Adhd symptoms your child's behavior

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Avatar m tn As i was reading in one article about child discipline, it was mentioned that many times, child behaves strange and we instead of understanding the reason behind it, scold them, which can lead to adverse effects on your child's behavior. So what do you think about this and how can we tackle such situation. Please share your suggestions.
Avatar f tn I'd like to remind you that ADHD is the most common intitial diagnosis for any recalcitrant behavior. That doesn't mean that is wrong, just that it may not explain all of a child's symptoms. My boys were diagnosed ADHD and then, a few years later, OCD was tacked on to one and ODD to the other. Do the "silent seizures" have any effects on your grandson's brain? What medications has he already tried?
Avatar f tn I have a son who is four years old and suffers from PTSD, ADHD, ODD, and severe anxiety. We have a therspist who comes in 3 times a week. He has been taking 40-50 mg of melatonin at night to sleep and that has quit working. I'm afraid to give him more than that. Also, I have been rreading about other medications. Would Vistiril help to relieve some of his behavior problems. Are there other medications that would work better?
973741 tn?1342342773 Thanks for your input, Sandman. You also answered me 5 years ago, and I read up on some of the things you recommended at the time. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD (he scored 89% on that test) and, because they couldn't really pinpoint his situation, said he's on the autism spectrum with a very high IQ I might add. So yes, he's seen psychiatrists, psychologists, went to classes for social skills in school, went to OT for his low tone and has an IEP.
Avatar n tn For preschool-aged children, evidence-based behavioral therapy alone is recommended as the first step toward treating ADHD symptoms and associated impairment. Behavioral treatments may include behavioral parent training, classroom management, and/or peer interventions.
Avatar f tn t explode which I do not agree with. We have tried spanking when the bad behavior starts but she just looks at you like your an idiot and returns to what she was doing timeouts do nothing going to bed early when everyone else is up watching tv doesn't phase her at all. She was diagnosed with ADHD about 2 years ago we have had alot of problems with the medication affecting her stomach and it just making her so lethargic.
Avatar f tn What do you do to help him with the symptoms of his adhd? What do you know about the disorder? Kids with adhd are not like every other kid and require different things to help them in the school situation and elsewise. He also may have learning disabilities which go hand and hand with adhd. I think some investigation as to why he is behind is in order and then some action to help him over come that situation. My own son has sensory integration disorder (which looks a lot like adhd).
Avatar f tn 1. Have a discussion with your kids regarding good touch/bad touch. Ask them whether they were ever touched. Also, stress the importance of respecting boundaries. 2. Set limits. Make sure that this behavior doesn't go undisciplined. If this behavior reoccurs, it would be a good idea to have both kids evaluated by a mental health professional to rule out possible child sexual abuse.
327385 tn?1378360731 Sounds like your talking about my daughter, and she has ADHD. They started her off on Adderal XR, but she is now on Vyvance (sp). She did and does all the things you have listed, including the stealing and not knowing why. Your best bet is to try and find a peds doctor that specializes in ADD/ADHD. If she is found to have ADHD, so of the things she does might not go away, like the stealing.
Avatar f tn Wow! That's a lot going on at once. As a Dad with a new baby in the house (now 5 months old), I can tell you it is probably going to get worse when you bring your new baby home. But it might not be worse the way you imagine it. My daughter has regressed quite a bit - just wanting more attention, wanting to be held, fed, and more. There was also a brief time when she got very "energetic" because she was competing for attention.
Avatar f tn You have received good information and some contradictory recommendations. the medication your daughter is taking is a stimulant and a stimulant can increase anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms are the child's way of trying to cope with the added load of anxiety. I suggest that you try to see a child psychiatrist to help you sort out the best course of action.
Avatar n tn at the age of 12 that should be something that at this point would be a everyday routine, including making friends and being able to focus on school work and meds could possibly give your child relief from the nasty symptoms and effects of ADHD.
Avatar f tn I would think the symptoms would be more like ADHD not ADD, but I agree - I kinda doubt that many doctors would check into the diet. But that may just be a stereotypical view I have.
Avatar f tn They can assess a person/child against a list of symptoms that are collectively named ADD/ADHD - for lack of much better understanding. When they test for the flu, they can list the symptoms and check them off (temp, ache, cough, etc), but they can also TEST for a virus and yes/no its there. But in medicine those symptoms alone can mean many things. Same for attention and hyperactivity. 2.
973741 tn?1342342773 Changing a learned behavior is not easy. But what has been learned can be changed. It takes consistent, positive, reinforcement. Also realizing that a behavioral change will not happen overnight is important. The quick punishment or reward seldom works. It can take 3 or more weeks of consistent, positive reinforcement. And, of course, it also depends on the age of the person - since the older they are, the more control they have.
Avatar f tn He always gets in trouble for talking and being to loud in the classroom. My husband and I have noticed his behavior and we have been seeing a dr regarding this. We are at the point he is now getting behavior reports all the time and now his teacher has called me today for a meeting with us and her. I am so terribly worried about putting my 5 year old on medication. I am scared this will hurt his brain development.
Avatar m tn Before disciplining your son for this behavior, you might first need to consult with your son's pediatrician. Maybe your son cannot control his bowels. I seriously doubt that this has anything to do with ADHD or impulsive behavior. It is very possible that your son has a medical problem that needs to be addressed.
Avatar m tn Understand that technically, everyone has ADHD to some extent. Just because you sometimes display ADHD behavior doesn't mean you have it. But yes, #1 shows inattentiveness. And #2 shows impatience/impulsiveness. Both are ADHD characteristics.
Avatar n tn Hi, I'm a teacher and the parent of an ADHD child. I understand this issue from both sides. I have had many students with ADD/ADHD (both with and without meds) and this is what I've learned....I don't do your child any favors by not addressing behavior problems and neither do you. A kindergarten student at this point in the school year shouldn't be running around the room, yelling at adults or threatening to punch adults. The question to ask is why is it happening?
927672 tn?1244149647 The other thing that I would consider is ODD called Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I am not a Doctor, so this is just information that I have found. Please have your child seek medical/psychiatric advise from a professional. openly uncooperative and hostile behavior becomes a serious concern when it is so frequent and consistent that it stands out when compared with other children of the same age and developmental level and when it affects the child's social, family, and academic life.
Avatar m tn The arm flapping is a self-stimulating behavior. Talk to your child's behavioral health specialist about that. Sometimes it takes a while to get the right dose of the right med. Unfortunately, the unique chemistry of each individual and their response to a med that is designed to balance chemistry can make medical treatment a bit of a crap shoot. He may need more medication or if he is at the max amount and the desired response is not achieved, another med might be indicated. Hang in there.
Avatar f tn Well,they do have many of the symptoms of ADHD. And the fact that this is happening at school as well as at home is an important part of the symptoms. You are a good mother to try and find out what is causing this behavior - and if they do have ADHD that would explain why your discipline methods have not worked. The following is a good site with info on the symptoms (and lots of other things) on ADHD. Check it out - http://www.help4adhd.
1455599 tn?1285507900 I know this may sound strange but... Does your son still have his tonsils and adenoids? Many parents of ADHD kids have found that by having their child's tonsils and adenoids removed, their child's ADHD symptoms decreased significantly. Some of them, when tested a year after surgery, were no longer considered to have ADHD. I have a 3 1/2 year old who was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD in June of last year.
Avatar f tn And, sure, you can drug her up and make the teachers happy. But your first duty is to your daughter, not the school, or anyone in it. Make sure your daughter gets enough sleep and stays away from a sugary diet. Sleep and diet can cause a child's behavior to mimic ADHD.
Avatar n tn Your son may well display ADHD, but it is important to arrange a thorough evaluation and not rush too quickly to the diagnosis. The on-line surveys can be useful tools to see if a person might display symptoms typical of ADHD, but a thorough assessment will consider a child's medical history, family history, current functioning at home and in school, possible alternative explanations for the symptoms identified on the surveys, etc.
Avatar n tn I have problem with my son's behavior . he doesn't have ADHD or anything like that he just doesn't listen . I have tried to talk with him in nice way , spank him I have tried everything and nothing works with him. he does listen for day or two and back to old habits . please give me some advice .