Add vs adhd

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Avatar f tn I have a 13yr who has ADD and CAPD. He is falling way behind in school and now doesn't even want to go. His grades are awful and honestly I don't think he cares. He refuses medicine. Which his doctor said he is old enough to make that decision. I was considering homeschooling him, but not sure if he would even try. Anyone with any advice would help.
Avatar f tn Kennedy - I thought that supplements such as Omegas, Vitamin B complex, magnesium and zinc have shown to help ADD/ADHD. I agree that, these supplements will not eliminate the symptoms. I think that research ahs shown that these supplements help to reduce the symptoms and also reduce the amount of medicine needed, assuming the parent decides to use medication. I would appreciate your comments.
Avatar n tn I would love to know what website to go find info on a link between ADD/Lying. There is info on ADHD vs. lying, and your point is well taken as to self-preservation skills. My daughter has no hyperactivity at all. In fact, she likes to fly "under the radar" so to speak.
Avatar f tn Hope these help!
Avatar n tn Weird, never heard that one before - and I have been on this site for 4 years. I think that a lot of the adults with ADD would be real surprised if it were true. As long as you have a prescription you are fine.
327385 tn?1378360731 my 9yr old daughter has some problems i think she has add/adhd. she was seen by an add/adhd spealist last year. the doctor tinks she has it but wanted her teacher to fill out the forms. her teacher was complaining alot about her behavior.she has trouble listening-finishing tasks-wanting to lay in floor-alot of talking. but when i asked her teacher to help with the forms she tells me she doesent have those problems?
Avatar f tn If he is formally diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the first medication that the doctor tries is a stimulant such as Ritalin or Metadate (assuming no medical reasons to avoid the stimulant such as heart disease). Did your daughter try one of the stimulants? Stratera is not a stimulant. It usually is given to ADD children that tried the stimulant route, but the stimulant did not work. Tenex is not a stimulant either.
1453183 tn?1287849019 t because no long term studies have been done on children (with or without ADD / ADHD). All of the individuals who I know who were diagnosed with ADD / ADHD as children and did not take stimulants are all fine now. Everyone I know who was diagnosed and put on stimulants has mental health problems. Yes, they could be comorbid disorders that would have showed up anyway.
Avatar m tn You slip up once and take that extra pill it can pull you in... Just remember that.Adderall and other kinds of add/adhd drugs are suppossed to be used as a tool. Dont make the mistake I did and abuse it...
Avatar n tn I have heard a lot about ADD/ADHD patients having tonsils and adenoids removed and being basically cured. My three year old was diagnosed with ADHD at two years old. We had him seen by an ENT a few months ago. His tonsils and adenoids were removed in May. He is doing much, much better in the ADHD area.
Avatar n tn Yes, it does depend on what kind of a doctor made the decision he didn't have ADHD or ADD.. If it was just a pediatrician, I would seek out a pediatric psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in ADD/ADHD just to rule that out. He certainly exhibits some of the signs of ADD. Have the teacher take a look at his math test. Did he miss simple problems at the end of the test? Were his mistakes just careless mistakes? Was he missing the whole concept? He is young for his age group.
Avatar f tn You certainly could of had ADHD (or ADD) as a child, but because you were a girl and intelligent (and maybe because your mom also had the same problem and never dealt with it), it never got diagnosed. Now its catching up with you. It happens. Read the posts by CR-ST-NA AND 1CENTWIZ and you will understand more. ADHD does go hand in hand with depression. Some of our adult posters have been able to deal with their ADHD and their depression got a lot better.
1367899 tn?1278121440 My sister and I started a blog on Adderall to learn more about the medication along with alternative and complementary ADHD treatment options. Any feedback from users of Adderall or Adderall XR would be greatly appreciated. Topics to be added this week on How is Adderall XR different from Adderall? [Adderall vs. Adderall XR] What is Adderall? How to Make Adderall: [Adderall Background Information] What are the best Adderall and ADHD books?
Avatar n tn ll check the links you gave. When i was a kid ADD or ADHD was generally rarely heard of where I lived (in the sense that it wasn't diagnosed, although it obviously existed), be it in girls or in boys (actually I suspect my father of having it too, but obviously when he was a kid it was completely unknown).
Avatar n tn The site I am going to give you a link to has some very good information on ADD (and adhd). Check it out and if you have any questions please get back to us. Best wishes. The site is -
342425 tn?1241379464 A kid that age on sugar will be diagnosed with add/adhd 99.9% of the time. For an adult to be diagnosed, they should at least take that 700someodd question psych test. I spent 2 weeks in hospitals just to find out I had adhd, but I paid 10k out-of-pocket just to find out because I knew I had some kind of "anxiety" problem.
Avatar f tn I can cope relatively well and I realize that ADD/ADHD presents itself differently in males and females. It has never caused huge issues so I have never seen the point of paying for an appointment to tell me things I already know especially since I doubt I would be medicated if I were diagnosed. I am just curious as to whether or not this could be considered ADD.
Avatar n tn My son had speech delays as well as developmental delays. He was adopted, and has ADHD. Part of the speech problem was he talked around his thumb. I noticed he and his brother who is ADD mispronounced many words. I wasn't sure if this was ADD or neglect. I can see why ADD/ADHD can effect speech, because these children don't pay full attention to how things are said in order to copy them correctly. My son is now 11, and speaking fine.