.. Please help. Thank you.
1788584 tn?1315106518 Secondly Acid reflux gives you very bad stomach ache and usually lasts for a short time and you can possible be sick with it but feel much better straight away without diarroe and sickness ectr. I no this as i suffer from acid reflux myself. The term Gastroenteritis springs to mind as you say you have been sick and been havin toilet issues. This usually clears up within a few days and its like havin a flu virus or stomach bug.
851432 tn?1239036447 Patients with recurrent hepatic encephalopathy found that rifaximin reduced hospitalizations for hepatic encephalopathy by approximately 50% and reduced the risk of hepatic encephalopathy breakthrough by 58%. These are good things. As you said the real issue is cirrhosis. Do you have other symptoms of cirrhosis? Do you have varices? An enlarged spleen? Portal hypertension? Have you experienced swelling of your ankles and or feet?
Avatar m tn when i went to the emergency room they first gave me an x-ray and said my pancreas was swolen then they gave me a contrast ct-scan in wich the said my boweld were swolen they diagnosed me with collitis. when i went and saw a gastro. specialist he ruled out the collitis and said it was gastroenteritis he told me to continue the levaquin i was prescribed.
535089 tn?1400673519 Hi to all. I was recently Hospitalized with Gastroenteritis/Colitis and was wondering if anyone could give me some options for a good food regiment (liquid diet) that would help calm the intestines. I have had a recent infection including Colitis, Gastroenteritis (sp). I would also like to know what the best OTC antacid might be to calm the tummy. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
1872406 tn?1320890391 We rescued a little kitten approx 6 weeks old who has been diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. The prognosis by the vet is poor and I'm wondering if there is anything else we can do other than keep her hydrated and treat/prevent secondary infections. Please help- really appreciate any advice or past experience that you may have... Thanks in advance...
Avatar f tn It is not uncommon that patients will deny, evade or blame some other reason for the fact they are ill. We all bring our personalities with us when we are ill. And when our brain is flooded with toxins, the situation only gets worse. Bill has a lot of good advice for you. I would follow his suggestions.
Avatar m tn my husband has diaherria,chest pains, headache's,sweats and lost of appatite. could u possable know what it could be ?
Avatar m tn Hello, doctors. I'm a young, sexually active gay male. From time to time I meet a man from the Internet and engage in safer sex practices like fellatio (mostly with me performing it) and mutual masturbation. I never engage in anal sex with these men, and I always, always ask about HIV status. My last test was two months ago and the result was negative. So, normally, I'm not very worried about HIV. However, I have a concern that I hope you can address.
Avatar n tn With more advanced hepatic encephalopathy, fatigue, and at least mild deficits of memory, concentration, and coordination may become apparent. At this stage, common complaints by the patient include: - “I feel like my head is in the clouds.” - “I’ll walk into a room and forget why I am there.” - “I am always tired…but I can’t sleep.” - “I often forget what to say in mid-sentence.” - “My boss is telling me that my work is slipping.
Avatar n tn you have protected sex=no risk for hiv and your doctor told you that it is gastroenteritis so go and continue safe sex.
Avatar f tn My doctor diagnosed me with gastroenteritis and told me I could not have solid foods. What can I eat?