Aciphex and gallbladder

Common Questions and Answers about Aciphex and gallbladder


Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with GERD and take Aciphex twice a day. If I don't take it for a few days the pain in my right side just under my ribs comes back. At first my doctor suspected my problem was my gall bladder and I had an ultra sound done on it and I had an endoscopy done. The results of both tests didn't show any problems. I have migraines at least once a week and take Nortriptyline and depacote to keep the migraines to occurring only once a week.
Avatar m tn ve had multiple blood tests, stool tests, an upper GI, endoscopy exam, and an ultrasound of my gallbladder and kidneys. At first they thought it was acid reflux as it showed up on the edoscopy exam. They put me on aciphex, and i saw a brief change but nothing to really fret over. about 6 months later it just randomly stopped, so i stopped taking my medicine. About 7-8 weeks after that it sprung up again...randomly...this time it was worse than before.
Avatar f tn The heartburn got frequent and severe enough to seek medical attention . They put me on aciphex and did a gastoscopy , finding just an irritated stomach lining . Ever since then I have had nothing but tons of epigastric pain and into my back . They switched me to protonix 40mg twice a day but I have minimal relief . Also had my gallbladder removed about 4 yrs ago . Any ideas ? Please Help !!!
Avatar m tn Had an endoscopy - showed gerd, slight irritation of esophagus, small hiatal hernia and stomach blisters and nodules which were removed and benign. Gastro changed me to aciphex once a day and reglan at night. This was 4 days ago....eating a little better but still have some bouts with nausea....will it take time for the new meds to work? Or could something else be going on to cause this....*by the wayk, i also had an ultra sound of abdominal area - all normal.
Avatar m tn I was recently diagnosed with a lazy gallbladder. My doctor's suggested taking it out, although I don't (yet) have stones. (Gallbladder issues run in my family.) I was also diagnosed with GERD and LPRD. I've been treating it with PPI's and while most of the heartburn and stomach pain is gone, the pain in the throat and the clicking have gotten worse.
Avatar m tn chest xrays (normal), ekg, cbc, liver and pancreas enzyme blood tests (all normal), upper gi series (showed some thickening of rugal folds), upper endoscopy with biopsy (mild gastritis and gerd, negative on celiac and h pylori), gallbladder ultrasound (normal), ct scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast (normal), and colonoscopy (normal). I am scheduled to have a hida scan with cck this week.
Avatar m tn My wife has started having some pretty intense (6 on a 10 scale) pains in her upper chest. Pain also radiates into her neck and chin. No pain when laying down, only when up and on the move. She's had all heart testing done with nothing showing, chest and cardia CT scans, with notheing. Went to gastroenterologist, got scoped, and found very little that would cause the pain. Test results for h-pilori still out, but she was treated for this previously.
Avatar m tn I connect a straight line between the taking of aciphex and the development of GERD. Is this a reasonable conclusion? or is there some other more likely explanation?
Avatar m tn s very little chance of recieving a persciption for the better medications ( I feel that the Nexium worked better than Prilosec, and that Aciphex worked better than both). the greasy, acidic, and overall bad for you foods must be cut out. these foods with irritate existing conditions and/or create new ones if it's GERD or gastritis. good luck, and i hope everything gets better for you soon.
Avatar f tn well I am going to see my GI doc monday.. I have GERD and was taking AcipHex but had to stop when I found out I was pregnant.. so I am hoping it is just severe GERD related to that.. however, my lower back (flank, both sides) )is hurting more this morning, where the kidneys are.??? I am just wondering if the 2 can be related.. took pepto bismol last night and that seemed to help the stomach pain a little, but not completely... thanks for input!
Avatar f tn pylori bacteria in the digestive tract. The irony is, if you have ulcers and take Aciphex alone, the Aciphex could make the symptoms worse. Clearly something changed after taking the antibiotics, and now your ally in heartburn control has become your enemy. It might be worth getting back to your physician on this one, since antibiotics can often be a "swinging door", killing some bacteria while making it easier for other bacteria to get through that otherwise wouldn't have.
Avatar m tn chest xrays (normal), ekg, cbc, liver and pancreas enzyme blood tests (all normal), upper gi series (showed some thickening of rugal folds), upper endoscopy with biopsy (mild gastritis and gerd, negative on celiac and h pylori), gallbladder ultrasound (normal), ct scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast (normal), and colonoscopy (normal). I am scheduled to have a hida scan with cck this week.
Avatar n tn A HIDA scan is when they inject you with a radioactive dye and study the function of the gallbladder.
Avatar n tn Went to my Dr and he put me on xanex,then paxil( which thankfully I got off and got thru the side effects. Now on zoloft and aciphex for Gerd. It has helped alot (the aciphex) but I still get those pains and when I do it just sends me over the edge. Dr says my lungs are clear.
Avatar f tn my husband (76) had his gallbladder removed. He went to ER thinking he was having a heart attack. An ultrasound revealed the gallbladder/with "lots of stones" was the problem and it was removed. The next day in hospital, he is very sedated, and the doctor wants an MRI done of his abdomen. I assume the doctor wants to make sure there are no stray stones in the bile ducts or in the abdomen? If there are, what will have to be done next?
397538 tn?1280799850 I have been vomiting on and off for 6 months. For a while, It was happening daily. I saw a GI doctor who did an Endoscopy and didn't see anything. He put me on Aciphex, which helped, but I still vomit and or gag atleast 1x a week. I am not pregnant. I do have type II diabetes and PCOS. Anyone else sturggling with this kind of situation?
2080183 tn?1362802073 So the past two months I have been vomiting. Can't keep food or liquids down for longer then five minutes. Been very dehydrated but force myself to drink even though I know I will throw it all back up. I was at the ER and they thought I had kidney stones or a kidney infection but all tests came back negative. I don't have a gallbladder so it's not thy either. I've had a endoscopy done and came to find severe esophogitis mild gastritis and a mild hyanial hernia.
Avatar f tn My mother in law kept telling me to tell the DR about my pain, but it was intermittant and it was a deep gut ache so I took aciphex and blamed it GERD. I finally couldn't stand it and I tried to blame it on my breast implant and after that test she got down to business and asked me did I think it was something else, like gallstones. I told her she was not right but I went for an ultra sound anyway and my gallbladder didn't even show up on the ultrasound and I thought I was home free.
Avatar n tn I had my gallbladder out 1028/08 and have had a burning sensation in my stomach and chest/back throat ever since. It moves around, sometimes only in stomach, etc. Had ERCP at same time as surgery for stone stuck in common duct. Dr. did ANOTHER ERCP last week - he was sure there was another partial blockage. There was nothing! Now burning pain is worse than ever - I've been on Prilosec, Prevacid, Zegerid, reglan, sucralfate, etc. either got no relief or got worse. Dr.
Avatar f tn had my gallbladder out 7 weeks ago. felt fine the first two weeks and ate everything i wanted. then problems started and dctr said it was acid reflux. put me on priolosac and gained 4 lbs. the first week (on a low fat diet and eating nothing practically) Then tried without it on apple vinegar pills and beano before meals. had some relief but not all the time. monday he put me on aciphex and i had severe headaches and sweating, but it cleared up acid reflux right away.
Avatar f tn My husband was originally on Aciphex, but placed on Nexium after our insurance stopped covering aciphex and he was miserable. Aciphex has always worked so much better for him. Finally, after a year of misery he's back on aciphex and so much happier. I hope it works as well for you.
Avatar n tn I've recently been diagnosed with Fructose intollerance. Of course I am in denial and shock at the same time. My gastroenterologists' nurse called to give me the results and in the same conversation said she would send me info. and told me to talk to a diatician if I have questions and sent me on my way. Here's the thing....I started having 'symptoms' of bloating and constant burping about 3-4 months ago.
Avatar f tn in Arizona Aciphex should be working. My wife has been taking Aciphex for 1yr and a half and it was not doing anything for her, if anything her condition was getting worse. So thats when we went to the hospital and they ran all the exams on my wife, and we are back to square one once again where no one can tell us what's wrong.
Avatar n tn I had the same problem with nausea for 4 months my Hida Scan showed 40% and they thought my gallbladder was the problem and I had it removed on 1-10-08 2 days later I had all the same symptoms I had before and I am still having them. I get very nauseaous and have dry heaves for 36-48 hours and I have been on all kinds of medication and have seen a number of doctors and I still have my symptoms. If I had it to do all over again I would not have it out. I hope you feel better soon.
Avatar m tn chest xrays (normal), ekg, cbc, liver and pancreas enzyme blood tests (all normal), upper gi series (showed some thickening of rugal folds), upper endoscopy with biopsy (mild gastritis and gerd, negative on celiac and h pylori), gallbladder ultrasound (normal), ct scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast (normal), colonoscopy (normal) and hida scan with cck (normal). I do have health anxietys and am currently in therapy and taking vybrid for anxiety.
Avatar f tn have found out that I have Gastritis, which I am currently taking Aciphex for treatment. Seems The Aciphex has helped w/ the heartburn and related symtoms. Except this RIB Pain is Constant and have had 2 horrible attacks where I thought my Ribcage on R/side was going to crack. I Lay on the heating pad for about 45 minutes and it subsides or until I can get in a comfortable position. But yet I still experience sharp stabbing pains and sometimes I feel a fluttering right below the ribcage.
Avatar f tn The gastro specialist has had her on Aciphex, phenergan, Loritabs and Torodals nothing helps. She is scheduled to have a Gastric emptying scan soon and an appointment with a OB/GYN. I just would really like and answers or suggestions on what i should do next.
Avatar m tn Hi, I'm a 19 year old college freshman. Just a month ago I was diagnosed with Biliary Dyskinesia. It was a long and painful journey to say the least. It began as small stomach pains in late October of last year. The pain continued to get worse and in more frequent episodes. Eventually, just after thanksgiving break and a week before my finals, I had an attack so bad I had to be taken to the emergency room by my friends.
Avatar n tn I have actually been on some form of reflux med for a bit longer than 5yrs and started with Prilosec OTC, then prescription Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, and briefly Prevacid. These days I tend to take whatever I have in my medicine cabinet (Aciphex or Prevacid) twice a day, max dosage, and occasionally a tagamet to help out. I have a hiatial hernia that is going to be fixed soon so I am hoping to get off the meds and that the side effects will eventually go away...I hope.