Concussion and nystagmus

Common Questions and Answers about Concussion and nystagmus


Avatar f tn A little over 3 months ago I got up in the night to go to the bathroom and (we aren't sure if I fainted or felt and knocked myself out) but I hit the dresser and was unconscious for a while. I actually woke up back in in bed without knowing how I got back in bed and the room was spinning wildly. I was sweating, sick, nauseous, throwing up and couldn't walk. I finally made it to the bathroom and could see I had dried blood under my nose.
439628 tn?1265202290 Hi Don and Welcome to our Forum! I am not able to offer any assistance I'm afraid as far as the Nystagmus goes but I can offer support and friendship! It would be great to get to know you better and I feel as though you would be a wonderful addition to our family! I too read your journal entry and you have a very solid idea as to what people with MS are facing and deal with every day! I am looking forward to having you here as I am sure that you have a lot to offer.
1100598 tn?1413127426 one every month or so with the aura, which was treated with Imitrex. After a concussion last summer, I started getting them almost daily, where I would get blurry vision, tremors in my hands, nausea, difficulty speaking, pain in the left temple, and falling. My doctor started me on Topamax, 100mg, which has helped with the symptoms, although I still fall occassionally. She was able to rule out epilepsy. I was wondering if anyone else has these symptoms when they have a migraine?
439628 tn?1265202290 If I were having severe problems with vision due to the nystagmus, and the nystagmus was going on for a long time, I would certainly certain having it done. But, I would also research to see who was available to me that had the most experience doing it. I WOULD NOT want to be one of someone's first patients. See if your neuro-ophthalmologist can discuus this with someone who has experience.
Avatar m tn I have Congenital nystagmus and tried gabapentin but it seemed to be making the Nystagmus worse. I started taking bupropion at the same itme, and suspect the bupropion may have interfered with the initial trial of gabapentin. I need the bupropion for the anxiety associated with Nystagmus, but I know it causes blurred vision and convergence problems. Should I even bother to try memantine? Thanks.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure although symptomatic relief could be provided with steroids, plasmapheresis, interferons and neuro-rehabilitation. For nystagmus, medical treatments like gabapentin and baclofen that can suppress nystagmus are useful. Additionally, injection of botulinum toxin, contact lenses, electrical stimulation over the forehead, and acupuncture to the neck muscles has been reported to reduce nystagmus and improve vision in some patients.
Avatar m tn I was involve in a very bad car accident 02/10 and have no memory of the actual wreck. the hospital deemed I have a severe concussion and then also diagnosed me with Post Concussion Syndrome. I am currently also experiencing back and neck problems as well as getting a collarbone checked out for a possible fracture. My question is does coffee effect concussion and PCS recovery. And how long does recovery generally take.
Avatar m tn Just an update, I have my 7AM Monday morning with Mayo. I had an Eye exam today and had some increased blind spots, but no visible ON. My Dr says it prob in the back of the brain. I did ask him about the ringing in ears changing with eye movement, he was puzzled. I did a little research, its called Gaze-Evoked Tinnitus - and can be present with plastic neural changes. So I guess something is going on up there..
Avatar n tn I have nystagmus and recently had the cataract in my right eye replaced with a trulign IOL lens. I am four days post surgery, and I am concerned because I am seeing a fluttery half moon on the right side of my right eye as if I am seeing the edge of the lens moving in and out. Is this normal, will it stop and was this the right lens for someone with nystagmus?
Avatar f tn Acquired Nystagmus (adult onset) which is a strong neurological sign and connected to MS, is an involuntary, rapid and repetitive movement of the eyes and that can cause double vision. Nystagmus can be side-to-side (horizontal nystagmus), up and down (vertical nystagmus) or circular (rotary nystagmus). And like Kyle said its to do with the muscles that control eye movements etc.
Avatar m tn I am 27 years old male. My spectacles power is Right Eye: -12.5 with -2.0 & 10 degrees, Left Eye: -10 with -2.0 & 180 degrees. Both eyes nystagmus and right eye amblyopia (Had squint surgery when I was 7). Having these problems are common or do I need to take any special care for my eyes ? What complications I may have in future with these problems ? I heard that by using contact lenses I can have better vision. Is this true ?
Avatar f tn But I am not sure how serious this is - in theory, I`ve been told that it is bad and that I can`t have lenses. But I`ve been reading on Internet that myopia with astigmatism is common and nystagmus apparently is much more serious issue for most people.
Avatar f tn I know the symptoms I have are a part of the concussion but they are bad (bec I already have the chiari symptoms) and it has been since Friday and I still feel HORRIBLE! I see a chiari specialist at the end of the month but in the mean time could this hitting my head on the wall possibly made things worse? (I did not have a ct for the concussion, the dr. just diagnosed me by my symptoms and what happened).
Avatar n tn He is normal one minute then suddenly loses his balance, gets dizzy and begins vomiting. He has nystagmus of the eyes for quite some time as well during these episodes. He had gone 2 1/2 yrs. without an episode until this past weekend. It was the first time he could speak so we knew exactly what he felt. In most cases the episode comes on by a knock to his head. This time he had been playing with our puppy and he jumped into a window seat and bumped his head on the window.
787406 tn?1339203183 In the last couple of months I have started having right sided headaches that start with sharp eye pain that wakes me up early in the morning and last for about 29 hours. Afterwards I get double vision, oculars without headaches and now nystagmus or jerking of the eyes. My neuro won't or can't make a diagnosis and won't let me see anyone else in her practice.
Avatar f tn In the past, I have had issues with some double vision and nystagmus when looking to the right, but I now have something new. When I have had double vision in the past, I would cover one eye to only see "one." I noticed recently that when I cover one eye, the "seeing" eye has nystagmus no matter what direction I look - both sides do the same thing. This has been going on for the past two months.
Avatar m tn Nystagmus may be your issue, do some research if you can and go see an eye doctor.
1909799 tn?1322009880 I had a nystagmus for a long time. I couldn't read because moving my eyes back and forth caused strain, headache, dizziness, and nausea. I went to occupational therapy for a few months and they had me doing vision exercises to strengthen the muscles. It made a HUGE difference. I still have to do the exercises every now and then when I start feeling eye strain, but otherwise I'm almost normal vision-wise.
Avatar m tn Also problems such as balance, eyes bouncing back and forth, sometimes headaches, and trouble having a good sleep. I just want to know has anybody else had these problems, that has had the Chiari Decompression Surgery?
Avatar m tn A few years ago I was having pain in my legs and trouble sleeping and thought that my nystagmus was due to an underlying condition like fibromyalgia and told my doctor about my concern and a muscle biopsy revealed that I did have fibromyalgia. The pain is not that bad and my insomia is gone. I was wondering if I could take anything for my nystagmus and if there was a way to remove the "idiopathic" and know what causes it with an MRI scan or something like that.
502065 tn?1329187519 Right im 16 and i have Nystagmus and its starting to get me kind of upset, cars are my passion and everyone is saying i wont be able to drive and its getting me down! Has anyone here got nystagmus and they drive. Please do answer this as its starting to get me down!
1925822 tn?1333705617 I am quite sure i have nystagmus...thats why my vision is blurry and objects seem jumpy all the time.anyone taking any drug that is helping?does someone use baclofen or gabapentin?
Avatar f tn It can be a neuro problem but it can also be a vision problem and as I found out this morning it can be caused by an ear problem. Nystagmus comes in all shapes and forms, and is the word used to describe the jerking or shaking movement of our eyes. My nystagmus is being caused by BPPV - I was just evaluated this morning and the therapist says I have rocks in my head - well at least they are tiny little hard deposits in my ears causing my balance problems.
Avatar f tn Bilateral horizontal and vertical gaze evoked nystagmus commonly occurs with structural brainstem and cerebellar lesions, diffuse metabolic disorder, and drug intoxication." I actually like this article.... - because it basically covers all the visual sx's of MS but doesn't boggle your mind with too many mind boggling details. Cheers.......