Eating right uniting flavor and nutrition

Common Questions and Answers about Eating right uniting flavor and nutrition


Avatar m tn ve been on that High Fat Low Carb diet. But my mother is in town and after taking her to the city zoo, and doing a bunch of walking, I decided to take her to a Thai place. It was the first time eating a carb meal in a month. It was drunken noodles, with tomato, basil, and chicken. Some sites say that as long as it's under 140 im fine. But the internet says crazy things sometimes. I wanna hear from real people.
Avatar m tn Some wheat pasta are high in carbs and/or contain added sugar to enhance the flavor. At first glance wheat pasta may look good and sound good but if the nutrition label says otherwise it is harming you. "are these #s good enough to stay off the meds." If your preprandial is 80-90 that is normal. However, the foods you're eating are jacking up your levels. This is where you need to focus your lifestyle change.
Avatar f tn We are trying to conceive also and I am worried that getting the right nutrition for me and the baby.
Avatar f tn The best thing to do is not have junk food in the house, if you can't stop with eating a single portion. Replace the chips, cookies, etc with fresh cut up veggies, such as carrots, celery, radishes, broccoli, or cauliflower. You'll get the same crunch, but you'll get nutrition instead of the fat and empty calories. If you need the salt, sprinkle on just a tad of sea salt to add a bit of flavor.
Avatar n tn Is protien bars healthy for you ? It's flavor peanut butter and dark chocolate .
Avatar m tn I drink whey protein shakes there loaded with vitamins essential amino acids as well as the protein all of witch the body and brain need to heal again walmart 15 buck for a 2lb can the chocolate flavor is good all you do is mix it with milk I still drink 2 a day this will make up for what you may not be getting threw the food your eating good nutrition is essential we need to heal our bodys and brains from all the abuse give this stuff a try none of these works overnight but rather its a gradu
1679858 tn?1346765181 I am very curious to learn whether or how proper nutrition can affect Chiari symptoms. Of course, we all know that eating right is going to help us feel better regardless, but is there any correlation between Chiari and low blood sugar, or Chiari and light headedness due to diet causing more weakness? Or Chiari and brain fog due to diet? I know this is somewhat of a loaded question, but I also know this is the only place I'm going to find an answer! Thanks for any input!
743476 tn?1236614823 I have juvinille diabetes and i am only 16 yrs. old. I know i dont eat right and i am gaining weight but i want to be like all of my friends. I dont take my blood sugar alot either. What should i do?
Avatar f tn Here's my 2 cents; For short periods fad diets work for a few people and fail with everyone else. The Glycemic Index [GI] has shown to be the guide for proper eating. Considering your food allergies you will have pick through the GI to find your right choices, and something I don't believe a nutritionist nor a dietitian can do better than yourself. . "My blood glucose at that time was 102mg/dl. Is that high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes?
Avatar n tn I one time bought a stick blender at a thrift store. You can also find them online, which I'm sure would be easier to do than going shopping locally, since you wouldn't have to leave the house. What the stick blender allows you to do is to leave your soup or other food in the pan you've been cooking in, and you just immerse it into the food your cooking. They are also called immersion blenders. These work great for things like mashed potatoes, too.
Avatar f tn You get to shop for free food bread eggs milk tuna fruits n veggies cheese peanut butter beans and cereal. When baby is born u get formula and baby food and oatmeal. Its extremely helpful and no cost to you.
Avatar m tn Herbalife makes a number of shakes, none which you identified as your meal. Read the nutrition label. Some have minute amounts of sugar and carbs others not. For example Herbalife - Shake-Formula 1 Fr Vanilla has 13 grams of carbs but 9 grams of sugar, a little over a heaping tablespoon of sugar....not healthy.
Avatar f tn Choose and prepare foods that look and small good to you. Foods may taste better if served cold or at room temperature. Frozen fruits such as melon balls, grapes or orange wedges may be appealing. If red meat tastes different, choose chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, beans, eggs or dairy products that don't have a strong smell. Marinate meats in juice, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, Italian, dressing or other flavorful liquid you find appetizing.
Avatar f tn I'm about 9 weeks also and have the same problem. Try eating apples . Things that don't have a lot of flavor but you'll get a lot of nutrition from. Like veggies or fruit also if you throw up everything go to the doctors and ask for ondansetron pills . I take one evrytime I get sick and they really help I don't know what I'd do with out them . Or try ginger pills I hear those help also but I've never taken them myself.
Avatar m tn I should add that I am not one of those naturally skinny girls - I have a medium frame and right now my ribs, my hip and shoulder bons can be seen through my skin. My question is: what should I eat during a day? Should I start eating dinner - if yes, what? I mention the fact that I usually get home at 10 pm in the evening, so it's difficult to eat heavy food at that time - a bowl of fruit is both filling and light for that time.
Avatar f tn Whether or not this helps you lose weight is dependent on your individual digestive system and nutritional needs, what else you're eating through the day, how much exercise you're getting, etc. Now, most almond milk products are very high in sugar, so you might want to check that unless you're making your own, and some people don't do well on dairy products like whey, but assuming none of this is a big problem that's a pretty healthful shake for most people.
Avatar f tn I had a very bad diet last week eating just about everything I wanted. Shot day is friday and saturday I felt ok, to my surprise. Then sunday I woke w/ a huge headache, nausea that was so bad even my seabands werent working. Monday I was still very sick I even went home an hr after arriving to work. Today is Tue and I'm finally starting to feel better still have a slight headache more residual feeling.
Avatar f tn Only buy organic soy products, avoid the soy based additives in so many foods such as TVP and hydrolyzed protein and soy extract and such -- the more processed any food is, the less healthful it is. Also remember that soy is a common food allergen, so be alert for that possibility. What you need are a few good books on nutrition, since nobody really knows what's best to eat and there are many theories about it.
Avatar f tn Nutrition has a big part but then again I never really ate healthy in school and I made good grades and graduated college. I still never eat breakfast. Studies has shown that eating healthier makes you funtion better. I don't know the whole situation with the mother but it might not be ADHD or ADD now days they diagnose every kid with it. It sounds like she just needs more structure.
Avatar n tn t work, and you are worried about nutrition, try mixing some pediasure into his milk. I do that with my daughter every now and then and she doesn't seem to mind it at all. Actually, I think she likes it better. I buy the vanilla flavor, and I'll typically put half pediasure and half milk into her sippy cup, and give her the whole thing over two sittings of drinking milk.
419792 tn?1208270826 My puppy (shes about 6 months) isn't eating her food regularly, she pokes around at it and pushes her dish around but doesnt eat the food....sometimes she'll go back and evantually eat it but its like 4-5 hrs later...she's sleeping a lot more then usual as well (from the lack of food I assume). She's still constantly begging for human food though and wouldnt have a problem eating that (she doesn't get it though because we want her to eat her own food). Any suggestions?
1407457 tn?1281317353 Does anyone know much about the best way to lose weight with PCOS? I currently do weight watchers and will lose small amounts, but my doctor did mention watching how many carbs i'm eating. I need more direction than that though. With weight watchers we don't even look at carbs so I don't know if it's possible to do both. Any suggestions on the best way to lose some weight??
198419 tn?1360242356 When I was on Maui, there was this Roselani brand ice cream; Haupia is a coconut custard flavor and heavenly, but it didn't have bits of crust in it! I wonder if it'll make it here to the west coast? I'm going to North Carolina in April; wonder if they have it there (Charlotte, Pinehurst), and if it will still be around then since it's a limited edition? Sounds yummmmmmmmy!