Abs exercises to eliminate gas

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Avatar m tn Then, as you feel they are getting less sore and better conditioned for that type of workout, you should add a few more sets to each session or throw in new exercises, like hanging knee raises. I take the 2-3 times per week approach (when I started training my abs, I began with 1 session a week and worked my way up). I think this is much better because you are still training the muscle often enough to get great results, but you're not over-training the muscle.
Avatar m tn I can't help you greatly, but maybe a little...? Are you doing "different" ab exercises? "Abs" aren't just 1 set of muscles (your abs are actually a group of 6 muscles)...so you shouldn't just work them 1 way. It is very good that you are resting at least a day between ab workouts - ALTHOUGH some experts say that abs are the only muscle group that can be worked every day. The rectus abdominis muscle is the one responsible for the "6-pack".
Avatar f tn Instead of just working the upper abs, do exercises that do the whole core in order to promote equal dimensions . Some exercises include leg raises, jacknifes, Swiss ball side crunches, side bends, Swiss ball crunches and hanging leg raises. The Swiss ball will use more ab muscles. Do each one of the exercises consecutively for 15 to 20 reps with no rest in between. Then take a 60-second break and do them all again. Repeat the whole circuit four to six times.
Avatar f tn Resistance training burns fat while you do it, but it also elevates your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours according to “The Abs Diet.” If you do full body workouts every other day, you can burn more belly fat all week long. Resistance exercise directly targets belly fat by triggering production of fat burning hormones. If you do a workout at night, take some protein before you go to bed to help with muscle recovery. It will not inhibit your fat burning and may actually improve it.
Avatar f tn If your stomach is not flat at that weight, you may need to add fiber to your diet. You must be constipated or be bloated with gas. Yoga can also help these issues. When you exercise, you must work your muscles and concentrate on holding your abs flat. If you push them out, you are teaching them to protrude.
Avatar f tn re going to get there is to work hard at training. Do you have access to a good personal trainer? Also remember that women have a harder time getting the definition men can get because of lower testosterone. When you see anyone, though, with those really tight abs they either work incessantly at it or they're taking steroids, especially the women. Strength isn't seen in big muscles, it's seen in the results of what you do and how well you move your body into your activity.
Avatar f tn http://www.fitnessmagazine.
Avatar m tn This is an old post, you might want to make a new one to get more help. However, your post is very confusing. We all know what gas feels like, and I'm sure you do, too. Nobody goes to the ER for gas. You say you had "discomfort," but to go to the ER it had to be a whole lot more than just that. It must have been a significant amount of pain to get you to do that.
Avatar f tn It’s one thing to have gas, another to not be able to pass it. I might get PRP injections in my t-spine because rotation and running also helps significantly. What tests have you done?
Avatar f tn Use the exercise ball to do crunches for your abs, planks for your core and shoulder bridge exercises to work your butt and hamstrings. If you don't want your office to be filled with exercise equipment or you can't invest the cash, do planks and pushups for your upper body, lunges and squats for your lower body, and crunches such as the bicycle crunch and reverse crunch for your core.
Avatar f tn Repeat the motion on the right side. Work up to two to three sets of this movement. Aim to tone the abs at least two times a week. Leave a day in between muscles strengthening sessions to allow abdominal muscles to rest. The pelvic tilt is another exercise that strengthens the love handle area. Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent a little. Slowly lift your buttocks towards the ceiling, contracting the abdominal muscles. Hold the movement for 10 seconds and repeat.
Avatar n tn To tone muscles around thigh and the stomach regular low grade exercises that target the region are best recommended. Aside classic abs exercises, straight leg lifts and side leg lifts would also be beneficial. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar m tn Unfortunately, it's a bit too late to lose 35 pounds before June. Any type of exercise is good for you....... you could try walking, yoga, biking, swimming, dance, tennis...... anything is good. You have to watch your diet, as well as exercise. According to your profile, you're only 15, so at that age, your body is not fully developed. You have to be very careful losing weight or you could have trouble later in life.
Avatar f tn by rosemine77, 12 hours i am 23 years old and almost two months late for my period..in past i had problems with irregular period but it usually led to an early period..cutting it short, i never skipped a period. i had my last period on 28th april, and the next was due around 28 may along with that i am consistently gaining weight,having sore breasts, frequent pain around my belly button, constipation, bloating, gas issues.
Avatar n tn You can probably find a bunch on You Tube, but because so many people want a flatter tummy in our society ab exercises are everywhere. If you belong to a gym just watch people work out and see all the different ab exercises going on. They even have classes just for working the abs. But as for quick, for most people nothing happens quickly. It takes work and dietary changes and that takes time.
Avatar m tn Suggest he do some reading,researching or speak to a trainer (you could offer to pay for him to go to one session with a trainer to get a routine worked out that is safe and effective) - - - and then butt out. Kids do all sorts of weird things - he won't hurt himself as long as he is healthy. You can lead a horse to water....
Avatar f tn So...I need a list of exercises for abs (to lose some fat and accentuate the muscles, I expecially need to accentuate lateral abdominals); to lose the fat under my arms; for legs (expecially thighs, I need to lose fat AND muscular mass)...could you help me? Please specify the name of the exercises and the number of times and repetitions...thank you!
Avatar f tn Trial and error with your diet may help you avoid gas cramps when you exercise. You may need to reduce the amount of food you consume prior to working out and eliminate foods that cause gas on your workout days. Drink water every 15 minutes as you're working out, especially if you eat a high fiber diet. Dairy products also can add to gas pains, so avoid milk or yogurt prior to working out. Gas pains may need a little help. Peppermint tea is an effective treatment for gas cramps.
Avatar m tn ) About 30 minutes before going to the gym, take your protein supplement. (Think of it as filling the gas tank.) 30-45 minutes after the gym, take your supplement again. (Think of it as refueling.) As for your routine... don't be afraid to switch it up and do it often. I stayed on the same routine for 2 years. Got stronger than a horse but my mass building stopped. I then switched my lifting routine every 3 weeks...
Avatar f tn Any exercise helps in the long run (definitely for labor), just be careful to not over work yourself, take breaks and careful of the abs as you get farther along
Avatar f tn Maybe some Advil will help the discomfort. No personal experience with methadone but just make sure you're protecting your stomach if you're taking Advil regularly or at a prescription dose. Hope you're more comfortable soon.
Avatar n tn Hello sir, Sorry for my English, I have been diagnosed with "early hernia" at the left side of the triangle area below my belly button, it's not a "real hernia" (I think), I mean no organs went out yet, but looks like the area is so weak that the left side is a bit higher than right side (of the triangle), I'm a male, 27, used to do about 20-30 minutes of ab workouts 3 days/week for the last 4 or 5 months, maybe I did something wrong coz I can't remember I never
Avatar n tn s, quit smoking, eliminate alcohol and reduce stress levels. These measures need to be practiced long term for results. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn brice1967 is correct! but to add to this topic to get a 6 pack takes a lot of work and dedication. To create definition in their abdominals with consistent and appropriate training. Muscle-building techniques increase the size and definition of your abdominal muscles. However, the length of time it takes to get-six pack abs depends upon your gender, how consistently you train and whether or not you have an excess amount of body fat.
Avatar f tn I feel abs are made in the kitchen. What are you eating?