Appendicitis and infection

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis and infection


Avatar f tn As soon as she left the bedside, I told my ex I still thought it was appendicitis. The surgeon got there and heard the story, saw the white count, and examined him. He said it was gangrenous appendicitis and started an IV. Then after 6 hours or something he took out his appendix. So yeah, it can be confusing sometimes. The thing they most often confuse it with is diverticulitis. That can be even worse than appendicitis though.
Avatar m tn If pulse is more than 80 and blood shows high TLC counts, is suggestive of appendicitis. In case of ureter stone, urine usually shows infection and ultrasound is diagnostic, pain is usually radiating in nature. Well colon pain is colicky or dull in nature, do you have recent history of diarrhea?
Avatar f tn Exactly 4 weeks later I developed appendicitis and had it removed via laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon said it was "messy in there". I have had no other symptoms suggestive of HIV. My concern is the appendicitis was due to lymphoid hyperplasia (swollen lymph tissue) caused from a viral infection (HIV) given it occurred so soon after exposure. It seems a bit out there to consider them related however I do see it as a possibility, but was unable to find any studies to confirm.
Avatar n tn For the past certain months I was suffering from Fungal infection in Groin area. Last week I suffered from appendicitis and my doctor cured me by administering antibiotics. Now have a relief the inflamation is gone. But from today morning I am suffering pain in the groin area which is similar to the pain I suffered for appendicitis I wanted to know that is the pain caused by Fungal infection or medicinal reaction which was provided for appendicitis.
Avatar f tn I have had the same discharge during my entire pregnancy, my doc says that I am clean and no infection. I am now 28 weeks and still have the same discharge. Sometimes it even smells horrible but the doc checked it and nothing seems like an infection.
Avatar m tn He then took a screening CT in the lab and gave the report as Chronic appendicitis with 7mm thickness. Ficolith inside the appendicitis and advised to remove it whenever you feel free but not an emergency. The Gastroenterologist was not convinced and he asked me to take a Contrast enhanced CT. But the local doctor said it is not necessary and i don't have any acute episode and there is no such Chronic appendicitis.
Avatar m tn Persisting E coli infection can also cause colitis which can cause lower right abdominal pain. It can even be chronic appendicitis caused by past E coli infection or due to impacted food or any other infection. The other possibility is ulcerative colitis. Hence, a CT of abdomen may help diagnose or rule out all three causes. Parasitic gut infections like amoebiasis, E coli infection, round worm, giardiasis can also cause similar symptoms. Hence, you must get a stool test.
Avatar f tn m surprised your doctor just gave you drugs for an appendicitis-- true appendicitis almost always needs surgery. Have you had your appendix looked at since then? Ask for an ultrasound or a colonoscopy. In some really rare cases, an infected appendix can lead to infection elsewhere in your abdomen/pelvis, including muscles outside your digestive tract (which might explain the pain when running).
Avatar n tn Appendicitis is an infection in your appendix. It really should not matter what you eat. What type of symptoms are you having?
Avatar m tn If a CT scan shows that you have an abscess from a ruptured appendix, you may be treated for infection. You will have your appendix removed after the infection and swelling have gone away. Expectations (prognosis) If your appendix is removed before it ruptures, you will likely get well very soon after surgery. If your appendix ruptures before surgery, you will probably recover more slowly, and are more likely to develop an abscess or other complications.
Avatar m tn They can move, cause pain and again remain in a position for long periods of time. Similarly chronic appendicitis too can behave this way with bouts of pain, localization of infection and inflammation and a symptom free period. Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, infection in kidney, constipation, and an abscess in rectus abdominis muscle or psoas muscle can all cause lower right abdomen pain. An ultrasound or CT scan of abdomen is definitely required. Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn Lower right abdomen pain is commonly due to appendicitis. The pain, can at times come and go and not give the classic picture. Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, infection in kidney, kidney stones, constipation, and an abscess in rectus abdominis muscle or psoas muscle can all cause lower right abdomen pain. In your case since the lymph nodes are also swollen, there is a chance that you have either a local infection, vaginitis, cervicitis etc or there is a chance of STD (is that possible?
5154898 tn?1374773319 OK, I've been worried sick since about 4 days ago. It all started when i had a muscle spasm beside my belly button (right side), it lasted a whole day. I woke up the next day with a dull pain in the same spot, nothing really painful, just enough to worry me. Now, my lower front (right side), my right side and back on the right side has been aching.
Avatar n tn // This does not really sound like that issue though. How are you now?
Avatar m tn I spent 5 days in the hospital in January because of a ruptured right ovarian cyst. They thought appendicitis and found the cyst after a colonoscopy. This month my period was 3 weeks late. I recently finished it. I had my tubes tied in November. I have a history of 2 ectopic pregnancies. Never had other female problems like cysts. For the past 3 weeks I've had left lower abdominal pain and burning in the rest of my abdomen. I have no bowel problems.
Avatar n tn I've had a lot of stress and anxiety for 5 years now (I'm a teen) so I'm not that surprised when my intestines are doing weird stuff like roughly shifting my food around, giving me either constipation or diarrhea, waking me up in the morning because I need to go to the bathroom... But this evening I started having pain on the right side of my belly, a little higher than my bone but still pretty low.
Avatar m tn dont think its appendicitis though or kidney stones... and if your eating healthy and you feel physically fit then your not sick, its probably just a muscle problem of some sort...
Avatar n tn There are various causes of right lower quadrant abdominal pain, including but not limited to appendicitis, IBS/IBD, kidney/ureteral stone, bladder infection, and hernia, as well as female-specific conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, and ectopic pregnancy. Making the correct diagnosis requires a combination of clinical history and physical examination, as well as laboratory and imaging tests.
Avatar n tn This has been now going on for almost 5 days and I feel almost perfect during the day, but when laying down at night and sometimes even getting up in the morning, it is disturbing. High heart rate, thumping heart beat is the symptom. Please suggest if this is not normal. I just hope I dont have to go for heart surgery now. I am only 29.
Avatar m tn 4. Appendicitis goes with nausea, vomiting and raised leukocytes in the blood. Appendicitis is painfull at any time you press on area. Bouncing sign is present: lye down on the back and press deeply sopmewhere on your lower LEFT abdomen, then release the pressure quickly. In peritonitis or appendicitis you should feel a sharp pain on the LRQ area. Peritonitis would also show marked inflammation in the blood.
Avatar n tn My fiancée is three and a half to months pregnant. She is having cramping pains on the whole right side of her stomach. It seems to be less when she sits or lays down but when she is standing or stands up the pains increase and the stomach stays tense. Should we be worried?
Avatar n tn My 9yr son just was in ER for right lower quad. pain,rebound tenderness, low grade fever, vomited x1, not wanting to eat very much. Initally thought was getting the stomach flu until he didn't persist with the vomiting or had diarrea. In ER Abdominal XRAY was done- results large amount of stool and gas on right side. Blood work checked- Mono and crp slightly evalated ( not enough for them to say appendicitis). they gave a popsicle to him that caused him to have increased painin RLQ.
Avatar m tn I saw a doctor on Wednesday and he said its probably gallstones and not appendicitis at I drank some apple juice and within a day the majority of the pain disappeared. But I still have slight pain where my appendix is, so I went to the doc again 2 days later and saw a different doctor who said that its not appendicitis and that its probably associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ive had it since i was born practically).
Avatar f tn Hi, About a month or two ago, I believe I had strained some muscles while working out. The pain didn't happen right away maybe one or two weeks afterwards. At first it stemmed from my neck, shoulders, and upper back. Soon after I started to feel pain in my chest, both sides right by my armpits, lower back, and abdomen area especially on my right side. The pain is usually sharp. When I do sit for a long period of time, both my right and left sides hurt but more on my right.