
Evista hrt

Common Questions and Answers about Evista hrt


Avatar f tn Could my recurrence of Ovarian cancer be attributed to my taking Evista for a year? I had ovarian cancer 15 years ago and after surgery and chemo, and a "second look" surgery with multiple biopsies was considered cured.I had a complete hysterectomy and the cancer seemed to be contained in my left ovary. Last winter I found a lump in my left groin which was biopsied and diagnosed as ovarian malignancy.
Avatar n tn Is there any drug interaction between these two drugs ? I am taking Evista for Osteoporosis.
Avatar f tn to be tollerable. Now I start Evista for lcis and osteoporosis. That is supposed to cause flashes. My doc says Effexor and Clonidine will help flashes. I do not want to take Effexor, and Clonidine may lower my blood pressure too much since I am already on two blood pressure meds. I will try the Evista and if get flashes again, I may just stop. I read magnesium helps, so I tried. It did help quite a bit, but unfortunately, if you take enough, you get diarrhea. Some choice.
Avatar n tn Hi, Hair loss in a known but not highly common side effect of Evista. If you do a search: "Evista and hair loss" you will find numerous references to this side effect. This link: indicates that as of Sep. 15, 2013, 17,635 people were reported to the FDA to have side effects when taking Evista. Among them, 259 people (1.47%) have Hair Loss. Time on Evista when these people had hair loss: < 1 month 4.35% 1 - 6 months 4.
Avatar f tn My consultant says he will see how I go without any hrt. Am slightly concerned about this as I know I will go into instant menopause. I didnt get to ask too many questions. Anyone advise me please. Also wondering how you prepare your body in advance for this op, ie.
Avatar m tn Has anyone heard of taking Tamoxifen or Evista as a possible step in breast cancer prevention? My doctor has suggested it because I'm in a high risk category. I'm not sure what to do.
Avatar f tn he said I am cancer free right now, but a high risk of getting breast cancer so he is recommending this medication Evista. He said Evista was better then the tomoxafin because it causes less blood clots. Is this true? I haven't started any meds yet, since IM going to get a second opinon first to see what is the best course of medication for me to take.Of course there are side effects now what medication doesn't have any side effects right.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm ok, but I think about this every day since I found out. It bothers me more than I thought it would. I have no known family history, but my mother died at 60 from complications from uterine cancer. I am post menopausal. When I was 49 my husband died and my periods just stopped suddenly and I had only hot flashes. But they were often and I would get drenched at work. So I took Prempro. I never stopped taking it because every time I tried the flashes came back.
600561 tn?1326845621 I am 68 and all tests indicate that I am in very good health. For the moment, my only perscription drug is Evista. Where can I go with this question? Thanks.
Avatar f tn How long should a woman stay on Evista if no negative side affects?
Avatar n tn He also said an oncologist would later discuss prophylactic treatment with tamoxifen or evista (I have osteopenia, and he said evista can be beneficial for that). I am very frightened and anxious. Seventeen years ago I had a benign lump removed in the other breast. Two years ago I had emergency surgery for a retinal detachment and have only just now come to terms with my altered vision the various complications from the detachment.
492490 tn?1255405372 There are also stage III clinical trials for Ovature out there to make you sensitive to platin again -- my doctor also keeps talking about Navelbine as a possible alternative treatment, although my research showed it mainly is used for small cell lung cancer. The Femara, Evista, and Arimidex and Tomoxifen are all used to try to stall the need for chemo again, but don't make anything go away, they just slow it down if the do anything at all,.
Avatar f tn Oncologist opinion that since I am 62, and have been on Prempro for 11 yrs that HRT may have contributed to LCIS, because although LCIS is found in women my age, it is usually found in younger women. Just finished weaninf off the Prempro. Having sweats and flashes, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I am supposed to start Raloxifene. This may cause hot flashes. If severe enough, dr will rx Effexor to treat flashes.
Avatar n tn Sorry I am too new at the hrt thing myself. I have just been relying on my doctor to tell me what is best for me.
Avatar f tn My oncologist has made it very clear that I am not a canidate for HRT even though I have had a bilateral mastectomy and the cancer I had was not hormone dependent. They only thing she may consider is an estrogen ring which only releases a small amount of estrogen which absorbs locally. Very little is actually released into the bloodstream. This would only be used if other non-hormonal lubricants did not work. This will not do much for other menopausal symptoms.
Avatar m tn I stopped HRT in late Nov. after 12 years (I was on a very low dose) and am now struggling with sleep. I can fall asleep just fine but wake up every 45 min- 1 hour all night long. Even sleeping pills like Lunesta and Halcion don't get me through the whole night, I am awake by 2 or 3 am and then off and on for the rest of the night. I did not have any problems with sleep while on HRT but each time I've tried to go off, I have trouble with sleep.
Avatar f tn I would do alot of research - there are some good message boards on HRT and what is available. Bioidenticals are identical to what your body would be making and that's what I'm on now and anxiety is gone, no more heart palps, and no more off and on hot flashes - which I rarely got but I sometimes did. Please don't go estrogen dominant. American Dr.'s are so far behind the times when it comes to our hormones.
Avatar f tn That seems to work great, no more real low moments but the last week I have noticed ( been off hrt now for 16 months ) that I am experiencing alot of vaginal dryness, cotton mouth, breast tenderness and the dreaded hot flashes. I do not know what to do. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn My Dr. put me on an hrt FEMHRT. I started my period again Monday is this normal or not. My Dr. told me to continue taking them.
1168718 tn?1464983535 Hi guys, just a question about HRT.............. anyone out there on it, and does it affect your MS drugs, and did it help?? I was prescribed Climara .05 in a patch once a week, and I'm scared to try it. I was just wondering if anyone out there has tried these drugs and what was your take on them. Any feedback would be appreciated.... Thxs..
Avatar f tn I had a FULL hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. I was put on HRT. I stopped taking it without doctor knowing about 2 weeks ago because of the horrible headaches. I feel fine without it and definitely don't have the headaches. I'm 42, my sex drive is fine and I have a had a couple of hot flashes but nothing crazy. What happens if I stay off of the HRT?
Avatar n tn I am not sure which medication your mother is taking, but Evista (raloxifene) can cause muscle cramps of the legs. Please have your mother make an appointment with her physician.
1663554 tn?1302898976 It often takes some trial and error to get the right hrt or combo hrt for ones body, I was lucky just needed estrogen used a patch ( these are nice, easy to use and you know your getting correct dose) I used Vivelle dot , its rather popular many find it is all they need. Remember one very important thing. any medication you start you can also stop, Its a good idea to see a new branch of specialts called Nurse practioners that practice in a gynos office and advice on hrt as their specialty.
Avatar m tn There is estrogen-only HRT and combined (estrogen plus progestin or progesterone) HRT. Women who have a uterus who take HRT must take progestin or progesterone if they take estrogen in order to protect their uterine lining from the proliferative effects of estrogen. Estrogen is not associated with an increased risk of any type of cancer (except endometrial/uterine).