Ammonia and the haber process

Common Questions and Answers about Ammonia and the haber process


Avatar n tn Hi there. Ammonia levels are correlated with a person's liver status, and bacterial load of the colon and bowels. Patients with liver disease are unable to process or detoxify ammonia so that ammonia levels can reach dangerously high levels. This is coupled by increased ammonia production of colonic bacteria, especially if one is constipated or has an irregular bowel movement. High protein intake can also lead to an incresed ammonia production.
Avatar m tn (1)The process of urine odor and toilet smell is as follows: When Proteus invades a patient's urinary system, male patients develop prostatitis. Proteus constantly decomposes urea to produce a high concentration of ammonia, which enters the pudendal blood vessels and circulates with the blood. High concentration of ammonia first reaches the pudendal sweat glands of patients, and is discharged from the body through sweating ammonia.
Avatar f tn I haven't taken her in yet...Im not too sure how old she is. I got her in August and some friends of mine said she looks about 5 months old. Would it be cheaper to just buy the otc or vet? I don't want to buy the stuff from the store and it not work. Anyone know how much it usually is to fix them?
Avatar n tn My computer is acting up! lol! Plus something else came up. Let's start over. It's a delicate situation. When protein (mainly animal protein from diet) is broken down in the body by intestinal bacteria, in the process, there's ammonia produced, that his liver does not process, thus getting into the blood circulation and causing all sorts of complications. One of them is ammonia toxicity in the brain.
Avatar f tn Since i am mostly vegetarian, and only break this rule with fish a few times a month, i was careful to note that the ammonia smell only occurred after eating fish. My physician tested me and found that i definitely had an ammonia buildup and i should stop eating animal protein. Once i dropped eating fish the problem went away. My physician told me that the ammonia buildup can lead to encephalopathy - brain fog - that can be very damaging, so i'm sticking to a vegetarian diet.
Avatar n tn I have been doing a lot of research on the web, especially on the ammonia test, and read the symptoms for a level that high which would indicate a pretty bad liver function are a lot of fatigue, memory loss, confusion etc. I have no symptoms I have noticed. I guess my question is can this insidious disease progress this fast when it took this long to show up? I do not drink and have not for 20 years or more. Is this ammonia level just freaking me out or is it really high?
Avatar f tn An untreated urea cycle disorder results in elevations of ammonia, which in turn causes changes in the brain, causing brain swelling, seizures, coma, and death. For someone who has recovered from the hyperammonemia, residua of damage affects cognitive function. Untreated, elevations of certain chemicals in the brain cause headaches, speech problems, and other problems with executive function.
Avatar m tn Yo estaba de pie apoyado en la pared y el agachado frotando su ano en mi pene. Mi duda es haber tenido riesgo de contagio de vih al frotar mi glande con la entrada de su ano ya que al presionar puede haber dilatado el ano y mi glande expuesto a su Ano. Mi pene no estaba muy erecto ya que horas antes me habían hecho sexo oral con condon una tercera persona. Le agrradesco de ante mano su respuesta.
Avatar f tn Mi cuestion es relativa a la posibilidad de haber sido contagiado por VIH, tras haberle practicado sexo oral a una prostituta. Nada de menstruación, y por mi parte dudo que existiera alguna herida en la boca. No hubo ningun otro tipo de contacto. Tras unos 5 dias me ha aparecido un herpes labial, esto aumenta la probabilidad de haber sido infectado por VIH? Debo realizarme la prueba para saber si he sido contagiado, estoy muy angustiado.
Avatar f tn Pero mi preocupacion es que tengo novia y durante todo este tiempo e mantenido relaciones con ella sin proteccion ( el error mas grande de mi vida..).. Doctor ,en caso de haber pillado el virus e infectar a mi novia , las pruebas que me e echo no servirian para detectar los anticuerpos a las 13 semanas de la relacion de riesgo con la otra persona , olvidandonos del antigeno.. ?? Muchas Gracias , espero me contesta lo antes que pueda .
Avatar f tn ve been reading and been told, one of the functions of the liver is to regulate the amount of glucose, protein and fats that enter the bloodstream. It also processes vitamins and minerals. Like Iron. My iron is elevated so this dietician also said to limit red meats. Guess that has the most iron in it. And there are two kinds of iron. Seems like the animal iron sources, like red meat, are the ones to avoid.
Avatar n tn My husband has the same problem. I think at first he thought I was crazy but now I'm reading all sorts of things though. Try going to you doctor and having a blood test done for Helicobactor. If that's the case, it's a bacteria that grows in the stomach and intestines.
Avatar f tn I actually get up and walk while I wait for the color to process.. Although I do not bleach my hair anymore either.. Hope this helps..
Avatar n tn Would increasing his lactulose on the onset of increased confusion (he is always slightly confused now) help clear some more of the ammonia out? Could my mother adjust the dose herself or is this something only the doctor should be doing at this point?
Avatar f tn The body digests (breaks down) fats using bile, which is a yellow-green fluid made in the liver. When the liver is damaged, the production and supply of bile may be affected. However, it is important not to avoid fat entirely because the body requires a daily supply to remain healthy. Here, as is with much of proper nutrition, moderation and good selection is the key. For your dietary fat, choose foods like nuts, avocados, fish and plant oils. What should someone with chronic hepatitis eat?
Avatar f tn I was thinking about doing cloth at the beginning of my pregnancy due to cost, less trash, and the chemicals that are put in disposable diapers but once I saw the effort between scraping the cloth diapers, pre soaking them, washing them and hanging certain parts to dry versus machine drying other parts I was swayed a bit the other way.
Avatar m tn 1 how could anyone ever smell ammonia from the colon? a Wash rag. 2 the girl had the same smell in the vagina 3 got pus bumps some times and 4 raw skin lines on each side of the scrotum some times. all after sex!
Avatar f tn I'm 22 weeks and we are in the process of moving, all that's left is a clean of the bathroom. I was using my all natural cleaners but it just wasnt working in the tub/shower so I bought that Comet Bleach Powder. I have gloves and a mask, but is safe from your experience?
Avatar f tn Mine lasted about 30hrs or so, but it was only spotting when I wiped. I know others have experienced different though....
Avatar m tn Hola doctor, lo que pasa es que hace como 10 meses estuve con una scort, cabe mencionar que antes de estar con la scort le pregunte sobre si tenia enfermedades de transmision sexual y ella me respondio que no, pero aun asi la duda me mata si es que pude haber contraido alguna enfermedad lo que sucedio fue lo siguiente, la chica me dio sexo oral sin condon en mi pene y yo le di sexo oral a ella, la verdad es que no hubo ningun tipo de penetracion ya que no pude lograr una ereccion firme (supongo
Avatar f tn When the liver is struggling it can’t convert protein properly and it ends up as ammonia that passes out into the blood stream and makes our body toxic. Ammonia is an irritant that causes dry throats, coughing, sneezing etc. This theory ties up with people who have stopped eating protein and moved to a plant based diet, giving up alcohol which damages the liver, and more recently someone saying tamarind had helped them. Just a thought that this could be worth further investigation.
Avatar m tn if her liver is damage and not able to process the alcohol (face it no liver should be processing that much alcohol anyway really) I guess it has to come out somewhere. The amount of fibrosis and scarring that she might have would cause the liver to not be functioning properly and therefore it wouldn't process out the junk like it does normally. Scarring is also known as cirrhosis. Too much cirrhosis and you are going to die of end stage liver disease if you are not transplanted.
Avatar m tn Le cuento que hace unos meses tuve un encuentro con una prostituta, yo estaba bastante ebrio y recuerdo haber eyaculado sin condon tras varios roces y masturbacion por parte de ella. Luego me puso un condon y penetré vaginalmente. No tuve muchas dudas de haber tenido algun riesgo, a pesar de las lagunas por la ebriedad, hasta 3 semanas despues ya que empecé con una serie de sintomas...
Avatar n tn Probiotics have been shown to reduce bacterial translocation and were shown to improve liver function and prevent the development of infection and HE in patients with cirrhosis[124]. Furthermore, probiotics have been shown to restore neutrophil phagocytic capacity in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, possibly by reducing endogenous levels of IL-10 and TLR-4 expression[130].
Avatar f tn Try not to worry too much about the ammonia levels per se, focus more on the symptoms and communicating with the nurse about managing the symptoms. I wonder if it would help to keep a daily journal of things like intake, output, and symptoms?
Avatar m tn What can cause a ammonia smell in sweat and Colin? the girl had the same smell.