
Bumps on skin with clear fluid

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Avatar f tn t itch or burn they seems to be filled with clear fluid (I have oily skin) the bumps are like needle heads in size, I went to five dermatologist and they looked at it and said they are not STD, i had std test after 23 days all came back negative now i have rinky skin on my balls with small bumps, some of the bumps have hair inside them the other don't, and some have hair growing outside but the base have bumps with clear fluid inside, they don't hurt, anxiety has killed me and i have tin
Avatar f tn Dec 12 I noticed to tiny bumps on my scrotum. They look pink and flat. I go over it with my finger and they feel smooth. They don't look like cauliflower texture at all and they are separated apart from each other like 2mm. I kind of have two stretch the scrotum skin out in order to see these bumps otherwise you cannot really see them.
Avatar n tn She has had bumps and some are pustles with a whitish or clear fluid for more than four months now. What could it be? Her peditrician said it was bug bites, I don't agree and wonder if she should be around the other kids. What would your advice to me be? Thanks!
Avatar m tn About a month ago is when I first noticed these very small clear bumps on the tops of my hands, the sides of my hands, the palm, wrist, and in the webbing between my fingers. When I would pop these bumps, a clear fluid would emit from them. For the most part they are mildly itchy; not so much that it keeps me up at night, but it is rather annoying.
Avatar n tn I have two toddlers, 2 and 3 years old, the past couple of weeks they have had these blistery bumps on the buttocks area. The bumps are filled with yellow puss and when popped they bleed a little and then there is a tiny hole left on the skin that will scab over. Both toddlers butt cheks are filled with these bumps.
Avatar m tn I plucked the hairs out of these lumps as well. Then I noticed a couple 2 or 3 really small pimple like bumps filled with clear fluid on the shaft of my penis most with fine hairs growing out of them. The timeline from appearance of the single chancre to the clear fluid filled pimples is 3 days. There is no pain or puss or any other herpes symptoms except it has yet to heal.
Avatar f tn Dec 12 I noticed to tiny bumps on my scrotum. They look pink and flat. I go over it with my finger and they feel smooth. They don't look like cauliflower texture at all and they are separated apart from each other like 2mm. I kind of have two stretch the scrotum skin out in order to see these bumps otherwise you cannot really see them.
Avatar n tn Hi i had a accident last august that left me with a huge scar, this morning i woke up to find tons of little red bumps all over the scar and in the surrounding areas there is no itch or pain associated with the bumps, i popped on to see if it was blood blister and clear fluid came out. should i be worried? the scar is on my inner thigh is about a foot long and is about 1inch wide around my knee.
Avatar n tn s extremely common and may be inherited. you can also get the bumps on the tops of your legs. she said to use neutragena with glycolic acid or sasilic acid maybe, anyway, it's the only one that's orange. it helps clear the bumps but you have to leave them alone, i know it's hard. use it twice a day. let me know if it helps and take care.
Avatar m tn I have had this skin rash that shows up 2-3 times a day, and then vanishes with in an hour or so. They started showing up when I started using jock itch cream, but I haven't used the cream for about 4 days. The rash is red bumps that itch slightly and vary in size. The appear mostly on my forarms on the bottom side, and they have also appeared on my lower belly, and my upper legs.
Avatar f tn Hello grace So I went to planned parenthood yesterday to go ahead and get the bumps checked. I told the nurse practitioner I had molluscum before and that the bumps on my scrotum oozed clear fluid after I had picked at them. She told me general warts don't ooze clear fluid. She also said they did not look like herpes because it was not an open sore. The nurse looked a bit confused about the bumps couldn't quite give me a diagnoses.
Avatar f tn Hello, After working out the other day, I noticed small (as small as a pinhead), clear bumps on my chest, back and stomach. They are not filled with puss, instead they are filled with a clear water-like substance, but do not ooze. This is the third time this has happened, but the first two times these bumps were only located on my shoulder. Now, like I said, they are on my chest, stomach, and back. They do not itch, do not have any red or irritated parts, and they go away after a few hours.
Avatar m tn The "bump" is located on the glans of the penis (I am circumcised) it is near the bottom right hand side of my urethral opening it is barely raised and appears almost entirely flat when there is an erection. The colour of it is slightly lighter than the rest of the skin on the head of the penis.
Avatar n tn I have had itchy bumps on my skin for the past five months. They started with just one bump and have continued to spread. They are mostly confined to my back and chest, however I have some on my arms and legs. The bumps are not red and are not noticable when they start itching. The bumps will eventually go away. I have seen four doctors and none have helped my problem. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar n tn I now have the bumps and the clear bumps with fluid in them on my hand but not as bad as my baby. A babysitter of the baby's also got the clear bumps on her hand since caring for my little girl. I really haven't gotten an answer from the doctors. We do have to cats at home, but this is the first time that the baby or I have had these bumps. Also, I keep my home clean and maintain good personal hygiene. She hasn't been around poison Ivy.
1808606 tn?1316360668 t find any articles directly addressing these tingly bumps of clear fluid. Why would strep bacterium waste products manifest only in my hands and feet? I also seem to have some Impetigo starting around my mouth, nose and ears. Any suggestions would be appreciated. How exactly is this all related?
Avatar f tn They typically take the form of tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters on the face, most commonly the lips. They could become painful blisters that ulcerate and crust over. A cold sore usually clears by itself in seven to twelve days, and rarely leads to medical complications. The number of blisters varies from one to a whole cluster. Before the blisters erupt, the soon-to-be-infected skin may itch or become very sensitive.
Avatar f tn So tenderness on whichever side the bumps have shown up on. Right now the 3 tiny bumps are on the left side left labia, so in between the thigh and labia the skin is sore, and my buttcheek feels a little tender as well as top of left thigh.
Avatar f tn A year ago around the time of my menustral cycle, I developed two very small fluid filled (clear fluid) bumps on my chin. They itched. I would put a hot compress on them and the fluid would seep out leaving a dent in my chin...sometimes they would fill right back up with fluid other times they would leave the dent and also what looked like a red cut, like I had injured my face somehow. And then they'd clear up. I have sporadically developed these bumps off and on for the past year.
Avatar f tn My doctor diagnosed me with scabies, but my bumps are clear with clear fluid. After I put on the medicine the bumps got itchy and made new clear bumps everywhere on my hands. I'm scared that my doctor misdiagnosed me, the bumps are very painful.
Avatar f tn Hello, I find this site very helpful to people out there confused about symptoms on sexual health. I am fairly new to this and hopeful someone can help me with my symptoms. Okay, three days ago I noticed what looked like little bumps or skin tags or warts I don't what it may be, on my scrotum. I couldn't notice the lesions only if I stretch the scrotum skin out. One was fairly bigger than the other one.
923127 tn?1244567139 I cannot find any photos of skin conditions online that match what I see on my body. The skin is inflamed with tiny fluid filled bumps that have spread into a (I hesitate to use this word) mass. The skin is slightly raised and sensitive, but I have it no where else on my body than my elbow.
Avatar f tn Dishydrosis may present as whitish vesicles that contain clear fluid underneath the skin. The vesicles may be covered by a tough membrane which may be difficult to pop. They may itch and this may start an itch scratch cycle which could lead to an eczematous skin condition. Prolonged exposure to water may aggravate the condition.
Avatar f tn ve noticed bumps on my ballsack with the same color as my skin about 1mm hard filled with clear yellow fluid and on the base of peins (some have hair in them) nothing on my peins, I went to dermatologist and said there is nothing wrong with it (my country is not very knowledgeable about STD) I've done std test after 23 days and all came back negative (igc and igm hsv 2 test), my bumps do not itch or pain but it covers my balls, could someone help me?!
Avatar m tn doc took a sample of the fluid from them. It showed nothing. They fill up with fluid and get painful and then loose the fluid and go for another couple of days or so and they do the same thing all over again. I have tried lemon juice, perioxide, alcohol, Neosporin, and Triamcinolone Acetonide. I haven't changed makeup, anything different from what I have been doing all along. Can enyone give me an idea of what might get rid of these blisters?? Thanking you in advance.
Avatar m tn One month ago, I started getting small pimple like bumps filled with a small amount of clear fluid on my forearms. They are on both of my arms, mostly the rigth arm, and they appear on the bottom of my forearm where hair least grows. They soon turned into a dry rash. These bumps/rashes are very ichy but, not very painful. What are these bumps/rashes and where did they come from? Are there any over the counter products that will rid these bumps/rashes from my arms? Please help me, Thank you.
Avatar f tn Just some additional info... when I said that these bumps were "clear," I meant to say that they're "fluid filled". The heads of these bumps appear to be filled with a clear fluid.