
Evista efectos secundarios

Common Questions and Answers about Evista efectos secundarios


Avatar n tn Esto ha sido una maravillosa ayuda. Tengo mejor calidad de vida en general. Efectos secundarios muy pocos y manejables. Cariños. Espero les sirva mi respuesta.
Avatar n tn Por favor, tenga en cuenta nPEP implica bastantes pocos efectos secundarios. Mi mejor consejo para usted es consultar a un médico local. Goodluck.
Avatar n tn y Lopinavir 200 mg/ Ritonavir 50 mg. también cada 12 horas. El tratamiento me está causando como efectos secundarios malestar, diarrea, arcadas, hinchazón de estómago, dolor en el lugar del hígado. Lo cual me preocupa pues he sufrido de hígado graso y cada año controlan el estado de mi hígado, y además tomo medicación para el desorden bipolar lo que hace mi hígado aun más sensible.
Avatar n tn Is there any drug interaction between these two drugs ? I am taking Evista for Osteoporosis.
Avatar f tn Could my recurrence of Ovarian cancer be attributed to my taking Evista for a year? I had ovarian cancer 15 years ago and after surgery and chemo, and a "second look" surgery with multiple biopsies was considered cured.I had a complete hysterectomy and the cancer seemed to be contained in my left ovary. Last winter I found a lump in my left groin which was biopsied and diagnosed as ovarian malignancy.
Avatar n tn Hi, Hair loss in a known but not highly common side effect of Evista. If you do a search: "Evista and hair loss" you will find numerous references to this side effect. This link: indicates that as of Sep. 15, 2013, 17,635 people were reported to the FDA to have side effects when taking Evista. Among them, 259 people (1.47%) have Hair Loss. Time on Evista when these people had hair loss: < 1 month 4.35% 1 - 6 months 4.
Avatar f tn Sólo me imagino que el médico, quien le ha estado prescribiendo el tramadol con tanta libertad, debe estar dispuesto a ayudarle a vela y le ayudan con los efectos secundarios de los retiros que se experimentan. No recomendaría detenerlo "cold turkey" como la retirada de ella es esencialmente el mismo que el de los opiáceos. Por lo general toma varias semanas de los síntomas realmente desagradable seguido de varios más de tan sólo el insomnio y debilidad general y la depresión.
Avatar m tn Has anyone heard of taking Tamoxifen or Evista as a possible step in breast cancer prevention? My doctor has suggested it because I'm in a high risk category. I'm not sure what to do.
Avatar f tn he said I am cancer free right now, but a high risk of getting breast cancer so he is recommending this medication Evista. He said Evista was better then the tomoxafin because it causes less blood clots. Is this true? I haven't started any meds yet, since IM going to get a second opinon first to see what is the best course of medication for me to take.Of course there are side effects now what medication doesn't have any side effects right.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm ok, but I think about this every day since I found out. It bothers me more than I thought it would. I have no known family history, but my mother died at 60 from complications from uterine cancer. I am post menopausal. When I was 49 my husband died and my periods just stopped suddenly and I had only hot flashes. But they were often and I would get drenched at work. So I took Prempro. I never stopped taking it because every time I tried the flashes came back.
1240849 tn?1269509484 En cambio, esa planta que dices, si lo que hace tiene efectos hormonales, yo no la tomaría hasta no estar segura de que tu problema es ese, y eso solo te lo puede decir un médico. A veces nos pensamos que tenemos los abortos porque nos pasa algo o algo no esta bien, y eso solo es así en contadas ocasiones. El resto de veces no nos pasa nada y es simplemente casualidad.
600561 tn?1326845621 I am 68 and all tests indicate that I am in very good health. For the moment, my only perscription drug is Evista. Where can I go with this question? Thanks.
Avatar f tn How long should a woman stay on Evista if no negative side affects?
Avatar n tn He also said an oncologist would later discuss prophylactic treatment with tamoxifen or evista (I have osteopenia, and he said evista can be beneficial for that). I am very frightened and anxious. Seventeen years ago I had a benign lump removed in the other breast. Two years ago I had emergency surgery for a retinal detachment and have only just now come to terms with my altered vision the various complications from the detachment.
Avatar m tn No confíes en que serás el único habitante que puede controlar los efectos de estos medicamentos en sus terminaciones cerebrales, que tú eres distinto o que sólo es de vez en cuando por favor, no lo creas, no es así. No juegues con fuego y no te quemarás, amigo. Sobre tu pregunta, aqui no nos permiten responder preguntas para pasar análisis pero puedo decirte que varios días, no muchos, en la orina lleva más días que en la sangre.
1881216 tn?1320835314 Si eres una persona a la que le gustan los dulces, podrías recompensarte un día a la semana con una porción de chocolate negro, es el que menos engorda y tiene efectos estupendos, ayuda a la producción de endorfinas, igual que el ejercicio.... Sobre los paseos, a partir de la media hora, es cuando empiezas a quemar grasas.. así que es mejor una hora diaria seguida que repartida, ok ?
492490 tn?1255405372 There are also stage III clinical trials for Ovature out there to make you sensitive to platin again -- my doctor also keeps talking about Navelbine as a possible alternative treatment, although my research showed it mainly is used for small cell lung cancer. The Femara, Evista, and Arimidex and Tomoxifen are all used to try to stall the need for chemo again, but don't make anything go away, they just slow it down if the do anything at all,.
Avatar n tn I am not sure which medication your mother is taking, but Evista (raloxifene) can cause muscle cramps of the legs. Please have your mother make an appointment with her physician.
Avatar n tn Two lymph nodes were involved, I had a lumpectomy, lymph node dissection (l5), chemo, radiation, and tamoxifen followed by evista, which I currently take. My mother and her sister both had breast cancer (neither died from cancer). No one ever suggested I have anything but a yearly mammogram, always negative. I am most concerned about my daughter, who is scheduled for the MRI guided biopsy Feb. 20. I also wonder if I should be getting any tests other than the yearly mammogram.
Avatar f tn I had estrogen positive stage 2 breast cancer eight years ago. I had my overies and breasts removed because I have a family history of breast cancer. I' m currently taking Evista and my estrogen level is the same as a mans. Am I out of the woods yet?
Avatar n tn Evista can cause biliary calculus which could 'feed into' conditions that might result in pancreatitis.
Avatar f tn When a doctor on ABC national news suggested that women stop taking it after 5 years, I made an appointment with my doctor to discuss stopping this med. My doctor agreed, but now suggests that I take Evista. I researched Evista online and found that it is linked to increased risk of ovarian cancer and stroke, in addition to other nasty symptoms I have never experienced (including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia). I am afraid to take this drug, too, and don't know what to do.
Avatar f tn Since my T score is going down, I am going to try Evista.
Avatar m tn Pero cuando empeze a investigar y asufrir la falta de sueño y otros sintomas secundarios me asuste y intente dejarla, pero no pude. En esa busqueda de soluciones encontre este foro que me ayudo a identificar primero que era adicto y eso hasta a uno le da verguenza admitirlo y dos que la forma de dejar no era de inmediato sino poco a poco. Tengo una niña de seis años y la verdad no podia dejarme ganar por esta pendejada.
Avatar f tn Osteoporosis medications like Raloxifene (Evista), alendronate (Fosomax), risendronate (Actonel) and ibandronate (Boniva) all can cause flu like symptoms in individuals that are taking them. I am not sure what medications you are on, but this could be your problem.