Flaxseed benefits constipation

Common Questions and Answers about Flaxseed benefits constipation


Avatar f tn I use flaxseed in a loose ground form mixed in with some yogurt on a daily basis. I started using this to benefit from the Omega-3s and to help with irritable bowel. It has really helped cut down on the gut pains. But I also soon noticed that the practice kept me more regular than anything else I've tired. I do also take a softener twice a day. As a side, I have my horse to thank for introducing me to the wonders of flaxseed.
Avatar f tn I have a fruit smoothie with flaxseed every day. Flaxseed is high in omega-3 and fiber, which both are great for pregnant women. Also up your water intake. My dr told me that normally drink 64 oz of water, but with pregnant women it should be almost double.
Avatar f tn Hi, I take flaxseed oil. I was taking it for the benefits to the heart. Haven't heard about benefits to panic attack sufferers. Would like to learn more though.
Avatar f tn I have come to the conclusion this is my problem. I have suffered with constipation for years and have seen a gastric doctor for 25+ years. I CANNOT drink the fiber drinks! Citrucel, Metimucel, etc. They blow me up and seem to get stuck in my stomach at my waist. Sometimes I go as long as 11 - 14 days without a bowel movement. Then I will go up to six times before I have totally evacuated, all the while getting very sick at my stomach, breaking out in a sweat and feeling faint.
Avatar f tn I've had trouble pooping so my stepmother recommended flaxseed. I sprinkled some on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Later I go online to find out that you're not supposed to eat them during pregnancy. Will this result in miscarriage? I am 18 wks 4 days.
Avatar m tn Loaded with alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation, flaxseed has been used for centuries for medicinal and health reasons. Gandhi proclaimed, "Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." The seed itself has terrific nutritional value, very usable protein, tremendous fatty acids, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Additionally, they're a great source of fiber.
Avatar f tn It really aggravated my GERD, and it made my colon cramp and bloat with no effect on the constipation. When I use the flaxseed meal, I don't get these symptoms with it. If anything, the flax seems to calm down the colon.
Avatar f tn i also have been using coconut oil in my coffee with agave and in my smoothies ive read so many differant articles stating all the benefits of using coconut oil,fish oil, flaxseed, parssley tea. can i benefit from them?
412194 tn?1233621532 t do the bee pollen thing, but my sister swears by it. I am a complete advocate for flaxseed or flaxseed oil. It give a great mental clarity, energy ....It takes about a good week before u really start to feel the benefits. If you do some research on it you will see how powerful it really is...........FLAXSEED SAVES LIVES ! Nauty.................
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if drizzling flaxseed oil onto salad, orange juice and other foods is OK for people with MS? I heard that flaxseed oil is supposed to help patients with MS a lot. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids.
Avatar f tn When taking fiber you have to start with a small amount and then build up. But some fibers will give you gas if you are sensitive to it. Like with me, wheat fiber will cause me gas as well as constipation. If your family doctor doesn't know more to help, see a gastrointestinal doctor for advice. They would probably do a scope of your colon to make sure all is well. I have IBS with constipation and many times I don't evacuate completely.
Avatar f tn Do. Not. Take. Laxatives.
Avatar f tn I would listen to your cardiologist or internal medicine doctor if they are very familiar with this situation. Omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil can both sometimes increase bleeding in patients taking blood thinners like coumadin (warfarin), apirin, and plavix. In diabetics on glucose lowering drugs there is some evidence that suggest that flaxseed oil may increase fasting blood sugar levels.
Avatar n tn Hi there. As far as I know, studies about flax seed and cancer are still in their infancy stage. The cancer more frequently associated with this is prostate cancer. I'm quoting this text from the american cancer society website: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_1_1x_Flaxseed_Ginseng_Show_Promise_for_Cancer_Patients.
1462126 tn?1285904589 Hi, I've been suffering from constipation for the past 20 years. I will wait for abt 3 days before taking laxatives to clear my bowels. Lately even the laxatives seems to have delayed reactions. Normally when I takes the pills at night, I will have the urge to clear my bowels wihin 8hrs, but now its taking longer than 12 to 16 hrs. I feel very depress and it has affected my daily life tremendously. Pse advise, I'm 42yrs old female.
Avatar f tn I have read women should stay away from flaxseed while pregnant. I love protein shakes and smoothies and I always put blueberry flaxseed in it but a couple books I've read and videos I've seen from pregnancy chat.
Avatar f tn Thanks! During my severe constipation, after much trial-and-error with laxatives I began taking Senokot regularly (every 12 hours) and occasionally used a pharmacy-bought enema but stopped taking pills after I began bleeding and instead I now take fiber pills, omega-3 fish oil pills, and a few other vitamin supplements. I've also tried eating smaller portions to reduce my waste production and adding more greens to my diet since, although they didn't help much.
Avatar f tn About 18 months ago I was diagnosed with Constipation type IBS. I have been constipated most of my life and no matter how much fruit, veg and fibre I eat, nothings helps. As a ruslt of the diagnosis I now take Movicol (primary ingredient Propyrthylene glycol), I am suposed to take this twice a day, but because I worry about taking stuff too often, I now only take one sachet every other day, or once daily if it gets bad again.
Avatar f tn Actually, it can, because even natural sugars can cause inflammation in the body. Also, if you look up Tyramine Intolerance, you will read that many with IBS have Tyramine Intolerance. Tyramine Intolerance is also linked to migraines. Some of us need to avoid caffeine and sugar all together, and some of us need to avoid the fruit juices. Interestingly, this doesn't necessarily mean cutting out the occasional piece of fruit, unless you are particularly sensitive.
Avatar n tn Things like All bran extra fiber cereal and groung flaxseed . I mix them both in with dry plain cereal , like cheerios, and it works to help prevent constipation. ( just give it a day or so to work) .
480331 tn?1310403529 I don't know how many of you ladies believe drinking herbal teas in pregnancy are beneficial or not, but I just wanted to share this website with you. I started drinking Raspberry Red Leaf Tea in the middle of my 3rd trimester. This tea claims by midwives and health professionals to help women labor more effectively and less painful, due to an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone to the uterus, by strengthening the uterine wall.
Avatar n tn probably it has been addressed before. But being a newbee...I am having constipation type difficulty. I have sticky stools that are constantly bothering me. While it's not hard constipation, it's just constant sticky that is hard to wipe clean. I have yet to research this on this board but I could use any help. If anyone has had this problem, what have you done to help it? Is it diet and if so, what? Over the counter meds? I would love to hear. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Everyone is saying what to use to relieve constipation from methedone...but no one has said here that methedone paralyzes the nerve endings in your bowels, therefore making it extremly difficult to go.I've tried smoothe move tea,flaxseed,prunes,fiber,you name it, I've tried it and all it does is soften the stool...and there it is,yucky soft stool that doesn't want to come out,it's just there,who wants a dirty bum???Somebody's just gotta read this and give me some advice....
Avatar n tn My roommate has complained about the tap water here, saying it causes him constipation (he has a normal functioning digestive system), though his constipation could of course have been unrelated to the tap water. Please help! I am at my wit's end here and REALLY frustrated with my IBS.
Avatar f tn I can relate to some of this, because I have the same kind of IBS that you do. I don't know if I have FMS (I have the symptoms to indicate the strong possibility), but I do have CFS and MCS, so I can relate. We have a special problem, since we have many food sensitivities and allergies. I am sure you are already aware of the gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance issues, since they go with the territory. I was hospitalized with renal failure not too long ago myself.
Avatar f tn I take colace Stoll softener.