Bumps on arms hair follicles

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps on arms hair follicles


Avatar m tn Hello, Since you have mentioned that hair grows out of these small red bumps which have started appearing on the arms, it looks like folliculitis to me. Folliculitis starts when hair follicles are damaged by friction from clothing or blockage of the follicle. In most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles are then infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus (staph). Please discuss this possibility with your doctors. They are right that a biopsy skin will help in diagnosis.
Avatar n tn Hi Folliculitis usually presents as red bumps on the skin. These bumps affect the hair follicles, thus you would be able to see the bumps usually at the base of a hair shaft. The bumps may have a yellowish or greenish center. They may itch or they may be painful. As for keratosis pilaris, the bumps may be whitish in color. They usually affect the back of the arms or the upper portion of the lower extremities. They do not itch unless an overlying fungal infection is present.
Avatar n tn Mostly small bumps on my face, sometimes growing a little big. Ive also noticed little bumps on my shoulders and arms, that seem to just be popping up randomly. Not sure if this is related, but I also have been experiencing nasal congestion, it seems like I have been picking my nose constantly. Im not sure how else to explain it. Please any tips would help.
Avatar m tn The condition may occur anywhere on the skin.It starts when hair follicles are damaged by friction from clothing or blockage of the follicle. In most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles are then infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus (staph). Keep the area clean and apply some topical antiseptics. Also wear loose-fitting cotton clothing and use an antibacterial soap or mild soap like dove.Avoid any kind of cosmetics.
Avatar n tn I have deeep white stretch mark type marks on my lower back and upper buttocks and red pimples and bumps on those marks and on my mid-back.. i recently discovered small white bumps on my lower anus and a bigger bump on half way.. i am really worried what can the problem be?
Avatar f tn Do you think they can be related to your hair follicles? Keratosis Pilaris is something that makes little bumps on skin and is common especially on arms. Some people call it chicken skin which is so charming. I've had this. It's very very common! It's basically excess skin cells building up around hair follicles and its hereditary. For me, what worked was a balm on the skin (aveeno eczema balm -- although I don't have eczema OR aquaphor).
Avatar n tn Folliculitis is inflammation or infection of one or more hair follicles (openings in the skin that enclose hair).It can develop on any part of the body, but is most likely to occur on the scalp, face, or parts of the arms, armpits, or legs not usually covered by clothing. Scratching the affected area can trap fungus or bacteria under the fingernails and spread the infection to hair follicles on other parts of the body.Never try to pop them as you will only aggravate the condition.
Avatar n tn If so, this may be a case of folliculitis, inflammed hair follicles as bumps with a hair coming out of them or on them. Climate is a suspect in this case.
Avatar n tn Another possibility is keratosis pilaris.There are numerous small red bumps around hair follicles on upper arms, thighs, buttocks and cheeks in this condition. It usually has a genetic association. Since it is painful the closest possibility is any pyogenic infection of the skin like impetigo, ecthyma, folliculitis, furuncle, and carbuncle etc.These are only possibilities. External examination by a dermatologist is very important for confirming the diagnosis.
Avatar n tn This skin infection usually affects the skin and the hair follicles. The base of the follicles may present with reddish bumps with pus. There may be slight pain in severe forms. This type of skin condition is contagious. Applying topical antibacterial cream over the area may help. In the absence of other signs and symptoms like a penile discharge , this may not need any further examination. Just continue to observe the skin condition if it responds to the topical medications.
Avatar f tn Hi im a 20 year old female and since a long time i have rough skin on my arms because permanent goosebumps.. what should i do?
675923 tn?1296238011 Based on your description and location, the bumps could be plugged hair follicles (comedones), infected hair follicles, or less likely (since there are multiple bumps) small skin tumors such as sebaceous adenomas, basal cell tumors, or melanomas. Plugged hair follicles can be secondary to an underlying hormonal disorder such as a low thyroid, or excess steroids; these hormonal conditions are not uncommon in older terriers.
Avatar n tn In response to those little flat white bumps that are on the back of thighs and back of arms that are considered to be broken hair follicles that the hair has grown back in...how can you get rid of those? They feel awful when you rub your hands across your skin. I hate to imagine what my husband thinks when he rubs his hands across my butt and the backs of my legs. It is embarrasing. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn I every now n then have acne like stuff on my upper arms and lower arms and also at the back side of my head known as donor site i dont why is it hapening pls help
Avatar m tn folliculitis doesnt seem to be it either since i dont have and inflammed hair follicles where it itches... some of the hair follicles on my arms look lighter than the skin around it (no pus or anything like that).... any idea will be trully helpful (i already made an appointment for a dermo for next week) im just a bit worried thats all... Thank you so much for taking time out to read this lenghty description...
519156 tn?1265181787 Ok, bear with me...I am starting to realize that I am a true hypochondriac. Not sure if I should be posting this here or the derm forums. I have these whiteish looking dots about the size of a pin head. When I was at dr.s for my pap, I had asked if they were warts...she told me they are my hair follicles and because I was tan, they stood out more. Well, it's almost like they have white hairs or maybe its the skin when I try to pop them...Note, there is no pus or fluid of any kind.
Avatar n tn The problem is that I shave all of my facial hair, but because of the bumps, I never get a clean shaven look. Physically, the skin in these areas feels like fine sandpaper (even after a shave). Visually, it always looks like I have a shadow mustache because the razor can only get the hair above the bump. Even after a shave, if you look closely, you can see a very small piece of hair in each bump.
3200261 tn?1345319939 Hello. I have these little bumps on the back of my arms, what are they and how do I get rid of them?
Avatar m tn They are everywhere - especially concentrated on my arms and legs (more hair perhaps?). I think they are primarily near the hair follicles but I'm not sure. I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. Any idea what this is - or how I can fix this? Thanks. Pics below (arms and legs) http://imgur.
Avatar n tn Folliculitis is the inflammation of one or more hair follicles. The condition may occur anywhere on the skin.It starts when hair follicles are damaged by friction from clothing or blockage of the follicle. In most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles are then infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus (staph). Pls keep the area clean and apply some topical antiseptics and cold compresses. Also use an antibacterial soap or mild soap like dove.Avoid any kind of cosmetics.
Avatar f tn My daughter and I both " break out" in small white bumps on both upper arms and elbows. It never completely goes away but gets worse when the season changes from cold to hot. What in the world is going on?
Avatar m tn Hi there, I notice i get small red bumps on my arms. I notice these more so after sweating, after a hot shower or when in air conditioning. I was on a sunbed about a week ago and this is when i noticed these flare up (a few days later) They tend to come and go and more on one arm than on the other. Is it just a heat rash? does heat rash come and go like this?