Coffee enema parasites

Common Questions and Answers about Coffee enema parasites


Avatar n tn Cuz every time ive had it i can think of drinking coffee with in thos 24 hours. I used to drink coffee alot till a year ago, then cuz i moved in with mormons, so after like a year of no coffee at all ive started drinking large ice caps every now and then...could that be doing it? cuz last few days, totally fine, everything normal, then like 12 hours ago, had an ice cap, and well ,they arrent so fine any more.
Avatar f tn Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema The dangers associated with the coffee enema, green tea enema, coffee colonic (coffee or tea high enema), and coffee or tea suppository are as follows: Adding ingredients to the enema recipe (such as coffee, green tea, vinegar, baking soda, bath/epsom salt, or minerals) is not proven to do anything superior to the effects of plain saline. Inserting anything into the anus may result in anal tearing.
Avatar f tn A faster route would be to implement all of these things and ALSO invest in an enema!! Enemas are amazing to flush out bad bacteria and parasites! I did an enema a few days ago and could ACTUALLY SEE parasites in my poop. If anyone is interested i can link a guy who explains it very well.. make sure to use clean water not from the sink. The important take-away is don't just use antibiotics this will wreck your gut flora.
Avatar f tn My parents and I have been doing it over the past few months. We boil coffee to do enema with enema buckets that we have already. The reason I started doing it is because of constant fatigue, always feeling tired and of course, my bowel movements are not so constant. After the first time doing, I felt some improvement. After each time I do enema I feel better and better. Until the last few times I did I start to have this pain I mentioned, which worries me.
Avatar n tn Coffee should never be used an enema... perhaps you aren't familiar with an enema... you need to discuss this with your doctor. It's not a good weight loss option and I would not trust any doctor who recommended it for weight loss. Eating a healthy diet, with moderate exercise is the best way to lose weight.
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Avatar f tn Ugh!!! The joys of pregnancy :/ I am not a coffee drinker, so when I get constipated I drink coffee and it usually does the trick. Also, watch what you're eating. Don't want to be eating too much cheese...
Avatar m tn Listen...we all have parasites, we just don’t know it yet. Parasites that can produce a biofilm encasing parts of your body. I had/have this on my scalp and face but am getting rid of it using a parasite cleanse called Paracleanse and then I just ordered mimosa prudica seeds (not sure I spelled that correctly). I’m also going to do a colon cleanse and enema after all of this and I am no longer eating processed foods, means as I have a hunch that’s the culprit.
Avatar f tn You can take medimucal but you might want to try a long walk, more fluids, a cup of coffee or most helpful might be changing your diet to more fiberous foods and cutting back on binding foods.
Avatar n tn What your doctor suggested could be causing the rectal pain. An enema sounds like a good thing to try. It could also be some sort of infection.
Avatar f tn A good cup of dark roast coffee always helps me. And don't feel weird asking those kids of questions here...luckily were all in the same boat and many of us have experienced constipation at one point or another during pregnancy...along will all the other gross stuff lol. Try coffee hopefully it helps. I know when I get constipated in get horrible pains in my belly so I will do anything to get things moving. Keep fruits in your diet to help keep it at a minimum. Good luck!!
Avatar f tn ( ive also tried strong coffee,papya,honey and lemon hot water, prunes but couldnt keep them down made me sick.. idk what else to do ...
Avatar f tn constipation is common but have you tried a cup of coffee or pieces of chocolate? I know it's caffeine but it helps my metabolism when I am really hurting!
Avatar n tn First thing he had to do because it became impacted almost like a bowel obstruction was he had an enema. Not his most fun experience ever but necessary. Then hit was recommend that he drink a cup of grape juice daily. He does this and it really helps. Extra fluids will also help. You need water to keep it all moving properly. The other thing he does is he drinks a small probiotic smoothing that is like a regular brand yogurt drink bought in the dairy aisle at the grocery store.
Avatar f tn You could drink coffee, prune juice or apple juice to help loosen it up. Best thing to do is go buy a fiber mix & it'll help you go. If you're that backed up though I would recommend getting some medical attention before it becomes dangerous for you and baby.
Avatar f tn I had it real bad due to the medicine i was on and nthn helped meds milk coffee stool softer suppository but i ended up having to use an enema it sucked but i finally got relief
Avatar f tn A large cup of coffee does it for me but if you're a regular coffee drinker it might not help. Sorry that is the worst but it'll pass.
Avatar f tn I havnt been able to have a bowel movements in 4 or 5 days.. I hurt so bad so I went and bout stool softener and drink black coffee with chocolate bar.. what else can I do.. I'm in crying pain!
3245423 tn?1353501901 Constipation can b terrible i had to use n enema 1x a week during pregnancy cuz the meds i was on made me b backed up bad n no stool softner fiber fruit veggies coffee miralax m.o.m helped enema just got me by. my lil guy is a month n it feels so good to b regular again.
Avatar f tn Fleet enema or supository it does wonders if your backed up lol
Avatar f tn I started taking Oregano Oil capsules yesterday, and today I saw proof positive that I have parasites. Red flukes in my stool. Dozens of them. Not sure if it’s related to my PATM. Anyone else?
Avatar f tn The most often cause of prolonged wanning/waxing course of diarrhea are parasites. Black dots may be clumps of parasites. I recommend you to have stool test for parasites. If this will be negative, you may have a breath test for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth - SIBO (would go with bloating), or x-ray with barium enema to check for diverticulitis (left sided abd. pain and bloating), which both go with black dots in stool. Blood coming from stomach causes black tarry stools.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have been having some difficulties finding out what is wrong with me. First of all let me state that I have been on antibiotics for almost 3 years (for chronic acne) up until last month when I stopped. (I was not told of the many side effects of antibiotics and was also told they were safe.) Anyway, about 2 months ago, I woke up having severe stomach pains and after visiting the dr. and having an endoscopy done, I was told it was an ulcer.