Foot bones navicular

Common Questions and Answers about Foot bones navicular


Avatar n tn You may have an accessory navicular, which is an extra bone growth on the tarsal navicular, the bone in the arch of your foot. This can be accompanied by an abnormal attachment of the posterior tibial tendon (PTT) and can cause the sort of pain you are describing. Occasionally, the accessory navicular is injured and separated from the "true" navicular. If this does not heal correctly, it can also be a chronic source of instep pain.
1366685 tn?1278019145 s disease is a condition, where the navicular bone in the foot undergoes avascular necrosis. Navicular is one of the many tarsal bones of your foot. Avasucular necrosis is destruction of the bone due to no blood supply Kohler disease is a rare bone disorder of the foot found in children between six and nine years of age. In adults a similar condition is called Panner's syndrome occurs and there are other variations of Kohler which can occur and also affect your metatarsals.
Avatar n tn Hello, I am 19 years old and have had pain in my feet around the navicular bone since I was a kid, but always thought it was normal. I recently went to an orthopedic surgeon and heard that I have slight bunions and excess navicular bones in both feet. I've had pain for years and years so I don't know how much putting heat on my feet for ten minutes a day could help (what the doctor said to do).
Avatar m tn Bones: There is diffuse bone marrow edema of the navicular bone. A mild, liear, T1 hypointense signal abnormality is seen in the distal aspect of the navicular bone, which could represent a nondisplaced fracture line. Mild subchondral bone marrow edema is also noted in the talar head with mild subchondral sclerosis at this level. Mild bone marrow edema is noted at the distal and of the medial cuneiform bone with mild osteophytosis and minimal subchondral cyst formation at this level.
Avatar m tn Our footwear can greatly impact our foot health. There is also something called Accessory Navicular Syndrome. A visual examination takes place and an x ray is usually order to confirm. For this, immobilization is always recommended and I don't know if that is something you can do at home now. Icing it is highly recommended and if you don't have problems with taking these, NSaids are very helpful. They reduce inflammation/swelling and reduce pain.
Avatar f tn There may or may not be slight mid-foot swelling present as well. Certain points on the dorsum and the sole of the foot would may be tender to tough. Pain can also be elicited while trying to stretch the foot or move it inwards or outwards. Hope this was useful. Take care!
Avatar n tn Yes, we have tried orthotics with no results.She has had an MRI and CT Scan. The first coalition she had was the calcaneo and navicular bones. I'm not sure where this other coalition is though. Is a fusion of the joints called an arthrodesis? The pain is very extreme, and she has suffered so much in the last 2 years, it's so unfair, as she should now be enjoying her teenage years, but isnt! Thank you for your help so far.
Avatar f tn s doing this. Keep in mind that like the wrist, the ankle joint is made up of many small bones and joints in the hindfoot and degeneration in any of them could lead to what feels like ankle pain. I had degeneration in the talo-navicular joint in the hindfoot. For a while a custom-made, articulated ankle brace helped. It allowed my ankle to flex up and down to walk normally, but didn't allow my foot to roll side to side, which is what caused the pain.
Avatar m tn To begin with, I am 33 old single man I am less active and I am obese my weight is 112 KG and my Height is 178 cms. I am having this Lump on my left ankle foot since 2 months. I was thinking it is due to excess weight so I started going for brisk walk. Last few days I noticed the swelling and consistent mild pain on the lump. Size of lump increases like a big pimple.
Avatar n tn Now, a bone protrudes out of that foot right above my arch. Its kinda like a second ankle I guess. It hurts a lot after I run. Also, when I play softball now, I sprain that foot very easily and it hurts a lot more each time I sprain it. What can I do? Do I have accessory navicular syndrome or something?
Avatar m tn Hi pleeeez pleeez help me I am 27 yrs of age perfectly healthy until 2 yrs ago where I woz in a incident where I missed a step from 1 ft high and fell on to my right ankle and fell over with a lot of pain especially near the posterior tibial tendon and the navicular bone.
Avatar f tn I need advice. I started having mid foot pain 9 months ago. Unfortunately it took 6 months to identify a Navicular Stress Fracture. MRI findings are listed below: Abnormal longitudinal vertical cleft with corticated margins involves the mid navicular bone waist with only a small component of bridging bone and marrow posteriorly and inferiorly. A previous partial fracture with an ununited component is likely.
Avatar m tn Went to ER and was told that i had a acute navicular fracture. All that has been done for treatment is a wooden shoe. I was restricted to being on the foot for 15min. of every hr. and elivate as much as possible. This has went on for three weeks. There are no changes in my condition. I still have pain, and swelling and a poping in my foot. My question is, is this treatment normal for this injury? If other treatment needed should i get a second opinion? What should treatment be?
Avatar f tn I had an MRI of my foot and just received the report. The conclusion is as follows: 1. Dorsal Lisfranc Ligament shows abnormal thickening and signal intensity in this region that may be compatible with strain versus tear. 2. Contusion of the medial cuneiform and inner aspect of the lateral cuneiform. 3. Contusion of the navicular bone. What kind of treatment do you think I will need? Surgery on the torn ligament???
1667208 tn?1333107849 for a foot problem this week and find I am lucky enough to have an extra little bone in my foot called accessory navicular, fairly common I guess, 2-10% of the population can have this extra foot bone. It just seems weird that once again it is a "bone" malformation issue!
Avatar f tn Mine do that! Even if I move my foot my hips crack and pop. It's normal. Mine started doing it at 22 weeks.
Avatar f tn Above link is my xray. Podiatrist today seemed to think my posterior tibial pain (I play rugby and running can make pain severe) is related to this syndrome but in comparison to "normal" xrays, my Navicular seems pretty normal to me. Thoughts?
Avatar f tn I was told by an orthopaedic specialist to keep walking with a maybe broken, maybe not broken accessory navicular bone until I can't stand the pain anymore. I have been dealing with this for almost a year, any suggestions.
Avatar f tn To satisfy my husband's request, I took my 9 year old son to a foot and ankle specialist to get an opinion on his "flat feet". My son has never complained of pain of any kind. This was just to "check it out". The first doctor indicated he was too far gone for shoe inserts/plates to help in any way and highly suggested the procedure "subtalar arthroereisis".
Avatar f tn It sounds like you may have either had a serious sprain or broken some of those tiny bones that are in the foot. You definitely should see your doctor and he will probably order an X-ray. That sounds painful. I twisted mine before by missing a step, and the hospital put on a cast and this relieved the pressure on my foot and made it feel a lot better. Mine was just a sprain.
Avatar f tn Putting any weight on an operated foot or ankle can do damage to the repair that’s been done. Bones need time to heal. Plates or screws that may have been added during surgery need the bones to heal around them. Adding weight too soon can interrupt this important internal healing process.