Chest pain left side numbness

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Avatar n tn I have been experiencing mild to moderate pain and numbness/tingling in my left arm and the left side of my face for the last 7 days. Along with intermittent chest pain.. On the other side, i m suffering from indigestion problems at the same time. I m smoker since 10 yrs, I have a family history of cardiac disease. I am 28 yo male. Is this related to a cardiac problem or this is could be related to indigestion/colon?
Avatar f tn For the last month I have had nonstop numbness on the left side of my head. My left jaw, neck and armpit get very sore and I have tightness or pins and needles in my left arm at different times. I get dizzy moments and night sweats some nights. I experience tinnitus in my right ear twice a day. I have been to a few doctors and had an MRI or my head and neck, X-ray of my chest, EKG, blood testing, and still nothing. I also have what looks like an enlarged artery in my left hand.
Avatar f tn I have been having chest pain on my left side. It also shoots to my left armpit, side of left breast and I have numbness and tightness down my forearm into my hand. I went to urgent care on Friday and all I got was a high WBC indicating I have an infection somewhere! So I went to the ER and that dr, didn't seem to worried at all. Now it's Sunday and I still have pain tightness and heaviness. I checked on WebMD symptom checker and results said pulmonary embolism or heart attack.
Avatar f tn I also have pain in mine left side of foot and some time the pain in mine foot is high. i also have pain in mine left chest left side of shoulder. Mine parrents have history of Cardiac problems and have stunt. Several time i went to cardiologist mine ECG, blood pressure, ETT Ecocardiogram and Cardiac Enzyme all fine. Mine Colestrol level is also ok. i walked daily and never feel any problem in walking whether it is halfy an hour or more.
Avatar n tn Over the next several days I experienced persistent weakness / numbness on my left side, especially my arm and leg but also my left jaw and face to a lesser extent. Also minor chest tightness. Again, taking Xanax completely removed my symptoms, but I tried to stay off it since I know it is easy to develop a dependence. Also, after waking in the morning up all of my symptoms seemed gone, only to reappear an hour or so after waking.
1348086 tn?1370783185 It's not like real pressure. I am very mindful of my heart and it beating. Whenever I have anxiety I can tell when I have an arrhythmia and where it is. This more like a popping. Like when your knee pops? Except it feels like my breastbone.
Avatar f tn The symptoms are progressing! Tightness in left upper chest, numbness/tingling left forearm and left rib cage. Last night and today I started having numbness/tingling on the left side of my face. Aspirin is the only temperary relief that works. I have tried over the counter and prescription anti inflammatory medicine and neither helped.
Avatar n tn Often at night while lying on my left side I also get numbness in my chest on the left side and sometimes chest pain. Last night was the worst I ever experienced with numbness all along my left side from head to foot. I was also dizzy, felt some nausea and had some trouble speaking. I went to the ER and they told me I was in excellent condition and sent me home without performing any tests such as EKG...etc. The doctor at the ER was even angry and told me to make a doctor appointment.
Avatar n tn I was taken to the hospital with chest pain on the left side near the breast area. I also had numbness on the left side of the body. My blood pressure was 235/195 which did go down after taking several nitro pills. There was sensitivity to light and some pain in the area of the left eye also. After having a cat scan of the head, chest cat scan and angiogram i was told there was nothing wrong.
Avatar n tn i have normal heart cath and i still have numbness on my left arm and chest pain what is it?
Avatar f tn I have had a feeling of a lump in my throat for over a week, during this time I had numbness in my left arm that caused pins and needles and an extreme cold hand and a pulling feeling on my left chest side. I have no insurance but went to the urgent care and heart attack was ruled out. I was told that the numbness and chest feeling is a pulled muscle and given valium to relax the muscle and told to take motrin for pain. A chest xray was done and nodules were noted.
Avatar f tn Now after two days of feeling okay, I was laying down and started having a pressure/ pain feeling in my chest on the left side, after me relaxing trying to let it pass for 10 minutes, my left forearm started feeling a little pain or numbness. An hour and thirty minutes lasted the feeling is still here in my forearm wrist and hand and I can't make a fist... any ideas?
Avatar f tn 3 days latter I got the same pains just worse. This time the left side of my face went numb. Tightness in the chest and sholder and upper back pain along with my left arm numb and tingling. When I saw my doctor she had that face like she did not believe me. She did anothe EKG and this time she said it was diffent from the fitst EKG she had done. I went back to the ER had an MRI, Labs and X Ray . Everything turned out normal.
Avatar m tn All the tests they performed came back normal and they sent us on our way! Now he still complains of a tightness and pain in his left side by his chest its been almost 4 months and the pain has not gone away. He doesnt have insurance and around where we live its hard to get seen by a doctor if you dont have insurance so we havent followed up with anyone. He also complains of a weekness on the left side and he doesnt know what to think about the pain. Does anyone have any suggestions????
Avatar f tn He said the symptoms tied up with the area she was getting the pain in, numbness in the left arm, pain in the armpit, pins and needles, and worryingly pain in the chest on the left side. After treatment - manipulation, massage etc, her left eyelid now droops, and the pain is chronic. The GP has referred her for a below neck scan and prescribed Tramadol which gives her migraines. Is this a nerve problem, spinal, or something sinister elsewhere?
1030846 tn?1252324338 I have undergone bypass one and half month ago,LIMA connected to LAD, OM grafted with Sephanous vein.Still there is numbness and pain in the left chest and left back,How long it will last? Can my left hand will regain it's strength again?
Avatar m tn i suffer with chronic and periodic chest and left side pain and numbness
Avatar f tn I haven't posted in a loooong time. I am still undx'd and when I get frustrated, will sort of grin and bear it fotr a while. I have a question about the numbness/pain/stiffness assoc. with MS. When my symptoms first began (they are predominantly one sided), I was having a lot of numbness and needle stabbing type pain.
Avatar n tn after getting angry , I Noticed left side chest pain, left lower rear back pain and left forearm pain for about 15 minutes until i calmed down..then zero pain or numbness.. any ideas?
Avatar m tn My husband is 32 years old in great shape and has been having chest pain, upper left back pain, lower abdominal and side pain, and shooting pain down his left arm with some numbness. He has been dealing with these symptoms for a while now and keeps going to the doctor and running all these tests and nothing. Yesterday, while he was at work he had to leave and go to the e.r. and of course nothing, they told him to go to his doctor. which is what we have been doing.
Avatar f tn Scalp, face, neck, back, chest, stomach, hip, pelvic, leg, ankle. Again this is only the left side.. Within the past year I have had vertigo and ringing of the ears.. Test show nothing and were all inconclusive. MRI of the brain - nothing.. Right eye became droopy (tposis) a year ago... nothing to indicate why -- unexplained tissue damages... vertigo and ringing went away 7 months ago and now this.. I can't help but to think it's all related.. No weakness in my limbs...
Avatar m tn I have tingling,numbness and some weakness in my leg, but I think its permanent damage from my back and unlike you it on the opposite side of the pain caused by my neck. Spondylosis is just a guess. What do your Neurologist and Surgeon think is causing your problem and what do they think about the correlation between the neck problems and the leg weakness? Do they think the surgery with help with your leg symptoms?
Avatar f tn My understanding of nerve structure leaves me (and everyone else it seems) bewildered by the numbness and pain, as it occurs in my left leg and left arm at the same time. The MRI I had looked for a trapped nerve in my cervical spine, they found nothing, though the specialist did say due to the on and off nature of the numbness the result wasn't concrete. But based on my understand a trapped nerve in the cervical spine cannot cause numbness in the left leg?
Avatar f tn I had a emergancy c-section back in july 2010 and ever since i have been suffering problems left sided chest pain and pain behind the left knee and upper left leg. I thought my problems had stopped there but in september 2010 i started getting twitches in my eye and lip and numbness down the one side of my body i seen my GP he told me the pain in my chest was Costacronditis.