Colon cleansing clinics enemas

Common Questions and Answers about Colon cleansing clinics enemas


Avatar n tn I believe the general consensus is no enemas at all- in home or at hospital.
Avatar m tn I think it depends on the type of enema. Using enemas frequently for constipation can cause your rectum to "forget" how to have a bowel movement naturally. Using enemas for "colon cleansing", I believe is not good, because your colon doesn't need any cleansing, it does this itself.
Avatar n tn If colon cleansing was beneficial, why wouldn’t our doctors order them?
Avatar f tn I have never had to do enemas, but have you tried adding magnesium citrate to help your muscles?
Avatar m tn just a question, I was at GNC today and saw a product for colon or gastro cleansing. Has anyone used these, does it work and is it healty?
425312 tn?1279966179 In my opinion, the whole colon cleansing thing is a scam. Around 5 years ago I had a colonoscopy done. They put you through a three-day fasting/fluid drinking thing before that. But no enemas or other fluid induction. As they were doing the procedure (it is no big deal by the way), I could see my colon on the TV screen. It was as fresh and clean as a . . . well . . . baby's bottom. So I don't take this stuff about stuff accumulating in your colon seriously anymore.
Avatar m tn I actually agree overall with mammo. There is good reason not to use the enemas for more than occasional stubborn constipation. Even conventional doctors say this. Be cautious, too, about overuse of laxatives. Even with stubborn cases of chronic constipation, as might happen with IBS, be very cautious about becoming dependent on laxatives. That's a very dangerous and slippery road.
Avatar n tn None of them has helped the symptoms except maybe the colon that stuck out seems to do that less now. I tried doing enemas, mild colon cleansing herbs, prune juice, psyllium husk powder with lots of water, and aloe vera juice. Any more suggestions?
Avatar m tn I have made many comments about the same issue. I noticed the mucous during cleansing. At first dark, but now tissuey after doing a lot of cleansing and colinics. I hope you can find some of the posts made on similar questions. Under the ribcage is generally gallbladder blockage to the bile duct and liver toxins - I've been going through this for 5 years - took a long time to figure out the problem.
Avatar n tn i've herard enemas are good for weight loss and stomatch bloating, is this correct and where can i buy them please?
Avatar f tn 3 times per week for at least 1 year) such as Dulcolax may result in a condition called cathartic colon. Signs and symptoms of cathartic colon include bloating, a feeling of fullness, abdominal pain, and incomplete fecal evacuation. Chronic use of stimulant laxatives can lead to other serious medical conditions such as fluid and electrolyte imbalance, steatorrhea, protein-losing gastroenteropathy, osteomalacia, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
787203 tn?1239720933 This is something that you need medical help for right away. I would not do any other enemas or any kind of colon cleansing until you see a doctor. They might be doing more harm than good. At 5'9" and 105 lbs you cannot afford to lose any more weight. Everyone has different bowel habits and what is normal for one is not normal for the other. If you are not eating very much then you cannot expect to have a bowel movement everyday.
1534975 tn?1302372399 I am miserably bloated and full of gas and my doctor keeps saying im packed aswell as i am loosing weight , low energy and lower stomach pains across middle stomach aswell as feeling sluggish and nauseated , all my doctor says is use enemas and drink gallons of go lytely ....
1762931 tn?1313335816 Suppositories only temporarily stimulate the colon walls and do not strengthen the colon. If used over long periods of time they can actually weaken the colon muscles. When those muscles are weak they lack the peristalsis action necessary to keep fecal matter moving through the colon.
Avatar f tn My GI has run thousands of tests on me and has diagnosed me with chronic constipation. He said at this point there are no more medications for me. I saw a colon surgeon and he said colon removal surgery was an option. My GI says we should just do the daily enemas for now but I am in constant discomfort with back pain and fatigue, and the enemas are no longer offering relief. What type of doctor do I need now, after my GI and colon surgeon. Are there motility specialists?
Avatar n tn s advice have been taking 4-5 enemas at home about every other day. Even with the enemas there is minimal production and/or relief, not to mention to unbearable cramping pains! I have had an abdominal/pelvic CT scan, lower GI, sigmoidoscopy, as well as many abdominal X-rays with no diagnosis. My pathology report has come back normal from my flex sig., however, my surgeon did say that during the procedure he noticed an area that was somewhat rigid and would not inflate with the air.
Avatar n tn Are there any home remedies I can do to help out. Are there any enemas that I can give my cat myself like baby enemas or something? What should I do to prevent him from having dehydration?
Avatar f tn Rest your colon usually just means don't eat things that make your colon have to work harder. What you should eat varies from doctor to doctor. It doesn't mean that you stop using your colon completely.
Avatar n tn Lately I have tried mixing vinegar with warm water and doing small 8 oz enemas, frequently; I have released tons of opaque tissue. It feels good when I release it but I can't find anyone who can tell me what it is. I am going to assume it is lymphatic tissue that has attached to colon lining. Of course 'opaque' tissue won't show up in tests I suppose and that is why they can't find anything wrong with me.
Avatar f tn I had a colon resection of the sigmoid colon in Feb. 2007 with a temporary colostomy. While I had the colostomy my bowels would move 4-5 times a day. n The colostomy was reversed in April 2007. Prior to my surgery I suffered from chronic constipation for at least 35 years. Since having the colostomy reversed I've had nothing but problems with constipation, gas, bloating, pain, and cramps. I have to take high doses of magnesium and Vitamin C daily just to have a BM.
Avatar n tn Why can't I get my doctors to understand that my colon is not working. I tell them how food simply does not go past a certain area in my colon and they just come back that I am constripated and need more laxatives. I make my self have a bowel movemebt every 7 days (with lots of suppositories and enemas) and litteraly pushing everything out of my colon down to my rectum. I don't know how long it would be if I just let it go. I am having the sitz tets now.
Avatar f tn This is going to be late for you, but you should never take liver cleansers while taking medication. What you're describing is a combination colon/liver cleanse. Milk thistle and yellowdock, for example, are liver cleansers, and could theoretically wash some of the medication out of our system, as the body sees virtually all medication as toxic.
1378071 tn?1313420821 Has anyone tried the ACIA / COLON cleansing pills, drink whatever.... they say the fat just comes right off?!?! Comeon now... Does that really work, im trying to get opinons before i try it!!!
Avatar f tn In addition, some detox diets advocate using certain herbs and other supplements along with colon cleansing (enemas) to help empty the intestines. Most detox diets last seven to 10 days. Some people report feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox diets. However, this may be due to a belief that they're doing something good for their bodies. There's little evidence that detox diets actually remove toxins from the body.
Avatar f tn A cleansing diet would be rearranging your entire diet, for a short time or forever, to emphasize cleansing toxins out of your colon, liver, and other organs. The reason you read about fasting a lot is that it's the best cleansing diet there is -- you take in no toxins while your body has the opportunity to clean itself out in the meantime. How long to fast is controversial, but when first starting out it's usually recommended to do one day, then move on later to two, etc.