Cpap vs mandibular advancement

Common Questions and Answers about Cpap vs mandibular advancement


Avatar f tn If your airway improved significantly when you thrust your jaw forward, then this would make you a good candidate for a mandibular advancement device. Overall, in my experience, oral appliances have better track records in treating UARS. But this is totally dependent on the particular dentist's expertise. Not all dentists are the same. There are also various orthodontic techniques that not only move your teeth around, but can change the shape of your jaws as well.
Avatar m tn Another treatment option that mild to moderate sleep apnea sometimes responds to is a mandibular advancement splint (MAS). It’s similar to a sports mouth guard, holding your lower jaw slightly down and forward. I don't think they are good! That's my opinion!! A commonly used diagnostic tool that measures your level of daytime sleepiness is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.
Avatar m tn If your nose is stuffed up, take care of that first by seeing an ENT doctor. Having open nasal passageways is important if you want to eventually benefit from sleep apnea treatment options, especially with CPAP. Once your nose is open, give CPAP another try. There are many ways of gradually adjusting to using CPAP.
Avatar f tn I suggest you follow-up with you sleep apnea team, and consider undergoing a formal or in-home sleep apnea test for more definitive diagnosis. The mandibular advancement device should help, as well as CPAP. The dental device pulls your lower jaw forward, which pulls your tongue forward. If you have a long wait, there are inexpensive low-tech boil and bite models that are sold over the internet for snoring, which does the same thing, but not as well as the formal device.
679466 tn?1247006054 Another option for you may be a dental device, There are various options for mandibular advancement devices, but in general, you have to see a dentist that specializes in these devices. These devices pull you lower jar forward and thereby pulls your tongue base forward. Another simple and inexpensive option (more as a screening test) is to get one of the over the counter (or over the internet) boil-and-bite models, for about $60 (Somnoguard and Puresleep are two models).
1193998 tn?1265117597 My pulmonologist is having me try a month of Flonase and serious dedication to weight loss before trying the CPAP. (Pardon me if you hear me laughing - I've been SERIOUSLY trying to lose 15 lbs. that abruptly appeared out of nowhere after I hit menopause last year, so good luck with losing it in a month, but that's another rant...) Has anyone had surgical correction of the soft palate, and has it been successful?
Avatar n tn It took me 3 months to adjust the dental devices to reach the optimum lower jaw advancement setting. I have tried both the cpap and TAP and Somnodent dental devices. It took me approx. one year to desensitize myself to the mask let alone to find the right cpap mask (nasal pillows) and pressure setting to alleviate my symptoms. Keep in mind with UARS you need only a lower pressure setting to keep your airway open. If you read Dr. Guilleminualt’s papers on UARS and posts of www.cpaptalk.
Avatar f tn I have been having chronic fatigue for a couple of years. Past year got so bad I almost had several MVA's. Finally went in and was tested. Severe sleep apnea and PLM's (alot of them). Cpap at 10cm helped daytime fatigue and I am sleeping better but still aytime fatigue. Provagil helps but not with driving. Ritalin, adderal not helping with that yet. Still testing for Hypersomnia vs Narcolepsy. Repeat sleep study showed very little Apnea but still some PLM's.
Avatar m tn One suggestion was to extract the mandibular first molar which also has root canal done and move the mandibular second premolar and mandibular first premolar with braces to allow the extra tooth to come up. Another orthodontist commented that this would damage my occlusion and suggested to let it be, since the extra tooth is not erupting. Is this a good idea? To put a premolar in a place of a molar? My x-ray: https://ibb.
Avatar n tn I have been dealing with insomnia for about six months. Initially, I was prescribed a combination of Remeron and Ativan to help me sleep. The side effects were fairly severe. I was going through my day very dizzy, and felt like I was in a dream state the whole day. I'm now taking only 30mg. of remeron and have been doing so for about two months. I'm getting some sleep, but my sleep is interrupted and I wake frequently during the night.
712568 tn?1268104907 Sleep apnea surgery usually requires both upper and lower jaw movement of about 1 cm or more. This is called MMA, or maxillo-mandibular advancement. You should look into standard sleep apnea treatment options first if you're found to have significant obstructive sleep apnea. Frequent oxygen deprivation to the brain can cause temporary neurologic lesions that can affect any part of the brain.
4915340 tn?1360965940 previous to Oct 22, 2012, my BP has historically been 110-120/80 and I never had headaches. I was diagnosed with UARS in 2005 but was given a CPAP with a nasal-aire vs a full face mask and any time I was stuffy I would discard the use of my CPAP. I haven't used it for several years now. The doctors are baffled, my sleep study did not reveal OSA (but when I mentioned UARS they looked like they were unaware of what that was).
Avatar m tn Hepatitis must be treated to avoid rapid advancement of cirrhosis. Once a cirrhotic patient has reached decompensation then it is likely to progress to a terminal degree. A cirrhotic patient with a compensated liver may live for many years with proper diet and exercise so you can see why it is critical to treat your hepatitis. Hepatitis left untreated will cause your cirrhotic liver to advance to decompensation. I hope this helps. Take care.
Avatar m tn Basically the 'mandibular angle' (maybe easier to google) on the right side is a different shape and more prominent then on the left. Just before my jawbone meets the mandibular angle, there also seems to be two ever slight dips in my jawline on both sides. I am not sure whether the one on the right side is deeper, or whether this is how it feels due to the prominence of right mandibular angle.
Avatar m tn You can start with www.aao.
1124204 tn?1292225977 I have had these suspicious bumps in my mouth for about 3 years now there are about 3-4 on the right side located on the top of the mandibular bone then on the left side there is a single lesion located under the mandibular bone I have been to 3 dentists and 2 doctors who briefly examined it and all concluded it to be mandibular tori.
Avatar n tn There are mouthpiece devices, which are also called dental appliances, or mandibular advancement splints. They have proved effective for people who snore, and especially those who have mild or moderate obstructive sleep apnea. So what are these devices and how do they work? Well, they are small plastic devices which you must wear in the mouth; they prevent the soft throat tissues from collapsing and obstructing the airway. ______________________________________ [url=http://www.VIAdmd.
Avatar m tn Hi, As you have rightly mentioned it can be either a sub mandibular gland or a sub mandibular from the lymph node. It needs a bidigital palpation to confirm the first from the second. Do not fondle with that, they are harmless.
Avatar m tn I have been utilizing my CPAP treatment since my diagnosis and until this year, when I moved and began seeing a new doctor, I have had my machine on automatic titration. My new doctor said that this was not a good thing and I went through a titration study. My machine is now set to a setting of 9. Previously, when my machine was on automatic, my machine was exerting pressures to 22 at certain points in time throughout the night.
Avatar f tn I was sent home from the hospital with a temporary cpap and am being scheduled for a sleep study. I am having trouble using the cpap machine. I am afraid to sleep as the doctor did say that with this apnea the brain forgets to tell you to breath. They said my oxygen levels dropped to 64 during the night. I have developed swollen legs, ankles and feet. Should I call the doctor about this or just wait till after the study. The swelling will go down if I am laying down most of the day.