Ammonia in lungs

Common Questions and Answers about Ammonia in lungs


Avatar f tn When I do any cardiovascular exercise and start to get winded, I get a very strong ammonia like smell in my nose, like it is coming out of my lungs. This smell is not coming from outside my body, but internally. It's almost like the alcohol smell that goes up the back of your nose when you drink a shot of liquor. I have had this all my life and just sort of assumed it was the same for everybody, but apparently other people don't have the same thing. What could be causing it?
Avatar n tn Hi I am 43 years old and just went for a breast MRI because of a strong family history. My breast doctor called to say the breasts were fine, but they found bits of fluid in my lungs. He said I am too young for this and should follow up with my regular doctor. I am so confused right now, and am waiting to speak to my doctor. Any idea what could cause this?
Avatar f tn OSHA has limits of something like 25 ppm for people working in industry, apparently over that amount of ammonia in the air is bad for the lungs. As they were talking, the meter went over 25, then over 40, then over 60, then I think it stopped in the 70s or 80s. And the people were all standing and talking in the room, so it is not like they would automatically keel over or anything.
Avatar f tn I think I started this post just to ask if he would excrete ammonia in his urine if his levels were high; it's beginning to appear to me that this is the case. Any idea if this is an early or later sign of the progression of this disease? Without him agreeing to see the doctor, I have to depend on the knowledge of others.
Avatar f tn If the liver is decompromised it cannot metabolize the waste products hence there is an elevation of blood ammonia levels resulting in increased excretion in the urine. Also, increased levels of ammonia may also be seen with gastrointestinal bleeding, where the blood cells are haemolysed in the intestines, releasing protein. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn s dark,not brown or red but black in clear phlegm. I can feel it comes deep from in my lungs, I had a chest X-ray and it showed some inflammation in one area but no growth. I realize that smoking all that for so long could have gotten a shitload of that gross resin in my kings but I figured by now it would have cleaned most of that out , I mean how long could this go on fore, forever?
Avatar m tn What can cause a ammonia smell in sweat and colon? and raw skin lines on each side of the scrotum between the inner thighs and pus bumps.
Avatar m tn In patients with advanced cirrhosis, the liver is no longer able to metabolize the ammonia and convert it to urea so the ammonia builds up the in body producing and travels to the person's brain with psychological and other effects.
Avatar n tn Your probably fine on both fronts unless your experincing burning or pain in your esophogus,, it would burn your throat/eyes before doing seriouse damage to your lungs logically, so you'd probably be in pain if it was anything ot worry about. If you ARE in pain though Id go to the ER immediatly because chemical burns can worsen over time if the area isnt well flushed. The peeing thing probably cant affect you so long as it didnt cause the chemical to splash on your body anywhere.
Avatar f tn never had ammonia tested previously. estimated contracted virus in approx 1975, needle sharing in NV or CO. genotype 4c/4d, turning 57 this year. grade 0 stage 1 on biopsy in 2001. concerned about progression, possible indicators besides biopsy. I suppose a current biopsy is required to seriously consider treatment.
Avatar m tn What can cause a ammonia smell in sweat and Colin? the girl had the same smell.
Avatar m tn Aim playing racket ball three times a week for well 2-3 hours. I notice this ammonia smell with my sweat.Now I always sweat heavy when I work out. But this ammonia smell new. Other than this smell aim fine losing some weight.
Avatar f tn As the liver fails, it’s ability to metabolize and rid the body of toxins becomes compromised, and these begin to build up in the bloodstream. This toxin buildup, particularly high ammonia levels, affects the central nervous system and results in fatigue, short-term memory loss, day-night sleep reversal, mental slowness and slurred speech. Patients with increased levels of these toxins may exhibit restless movement and asterixis, a hand-flapping tremor.
Avatar n tn Some people with Stage 4 (cirrhosis) can develop excess accumulation of ammonia due to compromised liver function, which can in turn cause confusion and disorientation. Damage to the liver caused by hep c can lead to too much ammonia in the blood which then affects the brain, a condition called encephalopathy.
Avatar f tn I am 7 weeks pregnant and wanted to ask whether its safe to use an ammonia free semi permanent hair color to color my hair?
Avatar f tn Digested blood represents a large protein load in the gut which can lead to higher levels of ammonia and other toxins and, not surprisingly, hepatic encephalopathy is frequent in this setting. • Medications: Drugs that suppress the central nervous system, particularly opiate pain medications (e.g., codeine) and benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam, lorazepam), may trigger hepatic encephalopathy.
1654058 tn?1407159066 For example, a person with severe cirrhosis may have only slightly elevated blood ammonia levels and yet may not be thinking clearly or may be sleepy or in a coma. Other people with very high ammonia levels may think and act normally.
Avatar f tn I'm 6 weeks pregnant and I work in a paint department. I mix colors and clean up paint pretty much. Since I've worked there we have always used glass cleaner to clean the paint off the desk and our hands. I didnt know this until today but the cleaner we use has ammonia in it. I've been using it every day for a few months to get the paint off of my hands. Could it have hurt my baby?
1008841 tn?1293598960 The blood test for ammonia is AFP or alpha fet protein test. It measures the level of ammonia in your blood. When it is high it is not much fun. The explaination in Hector SF's post is so accurate. The first indication for me that it is high is that my hands shake and I can't write and it's hard to hold fork or spoon. I also get confused easily and can't sort things out. Sometimes I think I'm okay - until I get it in control again and look back.
Avatar f tn I copied and pasted this info from WebMD. IUn used "urine and ammonia" in the search field. Within the article was a subsection dealing with smell. Here it is. I hope it helps: Odor Changes Urine normally doesn't have a very strong smell. If you get a whiff of something particularly pungent, you could have an infection or urinary stones, which can create an ammonia-like odor. Diabetics might notice that their urine smells sweet, because of excess sugar.
Avatar n tn We discovered that my husband had an episode of Encephalopathy, which is high ammonia in the blood. But by the time we had his blood checked his levels were right smack in the middle of the range. Doctor said he was fine. So my question is can this ammonia gone untreated continue to rise and lower on its own. Because he has days that he seems fine and then days when he is not with me completely. He does not eat much as his taste buds are totally out of wack. Most foods taste very salty.
Avatar m tn I dont think so unless the jar was in the bed with you , tell the doctor anout your head pain and go see one as soon as you can.
Avatar f tn maybe the beers caused you the alcoholic liver disease which lead to signs of liver failure like rise in ammonia.
Avatar m tn Hi jd. Not sure if this will help but I asked my Hepatologist at Mayo Clinic about testing for ammonia in the blood on Friday. I have cirrhosis and have never had my blood tested for it. My Hepa stated that you could have let's say 0 levels and have full fledged HE, or score in the 100s and be perfectly fine. There they find the scores unreliable and don't test the blood. On the other hand they only use the test that Hector pointed out the neurophysiatric test.
Avatar f tn The presence of blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract results in increased ammonia and nitrogen absorption from the gut. Bleeding may predispose to kidney hypoperfusion and impaired renal function. Blood transfusions may result in mild hemolysis, with resulting elevated blood ammonia levels. **** So the bleeding from ulcers could trigger an episode of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in a patient with cirrhosis and HE to begin with.