Flexibility workouts dvd

Common Questions and Answers about Flexibility workouts dvd


483733 tn?1326798446 I also have joint issues. That along with my plus size means I can't do just any workout tape. At the risk of having rotten fruit thrown at me, I'm actually fond of some of Richard Simmon's stuff. "Party off the Pounds" is one that I think has an ok balance of music, interesting moves, etc. I know he is totally cheesy, and some of his workout moves are not very good--like "jazz hands" type of stuff!
Avatar n tn I want to increase flexibility and muscle tone. Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent yoga/exercise DVD?
Avatar f tn Hello ladies, I'm a FTM here and before I got pregnant I was trying to lose weight and get more toned. Now, I'm 8w1d and I don't have the energy to go to the gym. Any recommendations for a good prenatal workout DVD? I was looking at Suzanne Bowen's Slim & Toned but still not sure...
Avatar f tn Prenatal water aerobics or just swimming in general is easy and feels good
1292737 tn?1272559251 Thanks for all the encouragement:) The Firm exercise DVDs are made specifically for women. It combines strength training, cardio, and weight lifting with a little bit of dancing as well. It tells you which DVD to do each day and if you have a day where you can't do the full 45-60 minutes workouts, they have "Turbo" workouts...which are more intense but shorter workouts to help you fit in your busier schedule.
Avatar f tn I Also do squats as the shower is running before I get in to help my thighs and butt. Prenatal yoga too for flexibility. You can get a cheap DVD from Walmart.
193609 tn?1292180293 I just did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. OMG It about killed me! It takes about 25 minutes to complete. All you need is the DVD and a set of weights...I used 3lb weights and thought i was going to die!!! They have two people doing the exercises....one is for more advanced exercisers and the other is for beginners! Even the beginner workout is really hard and you will know you worked out when you are done! I feel great though, knowing I got a workout in!!!
973741 tn?1342342773 Yes, I bought a DVD set off Amazon. It was $20 and comes with I think 12 workouts, a measuring tape, a schedule that tells you what video to do on what day, and a booklet that has a meal plan. I personally don't follow the meals, but I eat a balanced diet. It is low impact and I do it at home. I noticed that when I was doing Piyo regularly (have taken a little break from it) my monthly period migraines disappeared.
435139 tn?1255460391 s Fit Mama Prenatal Workout, she has a variety of exercises on the dvd including salsa dancing and then once you have the baby a post dvd is included and it has mama and baby workouts.
518733 tn?1333017015 i was thinking of getting a work out dvd to do after the baby was born to try to get my figure back as i cant afford to join the gym has anyone tryed Davina McCall: My Pre And Post Natal Workouts? or recommened any thing else?
Avatar f tn Im 22 wks and I've stopped all my zumba classes (the only thing I truly miss) but I try as much as I can to do light weights and use my treadmill as much as possible but some days I can sprint for a hr and sometimes I can't even make it 30 min! So just do what feels rite! Ur body will tell u when it's enough! Congrats!
Avatar f tn I bought the Tracy Anderson pregnancy project workout DVD. It has a different DVD for each month. I finally started it today and it was really difficult but worked a lot of muscles. It'll definitely keep me strong!
Avatar n tn flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular. Ready? Check out these 8 arthritis-friendly workouts. They’re sure to get you going. Yoga may seem like a new fitness trend, but actually this holistic approach to fitness has been around since ancient times. It’s based on moving through a routine of set poses, or stretches, which increase flexibility, yet protect joints from injury.
Avatar f tn Yoga is very good for you! Just be careful that you don't over stretch. They even make DVDs specifically for pregnant women :) I got the what toexpect when expecting workout dvd and its amazing. It has yoga, cardio, and workouts to do when you aren't pregnant.
Avatar n tn Running is fine, especially if it's something your body is use to before getting pregnant. Just pace yourself and stay hydrated... Crunches I wouldn't do..
Avatar f tn I use to work out all the time so I must admit it knocked the wind out of me. It was very safe workouts but definitely work out at your own speed and make sure to take your time and take breaks when needed!
Avatar f tn Its hard for me to do crunches because I have sciatica and it gives me bad back pain. Anyone know of some workouts that could be helpful for my situation?
Avatar f tn have gone to physical therapy and have regained all my flexibility and have no acute pain anymore. My frustration is still not being able to run. I get almost immediate hamstring area tightness and have burning sensation and discomfort in my ankle/foot area also. the physical therapist thinks it is a compensatory reaction because I am flexing my foot too much to try and bring that weaker leg thru when running.
Avatar m tn The treatment for the enlarged heart walls can be medication the reduces the force of contractility and help increase the flexibility of the walls. If medication is not successful there is surgery that that can remove the excessive mass. There can be heart muscle damage do to excessive drinking of alcohol, drugs, some medication, virus, bacteria, etc.
Avatar f tn You might want to try some yoga; it really does a great job of toning muscles. "Biggest Loser Yoga for Weight Loss" is a great DVD, If you stick with it, you will lose weight!!
Avatar f tn s Health Total Workout in Ten! It is broken into ten minute segments- cardio, upper body, lower body and flexibility/balance. You can pick out the routine that you want to work on or do them all. It also gives an alternative set of exercises to do, actually demonstrated by one of the women on the dvd, that are not quite as strenuous. It was around $15 on amazon. I have also seen dvds specific to MS patients' needs. You might want to look at those, too.
Avatar n tn I thought I should consult with my doctor what workouts are allowed, I just bought A Linsay Brins pregnancy fitness dvd. I want to maintain my self active but with out putting my pregnancy on risk, what are you moms doing?
614343 tn?1258041519 Yes, I have one and I love it. The only thing I don't like about it, is that once you get used to the routine, it's pretty slow paced. I do like being able to track my weight and "Wii Fit" age --- because it always shows that I'm "younger" and in better shape than my 60 yrs would imply. It's good for starting out, but once you get used to the exercises, it's not much of a challenge.
4845170 tn?1369102292 I have a work out video that is for pregnant woman and its perfect it let's you chose.three of the workouts each time, I always do the yoga one last it let's me relax after and slow down my heart.rate.
Avatar f tn Fast workouts aren't always the answer. Walking is an excellent exercise; it will tone up your belly, legs, hips, thighs, so cellulite isn't so obvious. Aim for at least 30 minutes/day, but more if you have time (minimum 30 min/day, 3 days/week). You don't have to run or job, just go at a good brisk clip. If you carry a resistance band, you can work your arms, shoulders, back all at the same time. Yoga is also good for toning, tightening.
773214 tn?1295135069 Once I gain some energy from this first trimester I would really like to start some sort of work out routine but I was wondering if any of you used a particular dvd or anything. I have been looking online and I am confused on which one to go with after reading the customer reviews, etc...I am not a hardcore type of girl but I don't want something TOO easy either....any recommendations? Once the weather gets nicer I will try to get outside and walk.
1697806 tn?1339083319 Your reps should be between six and 12 per set for the most muscle growth, and your workouts should never last much longer than 45 minutes. use heavier weights and move through each rep at a controlled speed. Your sets should last between 40 and 70 seconds any less, and you're not tensing your muscles long enough to shock them into growth.