
Coffee health group regionalcare

Common Questions and Answers about Coffee health group regionalcare


Avatar f tn It sounds like you're having digestion problems. The most problematic of the foods you mention generally are first, the milk, second, the sugar, and third the coffee. But it's hard to say since diet is very complicated, and you don't say how soon after eating you laid down. Chamomile is a good stomach relaxant and anti-inflammatory, perhaps try some of that instead of the coffee, milk, and sugar and see how you do, assuming you don't need the coffee to stay awake.
Avatar n tn CO: So in my opinion, the study didn't show benefit for coffee. The people who drank more coffee, cleared it quicker because they smoked more ----------------------------- I hope you're not suggesting that you're better smoking cigarettes with coffee if you want slower fibrotic progression. Actually tobacco studies show the opposite, i.e. cigarettes accelerate fibrosis.
Avatar m tn Once you get it up and running, come back here and post a link to it. I'll also post about it on some other forums for you as well.
Avatar f tn Go to a meeting, we go to have coffee in a group every friday, after the meeting. AA or NA is good, try them both, you will find your circle. The thing is, do something, get out there and meet real people, who you know what they look like and how they express themselves with their eyes. I think you will be amazed at who you hook up with. It's important to have local people, though MH is a great place too, but we need all the support we can get.
Avatar m tn Another reason I feel that it is not a problem is due to the health advantages that coffee has, according to many health studies and reports (assuming this is not just propaganda). I have found that whether or not I drink coffee, the symptoms remain. Another bit of history that I have not revealed is that I am a Gulf War veteran and was in Saudi Arabia / Kuwait / Iraq throughout a one year period.
Avatar f tn ve been trying to eat healthy and I have shrimp salads or chicken salads for dinner, breakfast is usually kix cereal or honey nut cherios with a banana and coffee. For lunch just have a sandwich on a healthy bread and use mustard instead of mayo. For snacks I enjoy fruit , pretzels, yogurt, rice cakes, or carrots. There's a great website called it has been helping me out alot! Goodluck and I hope this helped!
Avatar n tn I am 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow with baby #3 and the sleepless nights are starting to kick in. I really want, and need some coffee but I am nervous to drink it while pregnant. I know having a little caffeine is not bad and I have a soda every now and then but I've never had caffeinated coffee during any of my pregnancies. What do y'all think?
755829 tn?1246919225 Hi there, I provide some basic advice on other forums, but am looking for some advice of my own now, I am wondering if there are health benefits in cutting out coffee and replacing it with decafe coffee, some friends say its good others say it's no better?
Avatar f tn I have just joined this group and I am committed to lose weight before I have to start back to school in the fall. I need someone to help me stay motivated and I want to help motivate some one . This journey isnt going to be easy but I know I can do it ..
Avatar m tn Higher coffee consumption has been associated with slower progression of pre-existing liver disease and lower risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. The relationship between coffee consumption and response to anti-viral treatment in CHC has not been evaluated.
Avatar f tn It is great that you are looking out for your own health and the baby. There are different studies about coffee drinking while pregnant. It is still recommended not to drink caffeine drinks: coffee, teas, sodas (Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew to name a few). Decaf drinks do have a minimal amount of caffeine, however, they are safer to drink. Suggest increasing your consummation of water, which is a healthy benefit. Thank you for your question.
Avatar f tn need to steer clear of raw fish and fish high in mercury and deli meat that hasn't been microwaved for over 2 minutes. Sugar substitutes in moderation and one cup or coffee a day.
Avatar f tn Can I drink coffee being pregnant? I looked online and got conflicting results saying it was okay. But others said dont even think about it. It would be caffanated coffee. Obviously I don't want to hurt my baby but pumpkin spice coffee is calling my name.
Avatar f tn I also read that it takes longer for the caffeine to get out your system .. What can coffee cause your baby to have ? Or any health issues ?
755829 tn?1246919225 I recommend cutting out all coffee. But if you must drink coffee then yes, I would say that decaff is better than regular coffee. Decaff contains little to no caffeine while regular coffee contains high amounts of caffeine. Caffeine can cause MANY problems. I would name them all but it would take me a very long time. Look at this website for further information on caffeine and the side effects it has. Some you have probably already had and didn't even notice.
Avatar f tn Biggest thing is diet i had heart burn food coming up for few years,stop drinking coffee,soda and tomato based food,also eat lean meats smaller meals try nexium or prevacid with diet it solved my issue,hope this helps.
Avatar f tn A fatal dose of caffeine would be 10 grams of coffee or about 80 cups of coffee all at once. While you are not likely drinking anywhere near a fatal dose, you are probably experiencing some serious consequences from your heavy intake of caffeine. Are you addicted to the caffeine?
Avatar n tn ve been around chronic halatosis people, some inherited it some had diabetes, etc. Others have stinky yawns and breath coming out of their throats from coffee. if it's new to u ask others if they've noticed before you.