Fingernail ridges iron

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernail ridges iron


Avatar n tn i am 26, 36 weeks pregnant and have just been put on an iron supplement (on top of my prenatal) for low iron. I take the iron supplement in the morning and then my prenatal and a vitamin D supplement at night. Thanks!
691935 tn?1421027090 I have several nails that curve downwards at the ends.
Avatar n tn I had a pretty significant vitamin B deficiency causing megaloblastic anemia and required shots weekly for several months...Also, I have had problems with highs and lows of calcium, iron, and magnesium...I had a hair analysis done which revealed no heavy metal toxicities, but a deficiency in molybnium (? sp), copper, and nickle...and of course, low ferritin (showed in blood tests too)...My doc believes I have a borderline malabsorption problem and a low intrinsic factor...Something inherited...
Avatar n tn They do not have complete horizontal ridges across them. Sort of like moguls on a ski slope. They are not discolored and it only occurs in those two fingernails. She has had this for close to a year. She's rarely sick and if it was nail fungus I would think it would have spread to her other nails.
Avatar m tn HI, Fatigue is a common occurrence for me. It is related to neurological issues. But, you are having dry cough as well. Dry coughing and lungs can work together to cause fatigue. Breathing is interfered with when coughing and your lungs are working together to rid the lungs of whatever is ailing you.
Avatar n tn s general health. Ridges, pits,thickening or thinning of nails may suggest an underlying infection, kidney disease or nutrient deficiency. In your case,differentials will be a fungal infection, psoriasis or it may be a benign presentation of an underlying infection. Do you have any other associated signs or symptoms like a rash or scaly plaque in other parts of the body?
Avatar f tn It is an abnormal shape of the fingernail. The nail has raised ridges and is thin and curved inward. This disorder is associated with iron deficiency anemia. The other possibility which can present with nail pitting as well thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin is psoriasis. It is thought that psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation and flaking of skin. My sincere advice is to consult a dermatologist and get these two possibilities probed.
Avatar n tn I have found out about psoriatic nails, found in people with psoriasis, and ridges and peeling in your finger or toenails has to do with iron. High iron manifests in skin problems, and psoriasis is common in iron disorders. Google it with typing in peeling toenails or fingernails. Here is a link.
Avatar f tn I have read that the fingernail ridges could be due to malabsorption. That coupled with the fatty stool makes me think my liver isn't working properly and digesting the fat as it should. I have weighed the same amount since I was 16 years old, and only gained around 20 lbs when I was pregnant. During my pregnancy, I had Intreheptic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, which is a rare liver disorder that occurs only during pregnancy, but it went away after I gave birth.
Avatar m tn What do the lines look like and are they colored? If you have fingernail fungus the topicals don't work. You would have to take a prescription oral drug (Lamisil) for three months then it kills the nail. I just went through this with my toe nail. The nail is usually yellowish.
Avatar m tn Hi I just want to know what can cause some or all of these combined symptoms, Hair thinning, lost of appetite, a few dark toenails but not all of them, 1 fingernail half light pink half light brown with vertical lines no ridges, wart on ball of both feet and lately some lost of taste (I'm thinking due to thin white film on tongue) I was a Severe smoker until recently when I stopped.
Avatar f tn what's up with deep vertical nail ridges? and what are they a sign of? is it parathyroidism too? I have low vit d3 levels and low thyroid. I am now being tested for parathyroid but only after insisting on it because this is the second time in the past year my vit d level dropped under 15. The bone pain in awful. This time around I have it in my right leg and thumbs, last time pain was across my upper back and thumbs as well as other bone locations on the body. Silly isn't it?
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Avatar f tn Nutritional deficiencies that show up in the fingernails usually are in both hands and in at least 2-3 fingernails. For example, spoon shaped finger nails that can hold a drop of water. This is called the "water drop test" may indicate an iron deficiency; this has been seen in iron deficient patients on dialysis. White spotting in several nails, both hands may indicate a zinc deficiency.
1409672 tn?1281487812 Vertical ridges represent a normal aging pattern, though some people consider the presence of ridges to be an indication of the risk of developing athririts. At any rate it is considered normal and medically insignificant.
Avatar f tn They are the same color as nails, not very deep but definitely noticable. These ridges are especially noticable on the bed of my thumbs and also on the toenails of the big toes. Other fingernails/toenails don't seem to have ridges, maybe just a few small ridges on index finger nails.
1098760 tn?1266447897 If I dont take 25mg of iron at least every other day, I Cant Have Any bowl movements. as in I Might go 1 or 2 times in an Entire Month if I Dont take Iron. I will also Crave straight RAW meat obviously for the iron in the blood. Ive yet to talk to anyone having an issue like mine... I stopped taking iron for 3 or more months, and I paid for it too.
681148 tn?1437661591 It would be helpful if someone could refresh my memory on which deficiency this could be, so I can ask my doctor about it. Does iron deficiency cause any of this? I have had iron deficiency anemia more than once and suspect I have that again, but I'm wondering what else is likely the cause of these unusual nail conditions. Well, unusual for me anyway.
Avatar m tn I seem to have some weird circular ridges in my erection. It does not hurt, they are very prominent and are easy to feel. I am hoping to know what these so called "ridges" are. I have been freaking out about this for months. I am thinking about asking my physician, but decided to come here first.