Does pumping breast milk reduce production

Common Questions and Answers about Does pumping breast milk reduce production


Avatar f tn Anyone else having the problem of having too much for baby to swallow? I am currently trying to breast feed and pump when she is done eating, still can't keep up with all the milk I have. Any suggestions? My boobs are getting HARD to manage/touch.
Avatar f tn Pumping doesn't stimulate milk production like natural breastfeeding does. Try hand stimylating with pumping every hour, using warm rags around your breast to make the let down reflex easier, and eating certain foods and even some teas can help the body produce milk.
4437866 tn?1388119624 Breast massage and/or breast compressions before and during pumping can be very helpful in increasing milk output during a pumping session. Try different sized flanges or inserts (such as the Medela Soft-Fit®, Ameda Flexishield Areola Stimulator®, or Avent® petal massager insert) or rearrange the flanges after five to six minutes to help stimulate different parts of the breast and areola, which may result in more let-down reflexes, thereby increasing milk output.
Avatar f tn Ok, so does that mean no pumping?
8377023 tn?1399509160 Alot of people.dont know this, but my lactation consultant told me that it's normal sometimes to constantly be breastfeeding in the beginning. Formula has a filler in that makes babies full for longer. Breast milk does not have any fillers in it. It's not that she isn't getting full it's just she will eat more often. Even every hour sometimes. And that's okay, she told me there will be days in the first 3 months that she will eat all day long and it's good for them.
Avatar f tn I'm trying to choose the best breast pump and milk storage system I can find. I travel extensively for work and I'll even be pumping in the car. I found the Kiinde system; which looks awesome. But, I'm not sure what I will be able to express from each breast at each pumping session. Ideally, I would like to pump directly into the storage bag, freeze it, thaw it, and feed directly from the bag. That is how the Kiinde system is intended to be used.
Avatar f tn Continue to latch your baby on the breast directly, your baby can build your milk supply a lot faster then pumping. It's to early on to begin remedies, your baby latching constantly will help, more so then anything else. A newborns stomach is about the size of a cherry, a few days old baby anywhere from a walnut to a apricot. A month old baby about the size of an egg. Babies do not have to fill their tummies to feel "full".
7801868 tn?1395885718 Thereare also ssupplements teas and some foods that help production like oatmeal. Alcohol like beer does NOT make more milk it just makes for an easier let down long term it may hinder milk production.
5627474 tn?1374148775 Freeze your milk. And another r really important question. Are you sure baby is eating enough? I made a lot of milk with my son because he wad in the NICU so I had to pump a lot to leave milk there for him. And when he came home I noticed that I pumped even more milk. But it was because he wasn't eating much while he was latched. He was being lazy and using me as a pacifier while he lay there. Lol. So first make sure he is actively eating.
3588173 tn?1357317184 Fenugreek does work well for increasing milk production but I would talk to the NICU Dr before taking any supplements.
10720243 tn?1415582269 Nothing has been more depressing than going from making 10-12oz on average to barely pumping 4oz. My baby is only 2 weeks old. I don't understand how my milk supply has run out so fast. I want to cry. I am mostly pumping because my daughter has the hardest time latching. And bottle feeding is a lot easier due to schedules. Do any of you already moms have any tips to up your milk production?
Avatar n tn a huge thing that helps with milk production is breastfeeding, not so much pumping even if you feel they are not geting as much as they need always let them breastfeed for as long as possible, then if you really think it is neccasary feed them a bottle too, but not until after they have breastfed for a long as possible.
5749518 tn?1391923991 I was told that even though you aren't producing milk right now, to put the baby to the breast and let him/her suck and that should help stimulate your breast helping produce milk.
Avatar f tn Recent information I've read (from WIC) encourages you to wait until 6 weeks after baby is born to start breast pumping. They say otherwise it interfers with milk production and bonding with baby since they'll prefer the bottle over your own breasts.
Avatar f tn Water water water! Stay hydrated throughout the day. Almond milk is great for milk production and eating oatmeal ups your production as well. Do a lot of skin to skin contact with your baby.. lay them in their bare diaper on your bare chest.. mouth to nipple, direct contact, is the best form of stimulation for milk production. If you're going to pump, try doing it during a feeding, and keep pumping till you feel your next let down of milk.
4545793 tn?1394592544 I just thought he wasnt gettinf enough so I pumped into a bottle and I filled the whole bottle but still he was hungry this is all kinda at a loss and my moms breast milk production slowed down after 2 months so I think I might be following in that path which I hope not bc I love to breast feed my baby..idk any ideas ladies and I want to here updates from all of u !!!
Avatar f tn Usually pumping after nursing will help empty the breast. If you find that you are not pumping anything after nursing you can try pumping before nursing. Babies are much more efficient at emptying the breast than a pump so this may work better for some moms. 10. If your supply is low or baby is not gaining weight see a lactation consultant for help. 11. Make sure baby is latching on well. Try more than one technique to get your baby latched on. 12. Get support from breastfeeding moms. 13.
362119 tn?1223137936 I had my son on august 15th, my milk came in 3 days later... I have tryed pumping and i only get about 2-3 ounces a day.. why is that? When he feeds a have a lot of milk, and then it seems that whenever i want to pump it takes FOREVER to come out. will this get easier?
1399033 tn?1449587779 It is important to consume enough fluids and nutrients to support milk production. Have you started to switch your baby to formula or breast milk bottle feedings? For some women pumping isn't enough... they need suckling to stimulate production. There are supposed to be herbs you can take to encourage milk production, but I'd speak to a local La Leche League person if you can to find out what is going on with you.
7845638 tn?1395841467 That sounds great mommikat breastfeeding at night would work for me I read on this blog that milk does come in at the wee hours pumping seems like it's going to be a lot of work but I'm determined to make sure I don't have to resort to formula
Avatar f tn eating as healthy as possible, but ever since I cut out these items, my milk production has decreased so much. Has anyone else had anything like this happen? Or know someone who has? And if so, any suggestions?
Avatar f tn Id wait until u were at least 38 weeks just because of risk of inducing labor and u should have colostrum first few days until milk comes in if ur absolutely SURE there's no way ur gonna bf on the boob id say it's okbaby needs that colostrum first though its super packed stuff but if u think u might try it naturally bf wait cuz again baby needs that colostrum first but for most women pumping alone just doesn't keep milk production up like baby will
Avatar f tn Just keep pumping, it will help keep your milk production up. Also try the Medela nipple cream. I LOVE it, I'm using it now while pregnant because my nipples are so sore. And like a previous poster said, my son did just fine going back and forth between bottle and breast. When they realize it's the same milk they take to it fine. Just get her tongue cut and she will be fine in a day or two!
Avatar f tn I got oatmeal and couldn't find any tea for milk and I'm pumping more, hopefully I make more soon
Avatar f tn In the mean time start putting baby to breast and if you have a pump start pumping while you are at work. The baby sucking and the pumping will help to tell your body to produce milk even if nothing is coming out. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Try eating oatmeal, its said to help with milk production. There is also fenugreek that you can take in pill form that helps milk production. I hope some of this helps.