
Advil with coffee

Common Questions and Answers about Advil with coffee


1394601 tn?1328032308 I began taking my Rebif shots without taking Advil in advance. Am I playing with fire?
Avatar f tn advil is a minor anti inflammatory I have never heard of it prescribed for this before but it could help a little I suppose more widely prescribed for GM are some of the big anti inflammatories - particularly prednisone or methotrexate I did take Naproxen for some time, (months at a pretty high dose - it really attacks your stomach lining though so I went off), which I guess is a step up from advil, and is a non steroidal anti inflammatory (NSAID), can't say if it helped with the inflamma
Avatar n tn Earlier I Was In Extreme Pain Due To A Tooth Ache I Took Advil Because I Tried Tylenol Earlier In The Day && It Did Nothing Could Me Taking Advil Hurt My Baby I'm 28 Weeks Already!
Avatar f tn Danie i agree with you!! I don't like Tylenol. It doesn't work for me at all. Advil does the job.
Avatar m tn I was just wondering what you y'all do for the legitimate pain after detoxing off opiates. I have spinal stenosis and a couple of degenerative disk. I know the pain is magnified right now, but I'm not getting enough relief in between. This is what caused me to relapse the last time. I'm taking the maximum daily dose of Advil a day with hot showers and a heating pad. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
7510956 tn?1411671417 I was told by my Doctor to take Tylenol (no more than 2000 mg per day) instead of Advil while on treatment for headaches since advil damages the kidneys. I have always heard to avoid Tylenol since its bad for the liver or have things changed?.
203342 tn?1328737207 It's still there even though I've taken Advil. It's mostly in my eyes and forehead area. I'm wondering if dehydration or certain food can trigger it? I'm just trying to figure out why I get these. When I do, they usually last all day no matter how much pain medication I take. What would cause the trigeminal nerve to be aggravated?
Avatar f tn Take Tylenol..if it's extra strength only take one...
602261 tn?1252583158 I took quite a few advil a day while treating for 24 weeks. Every single day I woke up I took 2 advil with my morning coffee. Then I took them as needed for the rest of the day. If you are referring to Opiates, I took Vicodin for a while because of the severe pain my throat infections were causing. Most people don't need the Opiates but I did for a while. I was a Geno 3a and I am waiting on pins and needles for my 26 week post treatment Viral load to come back.
Avatar f tn Cut back on caffeine. It helps a lot. Coffee, tea, Cola, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew all have a lot.
6323845 tn?1381188828 U can also take advil up to 28weeks....
Avatar n tn Hi! I cannot believe that someone has the same thing for the same time than I do! I have had a headache since 2 Thursdays ago (today 2 weeks). I take Excedrin Migraine but sometimes it doesn't even ease the pain. I also have Celiac Disease and about once a month, something like a mild vertigo attack. I saw a Neurologist this past Monday and got an MRI and MRA done yesterday.
Avatar f tn I am only 15 years old and have been experiencing what doctors diagnosed as migranes. I usually get bad headaches during my menstrual and advil takes it away, but it hasn't even after the period ended.I went to rhe ER sunday. They did bloodwork which came back with everything okay and a CT which said everything was normal. All they did was hook me up to an iv gave me meds and then sent me home. I barely sleep because of the pain.
Avatar f tn I've struggled with migraines my whole life& now they are worse! Dark quiet rooms with a cold cloth! My doctor said to drink some caffeine also too! Like a coke or couple cups of coffee, but try water first to make sure yer not dehydrated!
726325 tn?1233349582 I have been taking tylenol pm or advil pm or some other form of sleep aid for the past four years, last september I couldn't sleep for more than 3 or 4 hours max even after taking prosac which my doctor prescribed. first my doctor thought I might have depression so he put me on depression medictaion and that didn't work either, then he put me on ambien but no results. Finally i tried some over the counter melatonin for a couple of days and that helped me sleep for about six hours.
Avatar f tn Helloi Peekawho, I live in Alberta Canada. The medication you're referring to is commonly called Tylenol 1 here, or a generic Tylenol 1 is also available. My understanding of the dose is that it's about 1/3 the strength of Tylenol 3. It can be bought over the counter here in Alberta, although ALL pharmacies do keep track of who buys it, what quantity & how often, and share the information with each other. In BC & the Yukon it's sold OTC with no records kept.
Avatar m tn Take Advil it helps with the aches. The thing is your body is so used to the pain killers that minor aches and pains that wouldn't have bothered you before feel like you were hit by a Mack Truck. Hang in there, things will get better, I promise. It just takes time. Energy will stay low for awhile like mary said. I am prone to extreme restlessness but I find that a small cup of coffee help increase my energy without making me feel like I am going to jump out of my skin.
1742269 tn?1315381633 Can anyone tell me what the difference is between Advil or Ibprofen compared to the Advil Migraine? From what ive seen, its basically the same thing, except the label says Migraine.
Avatar f tn I recently took advil today and yesterday thinking it was Tylenol. I just realised it was advil. I read a bunch online after finding out. They said small does are okay and as long as its before 32 weeks. Has anyone else had this happen or have any information they can help me with? I'm freaked out something is going to happen to my baby.
4528412 tn?1357069833 I just bought a packet that comes with two pills since the stores around me didn't have Benadryl . Is it okay for me to take one or two of the pills to help me sleep ? ( plus I have bad back pain so it's like killing two birds with one stone ) I just wana take it this one time because I haven't slept well for a few weeks now and can't function throughout the day because I'm so tired .
Avatar f tn I'm 25 weeks tomorrow and for me during that time my head was driving me crazy everday. my ob allowed me to have a cup of coffee which one 12 oz cup won't hurt anything. Apparently my abrupt caffeine stoppage was causing me to go thru withdrawal. Lol when I start to feel a headache coming I have my one cup and it goes away. If I wait to long I have to take Tylenol and lay down but that helped me tremendously early on.
Avatar m tn been in your same spot and I fixed it by taking vitamins and two advil just like I did on the norcos so when I wake up I shower get my coffee toss a few vitamins and the two advil then just like before at lunch the same thing and when I get home two vitamins and a beer ( or soda ) or ? but that works for me best wishes.
Avatar m tn I went to the doctor and they told me it was migraines and to try drinking a cup of coffee and take some advil...the coffee helped a lot but didn't get rid of the ringing, or the sickening feeling i had in my gut. I was verys stressed as well...about 2 or 3 weeks after the stress was gone all my health problems cleared up on their own....