Gas causing heart palpitations

Common Questions and Answers about Gas causing heart palpitations


Avatar m tn I have post nasal drip, so im sure that that is building in my stomach and causing my stomach to be upset. Does a heart palpitation and stomach palpitaiton feel somehwat the same? When my stomach feels upset/gas it seems to be when i have these "flutters". I tried to take my pulse when they happen to see, but i cant feel these palpitations in my pulse. Would this be a stomach palpitation, or just related to the gas? its on the left, right by my rib on the low side.
Avatar m tn t go away so I had my mom who is a nurse practitioner listen to my heart beat and take my heart rate and she said it seemed normal. I had Diet Coke with dinner and it went away after I talked to my mom then I had some smores and it started up again. I went to bed and when I woke up its been happening again. all I have eaten today is a banana and water. My family has had a history of thyroid problems and I can't get in to see my primary. Anybody know what is going on with me?
Avatar n tn After endless reading for almost a year I still am having episodes of gas and bowel related heart palpitations. I did figure out that gas fighting products with simithicone such as gas x help very much when I go into a-fib. The palps always stop if I have a bowel movement also. I dont know what I ever did to deserve this but I just deal with it the best I can. Its very scary when it happens but I have to accept this and not panic as I did in the past.
Avatar f tn It started with heart palpitations and vomiting, then i had abdominal or gas pain. stomach feels uncomfortable after eating.i went to a physician and he prescribed me zantac. i also had my blood checked for a deficiency in anything. results were norma except that i had a UTI infection. now i'm on zantac and an antibiotic. unfortunately i'm struggling with extreme fatigue upon standing, rapid heart rate some coughing and sometimes dizziness. This has been going on for three weeks.
1282678 tn?1275186261 I have chronic gas, bloating, constipation, heartburn, trouble breathing, dizziness, muscle weakness, heart palpitations. I have had my heart checked, ct scans you name it. I read articles on the vagus nerve. Could this be causing all of this? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1170718'>Abdominal Pain in the Front and Back Upper Left Area</a>.
Avatar m tn One of the reasons I read for afib was uneven heart chamber sizes causing the heart to not beat evenly so it is good that you are getting your heart fully evaluated. Well anyways, I personally experience more premature beats after a bout of reflux and get them more when I have gas so regardless if the doctors don't agree I see a stomach/digestion link. I don't believe it is the only cause but try antacids when you ingest things that may cause gas or reflux and see if it helps.
Avatar n tn It is also believed by some experts that excessive gas build up in the stomach can put pressure on the nerve causing palpitations and other side effects.
Avatar n tn On the extreme side, sometimes people mistake their gas/acid problems for what is actually a heart problem, so all the more reason to get checked out by a doc. They can draw blood and see what your cholesterol levels are, check your blood pressure, that sort of thing. I mention this because you talked a little about your irregular heartbeat.
Avatar m tn recently ive been having more frequent heart flutters and skips with the sensation of passing out !! I have acid reflux bad I take omeprazole 40 mg I ran out of my meds and started taking over the counter omeprazole I had bad skips and sweats that caused me to go to the ER they did a stress on my heart said it was fine could there be a problem going on in my esophegous causing these heart symptoms? Help desperate for peace of mind!
Avatar n tn strong heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, urgent need to have a bowel movement. These attacks last about 10 -15 minutes. I am not sleeping well which causes the fibromyalgia symptoms to reappear ( I can control symptoms with proper sleep) because I am afraid that I will have a heart attack in my sleep and not wake up. The doctors do not seem to be too concerned as the pain is fleeting and I have no shortness of breath.
Avatar f tn I have had this for 10 years and now for the past 6 months i have developed a heart issue. Palpitations and something called pvc,s . I am concerned that a part of intestine is lying near my heart and causing this problem. Is this even possible? I know my body very well, and i have done alot of research on this problem and i really think thats whats going on. Please help.
Avatar f tn Gas can definitely cause palpitations. I get palpitations from gas, large meals, fast food etc. Eat smaller portions, maintain a good diet and avoid things that make you gassy.
Avatar n tn During the past 2 weeks I have come to learn some important things. I believe that the heart palpitations are being caused by pressure within the upper GI tract pressing on the vagus nerve. The pressure is due to improper digestion of food. I'm taking digestive enzymes and eating smaller meals that are acid reflux friendly. The good news is that it is working. The pressure has subsided and the heart palps have also stopped - not a coincidence.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Heart-Disease/Root-cause-for-gas-and-heart-connection/show/2467571">Root cause for gas and heart connection</a> was started.
Avatar f tn Can bloating and gas cause heart palpitations? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Heart-Disease/strange-palpitations/show/251594">strange palpitations</a>.
Avatar f tn It really means you feel aware of something irregular with your heart rhythm. So many things can cause palpitations, such as anxiety or even drinking caffeine. What you need to do is establish if there is a serious underlying problem by perhaps organising a holter monitor through your Doctor. You wear this for a given period of time so it can record a trace of your heart rhythm during the palpitations.
Avatar m tn The vagus nerve gets irritated and sends signals to the heart causing it to act up. You may want to try antacids when you eat to help alleviate the palpitations. But I do believe antacids may cause your magnesium levels to go low so you will want to have them checked if you take antacids for the long term. But yes, your stomach can be part of the problem. I always get pvcs after I eat for about an hour or so but they tend to lessen if I take the antacids before I eat.
Avatar m tn hi I'm new to this community.i have been having gas and palpitations for a very long time.i went to check everything and the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me.i noticed whenever i eat spicy foods,salad,fruits,vegetables,oily foods or do something very fast, that i have no time to think which is when i get palpitations.
Avatar m tn Are your having diahrrea? The bloating is probably gas, which is causing the pressure in your chest, or maybe heartburn or both. Activated charcoal capsules from the health food store can help with the pressure/bloated feeling from the gas, as well as with loose stools. Take them 2 hrs before or after meds or vitamins. You feel better after you poop because all that pressure is finally being released.
Avatar m tn I am a 36 year old male, about 195 lbs, and 5'11". I sit in front of a computer most of the day and have had a very sedentary lifestyle the last few years. Recently, I've decided to change that and for the past few weeks have been taking brisk walks of 1.5 - 3 miles most mornings and evenings and doing some strength exercises (dumbbells, crunches, etc) and have been trying to eat better and cut out caffeine and sugars.
Avatar n tn since having a colonoscopy, polyp removed, and then a follow up sigmoidoscopy 10 months later, residual stem removed, i have had some problems. after the sig., eight weeks ago, i have had heart palpitations. never had them before this. my internist said it was probably a result of the prep throwing off my electrolytes and prescribed magnesium. that didnt work and now i have to see a cardiologist.
Avatar m tn I started having PAC’s, afib (3 to 8 beats at a time based on a 2-week heart monitor test) and arrhythmias (or palpitations), sometimes lasting 45 min to an hour. I can’t say for sure if afib is involved in my arrhythmia episodes or not. I have some acid reflux and I have a sliding hiatal hernia. My evidence suggests that the herniated stomach is sometimes brushing against the heart and that the acid reflux is irritating the vagal nerve in the esophagus/heart area.