Epinephrine histamine

Common Questions and Answers about Epinephrine histamine


338416 tn?1420045702 Angioedema is the result of localized histamine response. Epinephrine might be a bit of overkill. On a side note, we keep Epi here for the animals when we vaccinate. A few years ago, I got stung by about 6 or 8 wasps and started to have a major reaction. You can guess the punch-line. Yep, I used the animal epi on myself and had a neighbor drive me to the hospital.
Avatar f tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Water urticaria is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs. Itching can be controlled with cold packs or commercial topical agents that contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, aloe, antihistamines, or cortisone preparations.
484160 tn?1343397921 The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. It is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs. Itching can be controlled with cold packs or commercial topical agents that contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, aloe, antihistamines, or cortisone preparations.
Avatar n tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Water urticaria is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs. Itching can be controlled with cold packs or commercial topical agents that contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, aloe, antihistamines, or cortisone preparations.
Avatar f tn I am a Registered Nurse, & my daughter would have the same thing _& even get hives. I always suggested to her to take some Benadryl, until one time she went walked with me. She came back to her car & was wheezing, red, short of breath, then I got her into her car,_& she was crumping on me & I called the ambulance got her to hospital ER. She barely had a blood pressure, she was in & out of consciousness.
Avatar n tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Water urticaria is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction. Contact dermatitis can be diagnosed from your symptoms and physical examination. Blood tests and x-rays are not helpful. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs.
Avatar f tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction. Water urticaria is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction.
Avatar n tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs.
Avatar f tn Also wear medical alert jewelry or ID tags describing the condition and sensitive substances and always carry a self-injectable epinephrine kit (Epi pen). It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar n tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction. Do you have itching for a longer time,say for>2hrs?
750269 tn?1233271586 It is a rare condition in which hives develop within 1 to 15 minutes after contact with water. The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction.
Avatar n tn After suspected ingestion of a food allergen, epinephrine injection (or adrenaline) can be administered to counter some of the released histamine, giving the victim time to get to a hospital for proper treatment. You can find more information about tree nuts allergy and the different tree nuts causing allergy from the following websites: http://www.foodallergyinitiative.org/section_home.cfm?section_id=3&sub_section_id=6 http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/info_treenuts.
Avatar n tn Hello, Water urticaria, or aquagenic urticaria, is a rare condition in which hives develop within 1 to 15 minutes after contact with water. The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction.
Avatar n tn Hello, Water urticaria, or aquagenic urticaria, is a rare condition in which hives develop within 1 to 15 minutes after contact with water. The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction.
Avatar f tn For temporary relief you can use OTC antihistamines, benadryl, applying ice, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, hot baths, wearing tight clothes etc. Inspite of these measures if hives are not controlled then epinephrine or steroids are used for treating severe hives. Hope this helps. Best.
Avatar f tn I had to get stitches last night, and was given 5-6 shots of epinephrine and lidocane. I told the intake nurse I was taking synthroid (which I presume implies thyroid problems). I felt a little "unusual" afterward (pounding heart, feeling calm and detached..), and was googling the side effects of the shot.. an article said this: "Additionally, epinephrine and lidocaine usually aren’t used in patients with thyroid disease, or disease of the kidneys or liver.
Avatar f tn The hives last for 10 to 120 minutes and do not seem to be caused by histamine release like the other physical hives. Most investigators believe that this condition is actually exquisite skin sensitivity to additives in the water such as chlorine but distilled water can also cause this reaction. It is diagnosed by applying tap water and distilled water to the skin and observing the reaction. Treatment of water urticaria includes epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs.
Avatar f tn There is a small amount of sulfite in epinephrine, which is why you probably had the reaction you had at the dentists'. As you probably already know, sulfites are usually used as a perservative. Wine especially contains sulfites. It's also used to make red meats look redder and more appetizing. The list goes on and on. I sure hope you can get to the bottom of your problem!
Avatar f tn I feel king of dumb asking this, but has anyone here had an allergic reaction to bees that comes back hours later? After getting stung by bees I usually have about a 20-30 minute "window" to get to my epi shot and benedryl -my reaction is unusual in that I get dizzy, my blood pressure crashes, and my throat and chest get really tight. -No rashes or redness...
Avatar n tn I had a 2nd trimester miscarriage the day that I had a mole removed at my dermatologist. They used Epinephrine and Xylocaine and when we received the autopsy report it revealed that my baby was perfectly normal and healthy without chromosonal issues prior to him dieing in my womb that day. Has anyone experienced this or known anyone who has? I researched on the web and found many warnings about pregnant women receiving Lidocaine from the dentist but not what they gave me.
1460427 tn?1285773515 I was diagnosed a little over a year ago by immunology because I demanded the testing or they never would have found it. I now have epinephrine and am on an all natural estrogen that is doing well most of the time compared to various organs failing almost every month from anaphylactic shock. I suffer a slow forming anaphylaxis and most of my reactions are internalized effecting my organs and muscles.
Avatar f tn So far I always got eye drops without epinephrine/or something equal to epinephrine, but this last eye doctor did not want to use any drops at all. He examined my eyes without dialating them.
Avatar m tn Hi, It is a serotonin and nor epinephrine reuptake inhibitor. The name of the neurotransmitter is nor epinephrine it is different from epinephrine. Most of the side effects occur during the period when one is taking the medication. But the important thing to remember is to follow the doctors instructions carefully. To reduce the incidence of side effects it is always started with a low dose and then it is gradually increased.
Avatar f tn Can anyone here tell me if ms has any effect on either of the hormones epinephrine or norepinephrine?
Avatar m tn I'm sensitive to histamine and I'm using a dietary supplement for a long time. It makes my life so easy because I can go out without being worried or stuff like that. I can eat everything, doesn't matter if it's histamine rich or not. I found it online and I got it recommended by some users within a allergy forum. The supplement is called Daosin. And now my question. Does someone got expierence with it?
Avatar m tn I have been have been having huge histamine releases in my body (Checked by ER) to the point my whole body aches and my lungs hyper expand making it extremely difficult to breathe. I just got the results from my allergy test - NEGATIVE - Now no one seems to know what to do? Has anybody experienced this? Thanks.